《Transmigration: Operation Don't be a Martyr!》Chapter 3.10: Fang Chunhua


As the Empress watched the departing back of the General, she recalled the past.

Yao Qianqian, her younger sister from a |×|concubine's mother, was able to capture General Fang Lei's heart.

Perhaps it was because her younger sister was always quiet, that's why Fang Lei noticed her. What she couldn't understand is why? Why would Fang Lei choose a concubine's child over her, the sole daughter of the legal wife?

Was it because Yao Qianqian was more gentle? But she was more beautiful than her! She received more education!

No matter what Yao Lijuan, the Empress did, General Fang never looked at her way. All his attention was on Yao Qianqian, his only woman and wife.

Her bitterness grew when she was betrothed to another man, the current Emperor. She wholeheartedly accepted the arrangement but swore vengeance on her own half-sister and her children.

Yao Lijuan made Yao Qianqian's children suffer. But the twins, Fang Chuntao and Fang Chuanli successfully crushed her plans. Two bright children protected their mother from the Empress schemes. That includes Fang Lei who became aware that his beloved was being targeted.

Unfortunately, Yao Qianqian died weeks after she gave birth to the youngest, Fang Chunhua. Since the Empress schemes never reached Yao Qianqian, she vented all her anger on Fang Chunhua, who resembled her mother's features.

Yao Lijuan is the one who suggested that Fang Chunhua will be married to his son, Wang Jianyi. Making Fang Chunhua as an Empress then make her suffer inside the Imperial Palace.

To Yao Lijuan, Tang Meixiang is a pawn that she needed to make Fang Chunhua's life harder.

In the original fate of Fang Chunhua, Tang Meixiang never became an Imperial Noble Consort nor a Concubine. She was tossed aside when the then |×|Empress Dowager, Yao Lijuan, learned that his son fell in love with Qiao Langfeng. The Empress Dowager doted on the Imperial Noble Consort Qiao Langfeng while disregarding Fang Chunhua and embarrassing her whenever she can.


Thus, Fang Chunhua lives full of embarrassment. Her pride and dignity were trampled inside the Imperial Palace. Still, the woman endured. For the sake of her one-sided love to the then Emperor, Wang Jianyi.

All of Fang Chunhua's misery was caused by the Empress in the present, Yao Lijuan. Fang Chunhua's death is also planned by the Empress. The only thing that the Empress didn't plan is killing her beloved as well, which was General Fang Lei.

When the then Empress Dowager tried to plead for General Fang Lei's life, she had been hated and eventually died by her son's own hand. After that, she realized that she had gone too far and wasn't able to control his son's rage to the Fang family. The result of brainwashing turned his son into a monster that killed her in the end.

But Blare and the body, Fang Chunhua, was unaware of the internal dispute between the Empress and Fang Chunhua's deceased mother, Yao Qianqian.

A great storm will disturb Fang Chunhua once she gets back at the Yang Empire.

Right now, the Empress showed a sinister glint in her eyes. Her sweet smile is not reaching her eyes.


Blare felt the light wind while strolling outside the |×|chrysanthemum garden.

Several couples were also in the garden. Holding hands between these couples seemed so natural like no one else was around but them.

Blare felt a tinge of envy. But it was definitely Fang Chunhua's feelings. Blare almost started questioning if she was the one who's jealous or the body she's residing in.

While truthfully, Blare actually does felt a little jealous. She admired the interactions of these sweet couples.

Zhao Kang, who's standing at her side, saw Blare's eyes with a hint of joy and envy. Once again, his heart beat loudly.


He wanted to hold her hand as well.

'What' Zhao Kang shook his head, trying to erase his previous thoughts. How dare he think that he can hold the young miss's hand?

"Kang'gege, let's sit over there and eat!" Blare locked her arms to his arm naturally. She was used on dragging him whenever.

This time, Zhao Kang let Blare drag him towards the table and sat beside each other. He looked at her carefree expression.

Her jade skin and jet black hair made Zhao Kang gape in admiration. His heart beat furiously while looking at her.

Blare felt his gaze and tilted her head, "What's wrong?" she asked as she opened the boxes that are packed with cuisines that she cooked. Because she's a noble, Blare had a hard time convincing their family chef to let her cook. Eventually, they gave up when General Fang ordered that Fang Chunhua must learn how to cook.

Zhao Kang never left his gaze on the woman. Feeling his gaze, Blare felt her cheeks heating up. Before she could look away, Zhao Kang spoke, "Young---... Hua'er... Why are your cheeks.. red?"

Zhao Kang couldn't help but ask. He knows that she's blushing, but why? He couldn't possibly be the reason? Zhao Kang can only guess at this point.

Blare become even redder, 'Argh!! This is so embarrassing!!'

"I... (sigh) it's because of you" Blare, with her head down and cheeks flushed, mumbled the last word.

They were only inches apart from each other. So Zhao Kang heard everything that she said. At this moment, this big man blushed and a smile escaped his lips.

Zhao Kang hid his smile with his hand and looked away, then returned his gaze at the woman beside him. He saw her ears reddened. She was looking down and eating slowly.

He chuckled at the sight. Blare looked up as she heard the man laugh. Her eyes lit up and her mouth gaped, it was the first time she saw the man laugh with pure delight.

Seeing his laugh, Blare's heart beat loudly. Her lips cannot stop smiling. She used her free hand to cover her smiling mouth.

The two looked at each other's eyes, both covering their smiles. But their hearts beat the same rhythm.

"Hmmm~ what is this~" Li Rouhan teased as she arrived with Guang Fan Ai, Ou Liwei and Ji Dongxin.

Zhao Kang and Blare broke their gaze. Zhao Kang focused on the scenery while Blare turned her attention to the food that she was eating.

Li Rouhan and Guang Fan Ai giggled at the sight. Blare thought that these two are almost like her friends back in her world who like to cheer and tease her. Her own fangirls in the ancient era.

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