《Transmigration: Operation Don't be a Martyr!》Chapter 3.2: Fang Chunhua


After hearing the whole imperial decree through Fang Chunhua and seeing her being so delighted. Wang Jianyi left without saying anything. He felt nothing on the newly found information.

While Blare stood up properly and stretched her body and neck when the man left.

All the while she can't stop smiling. Because this means that she does not need to marry! Blare figured that the Prince was in a daze because he doesn't believe her. 'But who cares? He'll confirm it in the end and will marry the other girl!' she thought as she started exercising.


Wang Jianyi had confirmed that the imperial decree truly stated that her engagement with Fang Chunhua will be void if one of them found another lover. It came from the very decree in front of him that the Emperor presented.

"Jianyi, why are you asking for that decree?" The Emperor questioned while looking at his daze son that's holding the decree.

"... I just wanted to confirm it father" He said as he stood up slowly and prepare to leave. Leaving the decree in the |×|eunuch's hands.

"Hm," the Emperor only nodded and didn't pry his son for answers. He wanted the man to decide on his life.

Before Wang Jianyi could leave, the Emperor suddenly asked, "How is your visit to the Fang Estate? Are you getting along with your betrothed?"

Wang Jianyi flinched in guilt. He goes there every time because of the Emperor's order. At this time, Wang Jianyi wanted to say that Fang Chunhua already has another lover and him as well.

But the words got stuck in his throat. Moreover, Fang Chunhua having a lover was not confirmed.

Wang Jianyi lied by telling the Emperor that he and Fang Chunhua were getting along.

This lie was noticed by the Emperor. He knows that his son always reprimanded Fang Chunhua. The Emperor was in no way a control freak towards his loyal subjects, that includes General Fang who supported him to get to the throne.


That is why he issued a decree that wouldn't complicate General Fang's daughter in case his own son do not treasure the woman. The Emperor sighed in dismay at his son's action towards Fang Chunhua.

He was sure that no wedding will be happening between the two.

Wang Jianyi maintained his cold demeanor as he walked towards his room in the palace.

He needed to think. Why was he anxious? Is it because of Fang Chunhua?

Wang Jianyi was used to Fang Chunhua's presence. They grew up after all. She would always accompany him whenever she can. But somehow, he remembered nothing good from the girl. So why did he hated Fang Chunhua to a great extent?

He then remembered when he, a 15-year-old met the 14-year-old Qiao Langfeng.

Qiao Langfeng was a beauty. The true epitome of a lady and a literal angel. Her gentle temperament and elegant demeanor quickly caught Wang Jianyi's attention.

Fang Chunhua may be beautiful, but a 10-year-old child haven't bloomed yet. So Wang Jianyi saw Qiao Langfeng as a woman. He was not sure if it's love but he was sure that he wants the beauty.

His hate grew because his father would force him to visit the woman every week. While Fang Chunhua would always bashfully look at him. He thought she was just another woman that wishes to climb his bed and achieve power.

Wang Jianyi was currently thinking, 'Why am I wavering?'

Indeed, as Wang Jianyi thought about Qiao Langfeng, he was starting to feel nothing. This feeling disturbs him so much that he decided to travel to the Yin Empire to see Qiao Langfeng.

It was no secret to the Emperor that he's pursuing Qiao Langfeng. The Emperor planned to announce that the engagement between his son and Fang Chunhua was no longer valid because his son has found his true love. He also planned to announce it once Wang Jianyi left the Yang Empire.


As much as he was displeased to see his son fancy another and not his betrothed, he does not want him to be judged harshly for not following the decree.

In turn, Fang Chunhua may be sneered at by the rich madams. But Blare doesn't care about it. While the Emperor can only wish for the best outcome.

The moment Wang Jianyi left the Yang Empire, the Emperor publicly announced that Fang Chunhua and Wang Jianyi are no longer engaged. As his son already fancy another.

Blare received some women's pity while the rich young ladies and madams ridiculed her fate.

Again, Blare doesn't give a single fuck. The same with the body. It seems like Fang Chunhua never really cared about the people who treated her with enmity.

In fact, she badly wanted to jump in joy when she heard that she and the Prince were no longer promised together. She even thanked the eunuch with a pleased smile.

This reaction reached the Emperor's ears. Needless to say, he was relieved that the woman held no ill intent towards the royal family after the announcement.

Her father, the General, was both pleased and displeased. Her daughter was being labeled as "ugly" because the prince chose another maiden. While he was happy that his daughter was no longer tied to the Crown Prince.

Being labeled as "ugly" made Blare laugh. The body she's residing in was nowhere near that word.

Blare even describe Fang Chunhua as the Goddess of the Night.

Fang Chunhua's alluring straight jet black hair and jade-like skin screams 'otherworldly!' The body's pouty pink lips, straight-edge nose and round eyes were a perfect combination.

Blare even admired Fang Chunhua's body. Her thin waist and plump breast and bum were the sexiest. She admired the woman's genes as well as hard work to reach such beauty.


The next day, Blare decided to tour the Yang Empire. The body wanted to explore so she chose to explore her homeland first.

This was approved by General Fang and it took Blare several excuses to go outside. Until his father gave in and assigned 3 guards and 2 maids to accompany her.

Upon arriving in the city, Blare leisurely explored every store that sells accessories, clothing, and even books.

But what caught Blare's attention was the Phoenix engraved in a silver hairpin.

"Wow.." Blare mouthed as she touched the hairpin.

"Young Miss, that is personally crafted by this lowly one." The old man said as he cupped his hands and lowered his back.

"You made this? How talented!" Blare praised,

The old man blushed in response as he never receives any praise for his handicrafts.

"How much mister?" Blare held the hairpin and touched the exquisite handicraft of the Phoenix.

"Only 1 silver |×|tael young miss," the old man said in delight.

"It's so cheap, hand made crafts should have been priced higher. The detail of this red Phoenix is so eye-catching" Blare said as she admired the details on the hairpin.

While Blare said it so nonchalantly, her servants, the people nearby, as well as the old man was shocked at her phrase.

The old man was a peasant. Needless to say, his store was not known because of his background. Naturally, high-class people would not even glance at his store, but this young miss did. Moreover, she even said that his handicraft was eye-catching!

The old man was shock and speechless.

"Lao" Blare called and her maid, Lao, stood by her side,

"Pay the artisan 1 gold tael," Blare said as she smiled gratefully to the old man and walk away with the Phoenix hairpin in her hand. Her servants and guards following her.

The man woke up from his daze and hastily thank the young miss.

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