《ADEPTAVERSE》24 - Empire of Darkness Arc: Metal Without Mercy


The three were led to a house on a quiet street, the windows themselves were boarded up with cardboard and much like the boards, the door itself was made out of rusty steel.

The three ran into the house, the figure which led them there closing it behind them, locking it with three locks swiftly. They turned around giving the three their first clear view of their savior. It was a blonde alter-elf woman with brown eyes who stood at around 5'10. They wore a dark blue trenchcoat which had a pump shotgun attached to the back of it via a sling. They stood in a wore down living room which has a door at the back of it next to a sofa.

"So you three must be the agents from Homstala. Only three men? I thought it would be more than that." She said in a curious tone, moving over swiftly to a boarded window and peeking through a crack in it.

Altara then spoke up. "No, we were actually four strong. But she...she's still in the prison, we think." He looked down upon the thought of Konstantine.

Hugo frowned at the alter-elf. "How do you know about us? You an Imperial? And we're no agents, we're from the Oligarchy of Magik."

"No no..I am apart of a small resistance group known as The Unchained Justice. I intercepted a radio signal about a yacht arriving on the eastern shore, I presume the transmission was to a member of the Kalamitus." She responded, itching her cheek as she faced the three.

"That would be Krow, the receiver of said transmission." Kry mumbled, adjusting his glasses before looking up at the alter-elf and talking to her directly. "But what is this about a resistance group?"

The alter-elf folded her arms. "Mhm. All of us are currently wanted by the Wolven Empire thanks to our deeds. We all have our reasons for retaliating against their ideals, that and we have a lot of balls..."

"How many of you are there?" Hugo asked as he leaned against the stained wall next to the entrance.


"Four including me, but...one of our members has been missing for a while now. We actually had many more but they've sadly all died due to our cause." She softly responded, before looking up at them with a smile. "You may call me Ergo. It's a pleasure."

"I presume you've boarded these windows up for a reason?" Hugo asked, moving to one of the windows and staring through a gap between two boards.

"Hey! Don't go near the window!" Ergo shouted at Hugo, but before he could respond an armored hand blasted through it, grabbing him by the collar of his parka and forcing him outside, breaking the boards to bits as Hugo flew out into the street. Altara saw this and yelled Hugo's name, sprinting out the window. Kry did the same as Ergo followed.

"Shit!" Ergo swore under her breath as she saw Hugo struggling to stand on the other side of the street, in front of him stood a man wearing a crimson attire, which was a longcoat, combat pants, boots, and an officer's visor cap. The cap had a black stripe across the front of it just above the visor. The man himself had a menacing face, his eyes were yellow. He had a wolven mark across his face and had a white mane which came down the back of his neck from under his cap.

"Red and black! HE'S AN IMPERIAL!" Ergo yelled and pointed at the officer as Kry pulled Hugo swiftly away from the man and towards the four. The officer looked at the four.

"Imperial Tome of Law Violation 29: Interfering with imperial military operations as a citizen is a violation of the law and must be punished with nothing short of eternal prison or death." The officer pointed, before speaking again.

"Let us proceed with the latter."

After declaring his objective his eyes shined gold, six hollow figures wearing heavy armor were summoned in front of him in a line, they had the same look to the knights which attacked Konstantine in the forest. All of which were wielding spears.


Hugo grimaced and got up. "Magik..."

Altara noticed the armored figures but took more notice to Hugo. "Hugo? Are you okay??" Altara asked with a voice of worry, quickly approaching him. Hugo planted a hand on Altara's shoulder, giving him a sharp grin.

"Stay sharp, focus on the man in front. It is thanks to people like him that we ended up here." He stood straight, looking ahead at the knights. The knights all extended their spears in front of them.

Kry and Ergo stood back, Kry talking to Hugo and Altara who were now in front. "We will provide cover from here, let us hope no civilians start to run out."

"Hey, Altara." Hugo extended his hand to Altara, who stood next to him. Altara looked up at Hugo as armor started to form around Hugo and himself.

The armor was made out of crystal much like the weapons they summoned, not being too light or heavy. They both had light blue shoulder capes, Hugo's being on the left and Altara's being on the right. Their helmets were rather stretched out and sharp, the visors being very thin in order to avoid as much damage as possible. Hugo's parka's hood was over his helmet.

Altara then looked at Hugo, who summoned a crystal tomahawk, passing it to Altara. He then summoned his battleaxe not long after and grinned under his helmet.

"Let's go, Alt."

Altara and Hugo charged at the knights after Kry used his gravity to push the knights which made them simply flinch. Altara stood on one of the stunned knight's spears and decapitated them with the tomahawk, the knight simply faded away in black smoke. Altara quickly moved to the side in order to dodge a thrust attack from another knight and quickly swiped his tomahawk across the knight's wrist, causing it to drop its spear. He quickly took the knights spear with a spin and thrust it into the knight's torso, causing it to fade away. "Two..." He mumbled.

"ALT! DUCK!" As soon as Altara heard Hugo's voice he dropped to the floor, seeing Hugo come around with a spin and knocking two other knight's heads off with his battleaxe. Hugo ran over to Altara and helped him up. "Four..." Hugo said as he glared through his visor at the other two knights, before glancing over at Ergo and Kry, nodding.

Kry switched gravity around the knights causing them to float in the air a few meters off the ground, Ergo aimed her shotgun at them and fired at them both twice. Kry then slammed them down into the concrete, causing them to vanish.

The officer still toted a serious look which quickly turned into a grimace as a sniper shot rang out. He swiftly summoned half a knights body and used it as a shield, looking in the general direction of the shot, seeing a figure on a roof down the street.

"I am not a fool like Krow. I will counter his mistakes." He looked at the four. "I guess I will have to take care of him first...."

The officer started to run straight at the sniper, using the same half body as a shield against it.

Hugo desummoned the armor around him and Altara. "Alt! You must go after him! You're the fastest here after all. I'll catch up!"

Altara gulped slightly but nodded. "Got it. Mind if I keep the tomahawk?"

Hugo chuckled. "Go."

Kry turned to Ergo. "That sniper friendly?"

Ergo looked at Kry, nodding. "No need to worry."

Altara started to run, Kry looked over at him and switched gravity under him so he could start running across the rooftops. Altara tripped slightly after landing but kept running. The officer looked up at him, his eyes still glowing gold.

Altara focused on running for a moment before a brief flash of Kript and Frit's dead body came before his eyes, he then looked down at the officer.

"A man like him...will he have family or friends?..will you be grieved?"

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