《ADEPTAVERSE》19 - Empire of Darkness Arc: Crystal Wood


It was the next afternoon, the group had woken up quite late thanks to the gas.

"So you're telling me someone tried to kill us in our sleep?"

Hugo asked as the group walked through the moody plains. They all had backpacks on which came with the tents, inside were various essentials. Altara jumped over a muddy puddle and looked up at Kry as Kry responded to Hugo.

"Yes. I believe that they were an agent or assassin working for the Wolven Empire. They wore a mask that resembled a crow and could turn invisible, powerful magik for sure."

"Hm." Hugo looked at Konstantine who was trailing behind the rest of the group. "Konstantine! You okay back there?!"

Konstantine was looking over her shoulder as she walked, looking at Hugo as he spoke. "Yeah. Just looking out."

"Huh?! I can't hear you!" Hugo yelled back, itching his cheek as he walked backwards to face her.

"Doesn't matter..." Konstantine said with a sigh as she quickly caught up to the group. "You never know the guy might still be around here."

"Not after I fought him yesterday. He couldn't even touch me thanks to my gravity magik, apart from the summoned knife he threw, of course." Kry said as he looked down at the bandage around his bare chest before looking ahead of them, he saw a treeline. "There seems to be a forest coming up."

Altara walked next to Kry. "Gravity magik? Isn't that what you used to levitate us up the cliff on the beach?"

Kry looked at Altara and nodded. "That is right!" He smiled at him. "I can drag items to me, push them away, drag them and, as you saw on the beach, switch gravity. I can use it anywhere as long as there is gravity on the planet I'm on."


"Wow, that must be really helpful...wait, have you ever been to any other planets?" Altara asked as his eyes widened.

"I have not. But I have been to space, the orbit of Adepta to be precise, to study an unrecognized rock found in orbit. That rock was from another planet in Adepta's system." Kry looked at a crow land in front of them with a piece of flesh hanging out its mouth. "Tsk!" The crow flew away.

One hour later the group soon made it to the woods, Kry led them before stopping and looking around. "Ok, we can rest here."

"Already?" Hugo asked as he stood beside him, looking at him with a furrowed brow.

"Thing is is that we are seven miles away from Skarka City, hopefully by tomorrow evening we will reach the city."

Kry said as he checked his watch.

"It is currently 4:57 PM, we can plan our approach and then sleep when the time is right, besides..."

He looked at Konstantine who was already leaning up against a tree, sat down. Altara was also leaning beside her, standing.

"Those two are tired."

Hugo looked over at them and sighed. "Fine!...Fine.." He exhaled as he took his bag off his back, starting to take out some of his stuff.

Kry chuckled slightly and looked at Konstantine and Altara. "Come on then, let us rest."

Altara offered a hand to Konstantine to help her up, who at first hesitated before taking his hand and being pulled up. The two walked over to the other two and started to unpack their things.

"Say...I'm quite glad none of you have complained." Kry said as he started to hammer his tent into the ground.


"About?" Konstantine asked bluntly.

"Walking." He stood up and adjusted his glasses before looking over at Hugo. "Particularly Hugo."

Hugo looked up from pinning down his tent. "Huh? Me?"

"Yeah. You always complain about the smallest things." Kry looked over at Altara and winked. "Wouldn't you agree with me, Altara?"

Altara looked up as he was unpacking his bag. "O-Oh, yeah. Definitely, heh."

"Really Alt~ I thought you had my back~" Hugo said. "Well. Whatever." He went to the next peg of the tent and started to hammer it.

"Fatty." Kry chuckled, Hugo looked up in response. "Four eyes."

Altara smiled slightly as he started to hammer his tent down, Konstantine started to hammer her pegs in as well next to Altara's.

"You two always been like this?" Altara asked.

Hugo looked over at Altara and itched his ear, his tent now set up. "Yeah..me and Kry go way back."

Kry smiled as he finished setting up his tent. "He's right."

Konstantine and Altara had finished setting up their tents, Konstantine heading inside hers whilst Altara walked up to Hugo. "Hey, do you wanna come and collect some firewood with me?"

"Sure thing, good that you asked. Don't want you to go out there on your own." Hugo took his silenced pistol from his bag but quickly put it back. "Wouldn't need that until we're in the city."

Hugo started to walk with Altara into the forest, summoning a crystal axe good enough to cut some trees.

Meanwhile, Kry was going through his bag, finding a can of baked beans and opening it up. He took a fork out of his bag as well and started to eat the beans. "Konstantine? You want some?" He called her in her tent. "I got some beans, peas, tuna and uh..yeah." He took another mouthful as Konstantine walked out of her tent, walking to him and sitting opposite, leaning against a box that contained some cans of soda.

"Tuna will be fine." She responded, looking at a crow land on the box behind her. Kry threw her a can of tuna and a fork which she quickly caught. The crow stayed where it is, one of its eyes locked onto Konstantine, who looked back at it as she opened the can. "Aren't these things meant to be scared of humans?"

"They are, this one just seems a bit dense." Kry threw a bean at it and it flew away.

Konstantine shrugged and started to eat her tuna, they heard a tree fall in the distance which Konstantine swiftly looked in the direction of.

"Don't worry. That would be the other two getting firewood."


Hugo and Altara were knocked out on the grass next to a fallen tree, standing over them was the masked man that attacked Kry. Hugo's axe desummoned next to him causing the crystals from it to float through the air past the man.


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