《ADEPTAVERSE》4 - Purity Arc: Altara Attunes


The next day Altara walked out of his room which was on the 4th floor of the tower. He put his biker jacket on as he walked out, underneath there was a red shirt.

"Hm. Best to go to Hugo's dojo to see if he's there. He did say that today was the start of practice, that and I'm feeling better than yesterday." He mumbled to himself as he walked to the elevator at the end of the hallway, walking in and pressing a button to the 12th floor. The doors closed to the elevator before started to go up.

He looked at his right palm as the elevator went up. "Hm."

The elevator pinged and the door opened. Altara walked out and started to walk down the corridor to Hugo's dojo. Once he reached it he knocked on the door, waiting patiently.

"Door is unlocked, come in." Hugo's voice was heard. Altara obeyed and walked in, closing the door behind him. Hugo was on the platform on the far side from Altara.

"Let's get started, kiddo. Stand on the opposite side of the platform." Hugo grinned, adjusting his ponytail as he waited for Altara, who walked onto the platform opposite Hugo. "Sleep well? The room clean?"

"Yeah, it was fine, thanks." Altara simply answered as he glanced around the dojo.

"The knowledge I gave your brain yesterday saves you from training for months on end simply to manipulate the smallest magik. Thanks to that we can start the manipulation training today! Heh." Hugo extended his right hand, his palm facing upwards. He summoned the battleaxe just like the day before. "Of course I don't expect you to do this. Instead..." He took a dagger out of his pocket and walked over to Altara, giving it to him. He then walked back to his original position.


"I am going to teach you a technique called enchanting. It is essentially the method of attaching magikal energy to your weapon. It is very common amongst spellswords." Hugo stated, lifting the battleaxe into the air slightly with two hands. He grimaced slightly "Hmph!" Altara saw crystal-like particles appear and quickly go to the weapon, causing it to be wrapped in fire. Hugo then lifted the battleaxe onto his shoulder.

"Careful Hugo you'll burn yourself!" Altara shouted, worried.

"Heheh! Don't worry! Your magik doesn't affect you most of the time! But still...be very careful!"

He pointed to the dagger in Altara's hand. "Extend the blade in front of you and close your eyes."

Altara slowly did as told. "Okay..."

"Now...imagine molten lava floating through the air, surrounding the weapon. Think of that as your catalyst. As you imagine you will perform. The magik will obey your wants." Hugo said calmly, squinting at Altara.

After a few moments, a whirlwind of fire danced around the dagger Altara was holding which soon solidified itself around the weapon. Altara opened his eyes and looked at his weapon, which was now enchanted with fire. "I..I did it." He looked at the weapon closely, his bright blue eyes glowing as he did so, which soon fell upon Hugo's brown eyes, who was clapping.

"Well done Altara!" He grinned. "Fire is a basic yet very effective element. Magik has an easy time creating it because of how easy it is to create with natural methods. Magik is the most universal and all-powerful energy in the universe, don't forget that."

Altara nodded. "U-Uhm, how long will the enchantment stay for?" He simply asked, looking up at Hugo.

"For as long as your body can handle it...tell you what. Come back to me tomorrow and if the dagger is still enchanted we will proceed to your next stage of training without having to go through the steps of maintaining weak magik." He walked up to Altara, hovering his hand over the dagger. A low hum emitted the area before quickly going, Altara looked confused. "What was that?" Altara asked, his brow crooked.


"Magik Sensor. It allows me to know if the spell on the object dissolves. Don't want you cheatin' now, do we! Heheh!"

The door to the dojo opened. A tall man walked in wearing a lab coat. He had average lengthed wavy white hair and wore some simple black glasses, his eyes were dark blue. He looked at the two and bowed, a calm and soothing voice coming from him.

"Hugo. May I have a word, if that is okay?" He stood up straight after bowing.

"Kry! Of course. Altara, you may go now. Remember what I said about that dagger!" Hugo walked out. Kry looked at Altara for a second before following after Hugo, going out of the room. Altara looked down at the firey dagger. "Better not put this near any flammable surfaces. Lucky the tower is made out of bricks."

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