《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 26 : End of Quest Spire.


The Sobis soldiers charged at Joshua as a horde. The Elven prince used his authority to force his soldiers to fight despite their morale breaking. It was crude but Joshua could actually see the effects, the soldiers were fighting with more power. Joshua's endurance could outlast the effects. Their minds were breaking as a result of all of their attacks. If their body could not deal with it they would explode.

'Skill activated. Lord of Thorns : Supreme Rule' Joshua took a deep breath.

"Kneel." it forced the soldiers to kneel before Joshua instead, cancelling the effects of the Prince's power. The Sobis soldiers fell.

"Heroes, Knights to me!" Iacus threw his daggers to pierce the mouths of the magic reliant Venerators and knights with Iacus cleaving his way through them. Lugasa threw werewolf bodies against the elves by the Prince's side. It was a pathetic display of power by the Prince but that is what desperation tends to lead to afterall. The knights tried to put up a fight, only to be cut through by Donovan. He sheathed his long sword and drew out another sword breaker. He was breaking the swords of the Venerators and Knights, leaving them at the mercy of Joshua with his blades. Dancing through his enemies. Leaving them victims by his blade, their limbs and bodies becoming a canvass for Joshua's violent escapade against the Prince. Their blood painting his clothing to a deeper shade of red than before. Blood dripping from his blade.

Attacking with pure defiance in his eyes, Joshua charged through. The earlier ones were a canvass, so dancing with the blades as he had cut off their many body parts. Leaving nothing but corpses on his way to the Prince. The sight was enough to cause the others to drop their weapons. Iacus and Donovan sheathed their weapons. The morale of the Sobis army was completely broken. Ferno and Lugasa took over, clearing Joshua's path of any rabble that remained.

"Stay back! Stay back you demon!" The Elven Prince shouted, seeing Joshua sheath his blade. The horse that he was on exploded into a blob of flesh and blood. The Prince screamed as he tried to run. Only to be kicked down by Asim. Joshua put his blades aside and mosied over to the Prince. Placing his hands by the prince's chin, wrapping them with a firm grip.

"Wait.. Please! I'll give you anything just don't ki-"Joshua did not hear it as he ripped out the prince's head, and lifted it for all of the Sobis soldiers to see. The immediate surrender was done by the alliance, Joshua then stretched his neck. Joshua walked towards the Bahamut Empire, they were dumbfounded with what had happened.


"Just give me a minute." Joshua said as he vanished for a moment.

"Where is the hero headed?" Empress Ariela asked.

"He should be back in 3..2..1." Joshua returned with the heads of the Royal family of both sides in his hand.

"Go install the two princes. Start a treaty and alliance. Let the soldiers here tell of the dangers that is of your country. Though, just remember. If your descendants mess this up. I will kill them." Joshua said as he looked at the pop up sign.

You have cleared the Quest Spire.

As a result for the unique method of clearing.

You have created a Trade Spire.

Trade Spires are spires where adventurers and research workers are able to enter.

To freely do trade.

Grind creatures in the area.

Or to take a relaxing vacation.

1% of profits from every trade will be given to the Venerator that clears it.

A Trade Spire may be destroyed or changed.

1. Political Unrest between the countries that are part of the trade. (May turn either Quest or Extermination Spire)

2. War(Reverts back to Quest Spire)

3. Destruction of the world (Leaves nothing)

The reward for clearing this spire.

1. Gate of the Shame (Familiar Quest)

Joshua was brought out of the Spire. He was in his room, apparently only a day has passed. Now that was enough excitement for the day. Joshua headed over to get himself cleaned up. He was looking at the Gate of Shame in his hands.

Joshua looked at Iacus, Lugasa, Ice Reaper, Donovan and Ferno that was hanging out in the hotel room. For now, Joshua was going to sleep but first. Take a shower, he needed to get the smell of blood off his body.

After he did that, Joshua went to sleep on the bed. A soft comforting bed. That was all he needed. He'll worry about everything else tomorrow.

Waking up the next day, Joshua was feeling better. A bit curious to what was the Trade Spire about. So he made his way back there, this time seeing a Esyn and Charlotte standing in front of the Spire. Joshua brought Lugasa out, where Esyn hugged her grandfather.

"Hello Charlotte."

"Ah, hello. Well as you can see. We have sorted it out and we somehow found a gate that led connected us. We were visited by a... Chairman Lee and her group of warriors. Told them what had happened and it seems that they will be creating a guild for the Heroes. Oh, sorry. Venerators." Charlotte corrected herself and was handing out fliers.


Joshua could see Carla and her team going over to the spire.

"Oh, Joshua! Hi." Carla greeted.

"Hey there Carla. So what are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, just heading into this. The Chairman told us that we can do construction work, mining and our resource work with peace. We also get support from Venerators now too. So we'll be alright. Thanks for helping us out. If you ever want to join us for a resource mission. Just let us know!" Carla said as she and the others headed in first. Joshua didn't say much but Carla was thoughtful for that remark.

"We will take care of them. I was informed by Ferno that you are protective of those people. I will have the Lich and the werewolves watch over them personally." Charlotte's assurance was a blessing and Joshua was grateful for it.

Joshua bid his farewells, letting Lugasa stay with his grand daughter. Iacus and Donovan were present but their outfits had stuck out. They were wearing black and white tailcoats with unique patterns. Ferno didn't help much either. The three of them were good looking and Joshua could see various familiars of other Venerators and non-Venerators were smitten by them.

"Come on let's go get some clothes." Joshua said, heading into a retail boutique as people stared at them. Three familiars, all clean shaven and have youthful faces. Donovan has a scar by his neck, the kind that was made by a garrote. He covered it up with a tattoo and his bangs keep people away from his gaze. Iacus's hair was short and kept well while Ferno had a wild black hair swinging all over. Joshua entered the boutique and watched as the three of them have free reign over what they wanted.

Donovan went for something practical, black cargo pants, a black shirt and a hoodie.

Iacus put on black slacks and a black turtleneck.

Ferno put on some jeans and a baggy sweater. Even trilling because of how comfortable it was. Joshua stepped out, wearing his mask. Heading back to the Union where the Chairwoman Lee was waiting for him by a counter and the Investigation Bureau were looking at Joshua. He did feel the pressure but it was not as severe as before.

Joshua made his way to the Chairwoman and took a seat in front of her.

"Seems like you've caused quite a stir." She said with a smile.

"Didn't mean to cause a stir anyway." Joshua responded as one of the Investigation Bureau prepared a pot of tea for them.

"You're going to be Rank E from this point onwards. You will be the center of attention for a bit and exempted from the level system. I look forward to see you grow."Chairwoman Lee said to Joshua with a smile as she sipped on her tea.

"You birthed a new type of Quest Spire. So I'll give you a bit of a tip. Your class is not something simple as others. You level up by handling specialized Spires with your key. It took me a while but I found this." Chairwoman Lee brought out a book to him, this was a 'Tome of Thorns'

"This should help you. It will teach you to grow bit by bit." Joshua raised his eyebrows as he looked at this Tome of Thorns.

"Unique classes like yourself, have special tomes scattered around the world and special Spires that contribute to learning more about your class. The Chairman of Aloris's Union must always be aware of the unique classes that have awakened. You're a Garden of Thorns and there seems to be another one intertwined with yours. Well. Until then." Chairwoman Lee left first as Joshua took a minute to read the Tome of Thorns.

In this tome, it reads the tails of the many Gardens and the Lords of Thorns. The mixture between the Gardens and Lords that chose to be protecters, the ones that fight for themselves and the ones that live for destruction.

Every Garden and Lord has a different path. You will learn many things as time passes by.

Such is the nature of the Tome. For it will only reveal its contents, bit by bit as you make your progression.

Inside this tome, you will learn the Builds of the many Gardens and Lords and their skills. However, this is only limited to Gardens and Lords that you have exposed yourself to.

Every Lord and Garden suffers the same curse. To use the weapons made by the essences of the memories of those they love or to use the memories of the dead that has transcended to weapons.

After reading that introduction, Joshua flipped the pages to see most of it empty with the exception of the First Lord and Second Lord of Thorns.

Even then it was bare bones. How bare was it?

THe First Lord is a Man. The Second Lord is a woman. It cannot get any more empty than that. Joshua sighed, will this tome truly help him?

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