《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 25 : Quest Spire Edge's Plain Final Battle( 2 of 3)


Joshua running ahead, being intercepted by Venerators. A sword swung from the right, Donovan caught it with his sword breaker. Shattering the blade with a flick of the wrist, then piercing the Venerator's neck with the long sword. Swinging it to the right, freeing the blade and latching it on to another Venerator's shield. Kicking the leg, where a loud crack was heard and a grunt of pain. Donovan switched his grip, going for a reverse grip as he stabbed the head of the Venerator then pulling it out where the skull with the spine.Donovan removed the head off with his longsword's handguard. Then charging ahead.

The Coat of Crimson negated a hit to the chest, the confusion on the face of the Venerator gave Joshua the chance to strike. Slicing the neck off with the left hand and then pouncing onto another Venerator. Blade pierces the chest, the blood coughed to Joshua's mask. His glare met with the dying Venerator. He kicked the body away with the blood gushing to his body. A spear struck Joshua's neck, he pulled it out without much effort. Then breaking it, returning the blade to its wielder's head. As part of it poked on the outside.

A Venerator was readying his magic, chanting the spells to bring doom unto Joshua. Only to be interrupted by Iacus who threw a dagger to the neck, intterupting the chant. As two Venerators went after him with their short swords. Beautifully in sync with one another, their attacks did not give Iacus any room to breathe or any form of offense. Fast strikes to push Iacus to a corner yet it was not enough. Iacus threw his blade upwards, it caught their attention as the two Venerators were struck in the throat with Iacus's fingers.

Darkness slowly oozed from their wound, then their own blood started to take shape as a shadow of their current selves. Strangling their own host as the host falls victim to their own blood strangling them. Iacus then threw a dozen daggers with a single swipe of his left arm.All twelve hit the armored mages that had their magic cancelled out. Giving Iacus the chance to cut through them. Then returning by Joshua's side with Donovaan.

They understood their lord's plan. It was to take the head of the armies.

"Stop them!" The Prince of Aren Hide raised his voice, watching the archers ready their arrows. Only to be decimated by flames from above, Cinder was unleashing her breathe of fire that turned the division of five thousand into ash.

Venerators prepared to strike Joshua, only to be stopped by Iacus and Donovan. Donovan unleashed the Berserker's Roar. Shattering the morale of the soldiers the alliance. The Venerators fought with great strength but they watched how Donovan's ferocious nature to his lord was. Whenever a Venerator broke through his path, Donovan threw his shield at them. Impaling them with it.


"I am your opponent!" Donovan roared as the Venerators were slowly breaking.

"Go, my lord!" Iacus chorused, throwing his daggers at the mages that was trying to stop Joshua. Joshua was facing the many soldiers of Aren Hide, slashing through them with those haunting eyes that shattered their morale. The sight of the dozens of soldiers falling by Joshua's hands and by his blade. That sparked fear within them, reaping their limbs and heads. Joshua bathed in the blood off his enemies, he was intercepted by the Aren Hide's Royal Guard. The Cherry Blossoms began to trail black petals, the Royal Guard impaled Joshua with their spears. Then watching Joshua throw one of the Cherry Blossoms onto the Prince's horse.

"Your High-" The distracted Royal Guard fell for that ploy, Joshua slashed the other heads. He had the bleeding status effect but it did not bother him when he threw his other Cherry Blossom into a Royal Guard's head, leaving it stuck there. Then grabbing the Prince of Aren Hide, throwing the prince down.

"How dare you-" Joshua bludgeoned the Prince of Aren Hide until the Prince's head was nothing but mince meat. Iacus and Donovan smiled at the sight of Joshua's first kill, the deaht of their prince had rallied the soldiers of Aren Hide to launch an all out attack on him. The Venerators joined suit, buffing their allies as Joshua took a deep breath. Unrelenting fury in his veins as he tore through the army with just the pair of blades.

Limbs, heads and screams were reaching the air. The soldiers of Aren Hide were losing their morale, watching as their allies be caught in the flames that turned them all to ash from Cinders. This was not a war, this was a massacre. The Aren Hide army was breaking their morale was gone. Joshua stood as the soldiers fell to their knees.They look at Joshua who had arrows stuck to his neck, a spear stuck to his back. A bayonet and a rifle hanging on his chest. Pieces of swords that were stuck on his left shoulder. A knife to the left leg.

What the soldiers of Aren Hide saw was the epitome of an unkillable target. The fact that Joshua did not slow down or even falter in his movements. He pulled them all out, and the wound did not heal. He continued bleeding, lifting a bit of his mask as he drank a potion to replenish his health. The Venerators that were injured but not dead were on the ground, they looked at Joshua. Seeing the face beneath the mask. Seeing the pale corpse with the blackened sclera. Their eyes could not meet with Joshua,as they lowered their heads. The Aren Hide soldiers could not say much to their Heroes, nor could they demand anything.


Joshua threw the bottle aside as Iacus and Donovan walked by his side. Looking at the other army.

"The Elven prince is a mage. A high ranking one at that. Shall I take care of it? Or will you deal with it?" Iacus asked.

"I will handle it personally, just watch my back you two. Your cover is perfect." Joshua answered as Donovan readied his long sword and shield breaker. Joshua then ran ahead to the Sobis nation's army. Seeing Bayran freezing them with his breath and Asim taunting the Venerators to fight him. Lugasa was butchering the werewolves with his bare hands. Their weapons struck him, their blades pierced him. Arrows, silver bullets, water and ice magic had hit him. Yet, Lugasa was still standing proud though battered. He bled and he coughed out blood, yet the Crimson Werewolf was not going to let this fun end so easily.

Ferno was supplying Lugasa with flames as it watched Lugasa's back.

Familiars have earned a new power.

Lugasa : Crimson Pandemonium

Coats Lugasa in the crest of his family and a fire that will never yield because of its weakness.

Familiar has gotten a new title.

Ferno, the Indomitable.

Human form has been achieved.

Joshua watched the pop up then seeing the black flames from Ferno cause a strong shockwave and fear towards the Sobis soldiers. Their fears were amplified. The black flames coated Ferno until his form was revealed. A figure that wore a black tailcoat wielding a pair of sabers, a helmet that had a black plume made of his feathers.

"Whoa!" Joshua was astounded, watching Ferno slash through the many Elven soldiers like they were nothing.

"Took ya long enough, kiddo!"

"Sorry. I'm still not used to moving like a human!" Ferno apologized, ducking to dodge an elven spear. Then staring at the elf, causing them to combust into black flames that pulled people into them.The elven mages readied to cast light magic to Ferno. Joshua stopped Iacus from reacting. Watching how the light struck Ferno, seeing Ferno on the ground. Who got back up, patting the dust away from his chest and the back of his pants.

"Hey! I just got these!" Ferno charged at them, swinging his blades at the elven mages.

The trolls charged at Joshua, only to have their attacks blocked by Donovan.

"Please leave them to me lord." Donovan said as Joshua drew Rayland's Unforgiven. Firing a shot that blew the heads off the trolls in front of Donovan. Joshua swung the chamber to the left, loading it with more bullets as a goblin leaped to strike Joshua from behind. Joshua shoved the bayonet into its chest, tilting the barrel up to the goblin's neck. Pulling the hammer back as he slit the goblin's neck with the Unforgiven.

Joshua then looked at the Orcs.

They have heard of Garalakh's death from you. They will claim your head!

+50% to all stats of Orcs, Trolls, Hobgoblins, High Orcs and Goblins.

He was not too bothered as he took aim.

"Burn my enemies in a black flame." Joshua whispered as the magic of the black flame surrounded the revolver. A pull of the trigger, watching the black flames turn an orc to dust. Joshua fired another few more shots, then pushing the small lever beside the hammer. Swinging the revolver to the side loading another 6 bullets into it. Left hand slapped the chamber back in and Joshua was good to go. Firing more shots as he walked to the center of the Sobis formation.

"Warriors! There he is! Kill him!" Joshua hosltered the revolver, then drawing out Cass's Regret. He needed something to disperse the crowd for a bit. Firing the shotgun was enough to strike fear into the elves before him. A few of their allies had their heads blown off, along with some of them having no limbs.

The fast pace firing of the shotgun pushed the crowd back as Joshua reloaded his shotgun with a quad load. Four shells in and then swapping to a single hand multi load. Firing continously while his left hand pushed shotgun shells into the breech. Then a jam occurred, Joshua dropped the shells from his hand. Holding the shotgun by the tube, right hand cycling the charging handle as Joshua tilted it to the side, to see the shell fall out. Left hand taking one from the saddle on the left, going over the top to load the shotgun directly into its chamber.

The middle finger hit the bolt release and Joshua fired a shot. Yet when he was clearing the jam, Donovan's cover with the longsword and sword breaker was good. Slashing multiple trolls, orcs and goblins without being tired.

"Mercy... Mercy!" An elven soldier cried out, watching Joshua ignore him with Donovan and Iacus. The elf then readied a knife to stab Joshua from behind. The knife struck Joshua's neck, where Joshua pointed the shotgun to the elf's head. Pulling the trigger as the elf's head splattered. Blood touching Iacus and Donovan's armor.

The knife was stuck to Joshua's spine. He raised his right arm over his back, pulling the knife out without flinching. Joshua put Cass's Regret aside, and drew out the pair of Cherry Blossoms.

"Just remember, young elven prince. It was a human that put you down."

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