《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 24 : Quest Spire, Edge's Plain. The Final battle.


Joshua was waiting for time, the Bahamut Empire's soldiers were readying themselves. Readying their bows, readying their blades and shields. Their Hero was merely pacing back and forth nervously, Joshua was unsure about how to handle such an engagement. In a battle like this? What kind of strategy did he need? Joshua was always used to fighting by the odds, and even with the fight at the Port. Cinder has created a plan for him to use. This time? The Edge's Plain, according to the map. It was a plain, flatland with no advantages on either side.

The army capacity of Bahamut is at 50,000 where as Aren Hide has 150,0000 and Sobis has 100,000 strong. Though Bahamut has a mix of trolls, the Empress and her entourage will be joining the fight but Joshua could not help but be worried. Donovan was kneeling before him, while Lugasa was putting on the armor from his family. Esyn looked at Lugasa who smiled at her.

"Don't worry about it." He patted his granddaughter's head but clearly, she was bothered. The odds were heavily stacked against them, Ice Reaper was standing still as a statue. Joshua was trying to think of a way to thin down the competition. Sabotage may work but the Venerators would be able to sense them but Joshua also needed to wait for Iacus and Barakas's return.

"Master. I think it would do you some good to stop pacing. You are letting your nerves control you." Ice Reaper said, where Joshua stopped pacing. Stepping to the window to look at the soldiers that were hugging their family members. It's a war someone may die, can he truly fight without any of them dying? Those thoughts circled over his head, this war will take lives.

"Are you worried about them dying?" Joshua nodded as he turned to Donovan.

"I know I can't stop them all from dying. I just want to minimize the casualties on our side." Joshua said it. His voice was shaking, his hands were trembling. His legs were solid but the others could see the worry on Joshua's face. The mask may hide it from everyone else but not to his familiars.

"At least you are being honest, Lord." Joshua turned to see Iacus arriving alone.


"We've found 2 royal members. The youngest prince of Aren Hide who disregarded what the Kingdom wanted and the youngest prince of Sobis. Both of them were imprisoned for championing equal rights for humans and to free them of slavery. We've already freed them both and placed them in the hospital. They were heavily tortured... The Ancient of Spring is currently tending to them, making sure that they are sane. They even had slave seals and turns out. The heads of both countries traded their children to each other for torture. I hope that fuels your anger." Joshua grew up in a loving home, so he could not relate to the two royals but he did find it disturbing that their parents would do that to them.

"Lord. You may not understand what has happened to them or how they feel but you have the power to change it.The many fates of these people are tied with yours. If you do this, you may change the fates of the people and the fate of this world itself." Iacus added on as Iacus stood in front of Joshua.

"You do not need to pray. You do not need to beg. You just do." Joshua whispered to himself, the sclera of his eyes turned black and the mask of thorns showed its floral patterns in white.

"Let's get ready." Joshua spoke, the way his voice sounded was of confidence not that shakiness that he had. Clenching his fists as he walked over to the war room.

"Ah, Hero. We are preparing ourselves. With the supplies, we've been able to at least strengthen ourselves a bit more. We also have brought some of our armies to be present. So at least the odds will be a bit higher. We stand strong with 75 thousand. Thank you for coming to our aid." Empress Ariela said it to him with a bow.

"We may be able to change this war. We've rescued the Princes of Sobis and Aren Hide. The ones that believe in the same philsophy as your country. Tortured by them. Prince Roanorke and Prince Alisman." Iacus said it, then seeing the look of worry in the Empress's eyes.

"With the odds as stacked against us, I do feel the hesitation in your veins. Hero. The other sides have many heroes to their aide and though we only have you. I am grateful but I know that this fight may be dangerous. I do ask that you see this through with us." The Empress spoke with trembling hands.


"Your Majesty. Until this battle is over. I will be by your side." Joshua said as she smiled back.

"We march to the plains!" They prepared themselves and Joshua found himself at a stable. Seeing an armored black horse staring at him.

The Empress walked on over to Joshua as they both looked at it.

"It is a Bicorn and I've not been able to tame it. It has been something that my family has as a partner in battle." Empress Ariela spoke, perhaps her hesitation has befallen to her, yet she watched as Joshua pulled the door open and the bicorn charged directly at her. She was not afraid, she stood still and glared back at her mighty steed. The bicorn stopped before the Empress, then lowering its head to her.

"I suppose you are ready." She had a smile to her face as Esyn and her attendant was readying themselves in full armor. Joshua walked throughout the final hours as they awaited for the battle at the Edge's Plain. This was a barren land where much violence and bloodshed had spilled. Joshua held Unknown Soldier's Vow, clearly the weapon was reacting to this. The drums of Sobis's army was heard as they marched, they rode on manticores. Led by an Elven prince.

Aren Hide rolled in with their horses being armored to the teeth. Bows and blades at the ready, heavily armored knights with shields in hand. The Venerators that were by their side braced themselves with their weapons in tow. Rifles, miniguns. The armies of the two sides were waiting.

Aren Hide and Sobis have entered into a truce against Bahamut.

The worst has happened, Joshua could see the fear in the eyes of the ones behind him.

"Can we win this? There's so many of them!?" Joshua could see the Empress's hands in fear. They were broken, the werewolves and the trolls that were present. There were many things that are bound to go wrong. 75 thousand against a quarter of a million? Will the odds be in their favour? The soldiers felt the hesitation.

"Cinder, Bayran, Barakas, Asim. Lugasa, Iacus, Donovan, Ice Reaper and Ferno." They appeared behind Joshua's side.

"I see a quarter of a million with 350 Heroes on their side. We've gone beyond reason. Our enemy is strong, they are mighty and we stand at odds that would be impossible. We will not leave this battle unscathed. The Ancient of Seasons... Lend me your strength and show your true forms to the world!" Joshua called out.

Cinder vanished from sight, as a looming shadow blankets the entire area. Fires were breaking out all around them, creating a barrier of sorts. A flap of her wings and everyone would be able to see. The pressence of Cinder, the Ancient of Summer. Barakas appeared as monarch butterfly that rivaled the size of Cinder as flower petals fell down to the plains, watching as the grass wilted away to make way for the many flowers on the ground. They heard a roar that eminated from Bayran the Ancient of Winters, staring into them. Lugasa howled before them, forcing the werewolves and beastkin to respond back. Strong winds and fallen leaves touched the soldiers of both Aren Hide and Sobis. They see a figure clad in the armor that was painted in the colours of autumn. Shades of orange, yellow and brown.

Asim's pressence was felt by the many fighters on both sides. Oozing with bloodlust and craving for the thrill of battle, he wielded a dane axe and a ram skull over his head.Iacus drew his rapier and Donovan readied his long sword. Ice Reaper moved to the Empress's side. Joshua then readied Cherry Blossoms to his hands.

The quarter of a million was now seeing the Ancient of Seasons and Joshua's mask changing to face the many before him.

"You don't have to fight your Empress. Just stay here and fight defensively." Joshua said as he drew his blades. Running straight into the battle with Iacus and Donovan by his side.

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