《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 22 : Quest Spire 2 Bahamut Empire.


After the whole fiasco, Joshua was listening to their mission plans. The mission was to rescue residents of a small town at Bahamut Empire that was seized by the Aren Hide Kingdom in a recent raid. According to what Joshua has heard from the advisors, the Aren Hide Kingdom has been getting a boom of Heroes by their side.

Bahamut has only been surviving because most heroes leave their side alone but now, it seems that the heroes of Aren Hide and Sobis have been encroaching on Bahamut's territory little by little. Joshua was paying attention to the briefing, they are asking him to scout ahead near what is suspected to be the camp where the residents were held.

Joshua headed alone and the reason being that nobody could keep up with him. He could cover the distance in just a few steps, where as the others would struggle to reach his speed or where he was. Though the drawback of having such speed is that he wouldn't be able to bask in the scenery that Melvoris has to offer.

Though Ice Reaper and Lugasa seemed fine in their familiar box that Joshua has. They seem to be interacting each other in a different language, Joshua arrived at his location. This time seeing the camp which had primarily human soldiers, mages and many others. Cages where the centaurs, minotaurs and others lie in cages. Tatterred clothing, shackles that bound them together. Collars on their necks, treating them like cattle.

"I'm sensing more in the main building. It may be an unpleasant sight master... May I handle that personally?" Joshua readied the Lee's Resolve, adjusting the scope and looking at the area through it. Lugasa was standing by to wreak havoc.

"Bayran... Is it possible to transfer them safely to the Empire?" Joshua asked.

"I can help with that." Joshua heard Barakas's voice.

"My butterflies can carry them back to Bahamut. So don't worry, besides.. The Four Ancients feel a bit antsy, so... Can we come out and play too?" Barakas said as Joshua looked at the familiar box. Asim, Cinder, Bayran and Barakas were available for selection.

"We might have to do more since they may want to come again but we can wait it out. Don't reveal your hands early on, Lord. I did educate you for making such a mistake in the past." Joshua heard Asim's voice as Joshua readied the sniper rifle.

"Lugasa, Ice Reaper. Do it." Joshua pulled the trigger. The sound of the gunfire alerted the soldiers but their mages had their heads blown off from the distance. Joshua was at a safe distance while Ice Reaper went in to take down the Aren Hide soldiers while Lugasa went after their swordsmen and mages. Joshua cycled the bolt to eject the spent casing, then firing a few shots to more targets.


Within minutes the entire base went silent, as Joshua headed out to help free the Bahamut residents, they were dazed and tired beyond their limits.

"Barakas." The woman with the butterfly wings appeared, snapping her fingers which turned the cages into flower petals instead. The shackles were made with flowers. Allowing the people to break free.

"Oh, you poor darlings. Let me bring you all to safety and tend to your wounds." Barakas spoke with a soft melody, the many butterflies appeared to their side. They latched onto their fingers.

"Shall we?" Barakas clapped twice and they were all back within the capital of the Bahamut Empire. Barakas then flew upwards, flapping wings as flowers trailed from her movements. Flying all around the capital, the many butterflies and even the birds were moving to him. Her pressence changed many things here.

"The Ancient of Spring!" The fairies knelt to pray to Barakas, when she descended she fluttered over to Joshua. Poking his nose. The Empress and her advisors stepped out to see Barakas who was floating all around Joshua.Lugasa who was showing off his muscles with the other werewolf children. Just carrying a dozen of them with his arms. Ice Reaper was being watched by the many pixies that were coming close to him. The creatures with the elements of ice seemed wary yet Ice Reaper did not stop them when a pixie poked his cranium.

Ice Reaper did not move at all, standing still ass a statue. Soon enough he was surrounded by ice wolves, a white stag and a few other creatures that had ice. Kind and gentle was an understatement, Ice Reaper was akin to that of a saint.

"I did say recon and we were planning to rescue them after that... But you seem to have outdone us... Thank you Hero. Though we still have doubts. Our country is small and we cannot grant you a reward that is extravagant." The human attendant, Charlotte spoke on behalf of the Empress.

"We've got trouble! A division of Sobis soldiers are approaching!" Joshua did not need to say it, he watched as Ice Reaper vanished. Most likely going to intercept the division of Sobis soldiers. Joshua proceeded first while Lugasa was relaxed.

"Grandpa, why aren't you going?" Lugasa shook his head to Esyn.

"Those two can handle it." Lugasa answered as he put the werewolf kids down.

"If I go up in a fight against that Ice Reaper? I don't think I can survive, kiddo." Lugasa said as he messed up Esyn's fur.

"Is he that strong?" An orc asked Lugasa.


"He was once wielded by the Avatar of Destruction. That should be enough." Lugasa's words brought a grim wind to the residents of Bahamut.

Meanwhile, Joshua arrived at the location. Seeing Ice Reaper standing in the middle of the Sobis soldiers. Their corpses were left as solid ice statues, their features and the very pieces of their individuality had been erased. What was left were the expressions that their faces made, of fear and terror at the hands of the Ice Reaper.

"Ice Reaper."

"I apologize, master. I go a bit... Off the reigns when I see a peaceful place about to be attacked. It was a bad habit I had from my previous master." Ice Reaper said.

"No. I don't see it as a bad thing." Joshua said seeing Ice Reaper giving a nod to him.

"Come on let's go back." Joshua headed back to see Barakas playing with the children. Letting them play in piles of flower petals, making flower crowns for the children. Lugasa just looked at the amount of blood that was on Ice Reaper's body. Waving his hand at Ice Reaper as the flames evaporated the blood and its smell.

"Hero... We have a mission for you." The Empress gave Joshua his orders.

Liberation Mission of Port Aya.

Port Aya is the closest port to the capital and is also where Sobis military has been bringing their soldiers.

Venerators Present : 50 C-Ranks.

Objective : Free the Port and it will allow people to use it freely and allow Bahamut to have access to proper supply routes.

Army present : 25,000.

The numbers were huge, Joshua was thinking how was he going to handle it.

"You don't have to do this alone.. Our army will back you up this time." Joshua did not want to risk the soldiers but then he watched Barakas float close to him.

"Why don't we do it? It'll be fun! Oh, bring Cindy too!" Barakas said, poking Joshua's nose and making the 'Boop' noise each time she does it.

"Cinder." Cinder the phoenix appeared, her shadow covered the entire capital as she was above in the sky. The Ancient of Summer was larger than her other counterparts. Her very wings provided shade for a longer distance. Returning to the ground as a lady in an off the shoulder red dress with black lipstick.

"Hello there." Barakas floated to Cinder's side and hugged her.

"Oh, Cindy! It's nice to see you too!"

"Well, Lord of Thorns. The two of us can deal with the army. You just have to handle the Heroes." Cinder suggested where Joshua did not have much to rebut about. Joshua went first with Cinder, Barakas, Lugasa and Ice Reaper following their Lord to the location of the port. Stopping just a few kilometers away from it.

Barakas was humming to herself as she returned to her form as a small monarch butterfly, landing on Joshua's nose.

"Hmm... They have a depot full of explosives... Seems like a big chunk of their really strong guys come from the family of werewolves." Barakas said, then looking at Lugasa who was grinning. Ready to go but Joshua was concerned for Barakas and Cinder.

"Don't be worried about us, Lord. We're not fighters like Asim or Bayran but our magic is strong." Cinder assured Joshua while holding his cheeks,her hand phasing through the mask.

"Lugasa... I'm sure you'd enjoy beating those werewolves?" Joshua turned to Lugasa who grinned even wider with his fangs showing.

"Of course. Besides, most of them are green werewolves so they're wind elementals. Let's see if they can blow Uncle Lugasa away with it." Lugasa was ready for it, but Joshua turned to Ice Reaper.

"Ice Reaper, I'll need you by my side." Joshua said.

"Of course, master." Ice Reaper reverted to his blade form.

"Just buy me 3 minutes. I am preparing for a spell that will burn every opponent in our path. So we need to be ready." Cinder said to Joshua.

"Can't we just wait it out?" Joshua asked.

"No. This magic will definitely trigger the Heroes because the system will tell them that a Sovereign Enemy is crafting magic. This is to keep things fair and to ensure that despite your powers, they can have somewhat of a fair fight." Cinder explained it so easily but to Joshua that made absolutely no sense.

"Remember we are Sovereigns. The Ancient of Seasons are legendary enemies that other Venerators will see as once in a life time opportunity. So they will definitely want to fight us." Barakas spoke with glee as her feelers wiggled close to Joshua's eyes.

"Are we ready?" Cinder asked as a book appeared in front of her, it was her book of spells.

"Yes." Joshua said as the Cinder readied her spell.

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