《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 17: Well... That was anticlimactic.


Wave 5... Wave 5 was... A joke basically. They did not have to kill but search for a dark elf that was hiding in the fortress. They found it after sometime and because of how bizarre things have gotten. The two groups decided to pull out for today. The Venerators went on ahead while the Resource Workers gave their items to the Venerator Union staff to confirm what kind of items as the next group proceeded to enter.

A staff member walked up to Joshua.

"The Chairwoman Lee would like to meet you, Joshua." A staff member whispered, where Joshua nodded. Heading to the Venerators Union after saying farewell to the others. They even escorted him to the Venerator Union's building, it was the Headquarters for all Venerators in the country of Aloris.

The insides of the building were a marvel and Joshua could not appreciate it the first time. It was only the second time here that he could see the beauty of it. There were statues of many famed Venerators that have passed on in the center,counters that dealt with matters such as payments, transfer, class upgrades and even question terminals. Everything was organized, every thing was buttery smooth likee a well oiled machine. Not a single delay, not a single moment spent here was for naught.

Joshua was escorted to a large elevator that needed ID cards to get through, where they pressed the button to the op floor. The question right now, what did the Chairwoman want with him? Joshua stepped into the room with the chairwoman. She was a woman with gray hair, a business suit but she wore her blazer like a cape. A cup of alcohol in hand and a straight face.

Maya Lee Venerator Class : Berserker HP 124,000 MP 9,000 Stamina 150,000 Level 1000 STRength 2000 VITality 2480 ENDurance 3000 DEXterity 700 DEFense 3000 SPeeD 1000 INTelligence 750 MAGic 1800


Her stats, were quite high up there but when comparing it to himself. There seems to be a lot that needs to be thought about. Joshua has her beat on speed, endurance and magic. Dexterity too but everything else was different and the fact that Joshua's level was only 75 but his stats were like this... Then again, it must have mainly had to do with how messed up his environment was. Mulligan, even to this day as he understands it. Is a unique Black Spire. One that has never been seen for nearly hundreds of years.

Joshua Gates Venerator Class : Garden of Thorns HP 20,000 MP 17,500 Stamina 250,000 Level 75 STRength 600 VITality 400 ENDurance 5000 DEXterity 1000 DEFense 750 SPeeD 5000 INTelligence 500 MAGic 3500 Unassigned Stat Points 0

"It's very rare that I cannot get a read on a person. Normally I can read a Venerator." the chairwoman spoke as their eyes met. Her eyes glowed red and she widened them. A strong force made itself known in the room. Joshua noticed the sofa was tearing itself apart like it was forced to. The lamp stand was being flattened by the force. The door and the lift behind Joshua was cracking, Joshua turned to see the Venerators on the floor were carrying shields. He was not bothered at all. The shields were cracking, Joshua returned the glance.

'Supreme Rule has nullified effect of Berserker's Rage' The force ceased and the Chairwoman nodded her head.

"You survived the Black Spire in Mulligan and it seems your abilities are different than most people. I can say that. You're definitely not G-Rank material that's for sure." Chairwoman Lee spoke with a calm demeanor, she did not seem agitated and what Joshua had in his head was a woman who would be fast and quick with her judgement. Especially for a Berserker, since they are known to not be calm most of the time. Berserker's essentially fight better when they are mad.


"I doubt we can measure you since you have appraisal block. Even if we could it wouldn't show your true class."

"I'm a Garden of Thorns." That answer itself earned a nod from the Chairwoman, where she perused to the books by her left. Filled to the brim with paperbacks, leatherbacks, hard covers and even worn out journals.

"The Garden of Thorns. You who is cursed to use the weapons of the ones who perished. Every Chairman of the Union must be aware of the many names of the many classes. Noir Dancers, Lord of Thorns... Because you said Garden of Thorns. If you were a Garden, then you can at most say Seedling." Joshua was impressed, the Chairwoman picked that up quickly and fast.

"I can't promote you to S, not only will it cause an uproar but also there'll be a lot of guilds that want to recruit you to their cause and your strength surpasses many in your rank but.." Chairwoman Lee stopped seeing Joshua raise his hands.

"I'd prefer to learn things slowly. No point in having strength but not knowing how to use it." Joshua said to her, where she nodded.

"I see you are wise." Chairwoman Lee said as she sipped on her glass of wine.

"It's not wise Madam Chairman. It's because I just came out of Mulligan. I don't understand anything about the Spires." Joshua said to her, where the Chairwoman gave him a nod once again.

"You are wise. Most Venerators want to become S ranks because of fame and prestige. There are only 20 S Ranks, 10 SS ranks and 5 SSS ranks in Aloris. It's a small number compared to the many other countries that have 5 times our SSS ranks. Yet, fewer among them can handle my gaze." Chairwoman Lee said as she readied a glaive in her hand.

"Mind if I try something?" Joshua nodded as Chairwoman Lee swung her glaive at Joshua. Unfazed but the same can't be said for the Union Officers with their shields that melted, leaving behind nothing but the handles. The paint had melted off the walls, leaving behind its bare structure. Including the metal rods that helped form the shape, the concrete was cracking and barely holding onto whatever it was meant to hold onto.

"It will be up to you on where you go from here. The class counter will be useless because they don't have much information on your kind. I'll be sure to help you where I can. There should be more spires for you to attempt." Chairwoman Lee said as she shouldered her weapon, then Joshua headed out first.

The first plan was to meet with Bayran because of what had occurred at the Spire. So Joshua pulled out the Return Key at the hotel and faded away. Now heading back to Mulligan, seeing Ferno flying around the skies and Lugasa on the prowl, perhaps wanting to go fight the Ancient of Autumn to keep his skills sharp.

Well, Joshua needed to go see Bayran.

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