《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 14: Wave 2


Joshua headed out to do the collection work alone since the others were taking their break. Lugasa was there and the kids were climbing all over him but he did not seem to be too bothered. Walking out of the fortress was a good idea, he could take a break and he could enjoy himself.

Possible Familiar is nearby

That kind of notification popped in front of him. This made Joshua think about what else is in these spires and what was a named familiar? The font itself was huge than the others. It was clearly trying to tell him something. Hearing rustling from within the nearby bushes. It was an injured stork in front of him. A status screen popped up.

Unnamed Stork.

A stork that was shot by hunters and is injured. It is the last of its kind. It is still young.

Level 1

That was it. There is nothing brand new about it but seeing the words that it is the last of its kind had Joshua feeling a little sorry for it. The stork was crying in pain as Joshua stepped closer, taking the arrow out of its wing. Then pouring some potions over it. Joshua then carried it up, where the stork reacted by leaning its head to his chest. Then bringing it back with him, there was still an hour before the next Wave.

Joshua was now wielding Cass's Regret, and having Rayland's Unforgiven tucked to the back of his hip. In case of an emergency. Filling up the slots of his shotgun sling, the pouches and the belt carriers with shells. Loading the bullets to his speedloaders and moonclips for the revolvers.

Even when he swapped to Barton's Burden and Priest Alex's Blessings, Joshua was loading bullets into the magazines with the speedloader. Rearranging his magazines in the pouches carefully. On Barton's Burden, Joshua had set a scope for medium engagements and an offset red dot. Just tilting the rifle will let him switch between them easily. He was just waiting.

Wave 2 begins.

Enemy types : Orcs, High Orcs, Goblins, Hob Goblins. (Inclusive of many other classes)

Named Enemies are spawning into the battlefield.

Joshua left the stork in the care of Julie and the others while Joshua headed up the fortress, it might be a good time for him to get used to Barton's Burden, stepping up as he looked around. Seeing a spot with just a Support Rifleman wielding an M60E4 in hand while the other was a Ranger.

"Mind if I join you?" Joshua asked. The other two glanced at him once, a nod and that was it. Feeling was mutual, he did not want to get close to these people anyway. Joshua had the rifle hanging over his chest while he loaded his pistol with a 33 round magazine. A deep breath.

There loud drums banging in the air. Horns blowing out to the rights and left, Joshua readied the rifle. Readying the magnifier, finger on the trigger as he looked through the scope. Seeing goblins in chain mail playing drums, it was like a marching band. Only difference these were goblin marching band.


"Oh mother earth, bind my enemies together." Joshua said as he pulled the trigger. A single shot struck the goblin blowing the trombone. Which ended up exploding into thorny vines that pulled them all together. Joshua then moved away as the Ranger and Support Rifleman fired into them. Joshua wanted to make this was done faster, no point wasting time. So Joshua walked around the fotress, firing shots at a specified enemy that he could tether. The ones that had a 'Flower' icon over it.

The shots would end up pulling the enemies closer to each other. The mages cast their spells to everything that they could see. Spheres of elements took shape above the staves of their casters, then shapening themselves to become birds, dragons, wyverns, wolves or other creatures to strike the enemy.

Joshua could see the unnamed stork slowly gaining levels with ease. So were the people in the Resource Workers. They were leveling up and Joshua could see why.

Skill of the First: Lord of the people.

Description: The skill allows people that are allied or serving under the command of The Lord of Thorns to raise their stats and levels.

The First Lord of Thorns was a young prince who was powerless. One who was killed for his righteousness for the weak. A Royal who had compassion. He wept with the farmers, he refused to conscript people for war. He would be his fief's warrior but fell by betrayal.

The betrayal was one thing, but the people of his fief were killed for treason by his family. So the Lord of Thorns, the First who was known to the many Thorns as the Righteous Lord who wielded his long sword and the original Coat of Crimson.

The Righteous Lord was one who will welcome every single Thorn without any reservations. Their allies benefit greatly and their enemies will be troubled.

Joshua read that details and it was benefitting the Resource Workers. Their stats were rising but Joshua could also feel a bit of uneasiness arise from it, particularly from the children. They had turned into Venerators. And they didn't have a class but they had a title 'Chosen by Lord of Thorns'

The words are unable to be deciphered. Ask for Bayran for details.

They will not see the changes until Bayran has explained.

Including the ones who has had their stats increased.

Now, that was something Joshua had not expected to see. He reloaded the rifle, swapping out the spent magazine for the new one. His left thumb hitting the bolt release.The fact that the system told him to see Bayran. Joshua needed to learn more, did he doom the children to be Venerators or is there something else for them?

Joshua continued on the fight. His stamina was not even going down at all with everything he's done. The warriors used their buffs to strengthened the others, while the ones with magic and long range weapons dealt with the rest.


The wave was almost done and it was faster than before. Joshua took down the other stragglers, there was indiciation of Named Enemies but Joshua did not see them. Then he turned to Lugasa.

"They stayed away because I am here. If those named enemies get closer it might spell trouble, Master. Do you want me to stay away?" Lugasa's voice reached to Joshua via telepathy.

"No, just stay as you are. I can deal with them." Joshua spoke

Wave 3 begins in 24 hours.

Enemy types : Orcs, High Orcs, Goblins, Hob Goblins. (Inclusive of many other classes)

Named Enemies are spawning into the battlefield.

Warning Ambushes are likely to happen at any given time.

Joshua could see them, they were heavily drained out. Joshua could see the Rangers whose gloves were torn from all the arrows they launched, riflemen that had to disassemble their rifles because of all the carbon buildup. This was a battle of attrition. The warriors were fine but they were a bit uneasy. the mages were running out of mana potions to fill back their MPs. Joshua scratched his head, he didn't want to be chummy with them but that does not mean he hopes they die. He can give them arrows, some bullets and repair their equipment but it won't hold much well.

"We have to make it at least to 5 waves then we can decide if we want to leave or go. They plan to do ambushes too? This may be tougher than we thought." Joshua heard a Venerator speak up.

"My barrel's screwed. I got a few replacement barrels but I need to unscrew everything."

"My string's tension is too much." Joshua heard all of that, stretching his neck and taking a deep breath.

Joshua pulled out bttoles of potions, passing it to the other Venerators. Passing arrows to the rangers, and boxes of ammo oto the riflemen.

"Orc meat doesn't taste that bad." Joshua said to the other Venerators as they watched Joshua drag a few high orc corpses, where Lugasa prepared a few campfires. Joshua took out his mother's prayers, cutting the corpses of the orcs to pieces. Then watching Joshua pull out a few boxes of spices and herbs. Then wrapping them into it and throwing them in.

"You're a G-Ranked aren't you? You seem so experienced." Edern spoke up, the other Venerators looked at Joshua seemingly curious.

"Did you hear about Mulligan?" Joshua asked, the name itself was enough to silence the others.

"Lived there for 3 years. So I had to eat whatever I could. Orcs were among the easiest and they didn't taste that bad. Just put enough spices and herbs. They taste like beef but more tender than that. A bit chewy." Joshua said to them, he lifted the mask partially, just letting his jaw being seen.

"It's easier to live with this mask on my face." Joshua said as he put his hands by the open fire, the other Venerators watched how his hands were literally on fire and turning charred yet, Joshua did not seem bothered by it. Unwrapping the meat inside and if one were to look at it. Looked a lot like beef briskets. Joshua cut a bit into it, where they see the juices flow.

"Better eat, or your stamina's going to drop continously. I'll handle night watch." Joshua said, taking off his Coat of Crimson and the other outfits. The others brought their plates as Joshua cut pieces of it for them to eat. Carla and the other Resource Workers decided to try the apples and the sap. It had a minty, sweet taste to it. Would be good as a pie.

"Lugasa, help them make the pie." Lugasa nodded to Joshua's orders. A figure of fire would be able to make it, while Joshua fed some of the apples to the stork.

Unamed Stork.

A stork that was shot by hunters and is injured. It is the last of its kind. It is still young.

Level 25

Please name the stork.

"Ferno." Joshua whispered, where black flames covered it. Ferno did not scream or did it even let out a cry. Burning into a ball of darkness as it flew up to the sky,breaking free of its cage. Then it landed, on Joshua's shoulders, lowering its head to rub on Joshua's nose.

Ferno, the Dark One

Class Black Phoenix(juvenile) Level 25

The last of its kind, the Black Phoenix. It is a creature that is able to create flames of darkness.

Rescued by the 13th Lord of Thorns during a spire mission.

Personality : Timid and shy.

Familiar Skills

Black Barrier Black flames create a barrier that will explode when broken. Elemental Injection Injects black flames into its master. (Exclusive to Lord of Thorns) Flame Garden Attacks that use thorns will have a flaming element to it. Wrath of Flames Simple fire breath.

"You don't have to fight too much, okay? Just do what you want." Joshua said as he stroked Ferno's beak. It jumped in front of Joshua, then clattering its mouth as it shook its head. Joshua clapped his hands and did the same. The stork then opened its wings up and flew above him. Flapping its wings twice as it created a black barrier.

The stork then landed back to the ground, where it just started to ruffle its own feathers while looking around. Joshua expected it to be bigger but maybe its because it is a juvenile it behaves like that. The first hour passes but Joshua could see a lot of things that may potentially go wrong. It's going to be a long day.

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