《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 12 : Closure for them.


Joshua took the money the Union provided for the White Spire, getting a 100K starting pay was good. He used the money to rent a penthouse suite at a fancy hotel. Laying down the weapons of his siblings. Cass's Regret, Barton's Burden and Rayland's Unforgiven. Waiting for the people that would make their way here.

Clark, Alice and Victoria. Cass was dating Alice, Clark was dating Rayland and Barton was dating Victoria. The three of them came through the door seeing the weapons laid out in front of them.

"What... What is that?" Alice, the blonde haired woman asked.

"I know for a fact that you're dating Cass, Alice. Clark you were dating Rayland and Victoria dates Barton." Joshua answered them much to their surprise.

"A lot of things happened. I became a Venerator and I wanted to contact you three to provide you some closure at least. I don't know what happens when you touch it but it might be helpful for you." Joshua said as the three of them touched the weapons. Though Joshua was surprised because Rayland was seemed to be more of a ladies man but perhaps that was all just an act so he can date Clark with no suspicions and people think that they are best friends.

In that moment Joshua watched all of them break down.

Lord of Thorns Duty

Give Closure to the loved one's of Thorn's family.

Reward : Cass's Regret will do up to 1200 damage

Rayland's Unforgiven now has a bayonet attached under the barrel and does up to 450 damage

Barton's Burden can now be customized completely with damage up to 100.

They looked at Joshua, unable to say much to him.

"We weren't close, but... I hope that this brought you some closure and I'm sorry. That.. I'm not strong enough to help them when everything went badly." Joshua said with a weak smile as the three of them hugged him.

"They will always be proud of you. Regardless of what has happened Josh. That's just how they are.. So don't hold your feelings too much, okay?" Alice said. After the group hugging and crying session. The three of them left as Joshua gave them a letter, one that he had found which was addressed to them.

They left with a smile yet their eyes were full of tears.


Joshua could see that the weapons have gone through a change. First up he wanted to take a look at Barton's Burden.The weapon being customizable was not a joke. There were many choices to choose from. From the rails to slot on the barrel, magazine capacities, sights, stocks and buffer tubes. Trigger assembly groups, gas adjustments and even pistol grip adjustments.

There was an excerpt attached to the rifle.

Barton's Burden Custom.

The rifle that Barton used in service, the current appearance of the rifle is one that Barton used during his days as a member of Unit 9.

Based on the M4A3 Unit 9 Custom. Block 5 configuration.

Team Leader and Rifleman with designation of 9-1-Actual.

The burden he carries is one for his country and for his family.

Anyone that has ever tried to attack the country of Blissfelt, is gone when he catches wind of it.

A burden he carries not because of his desire to serve.

Rather, the deisre to protect his youngest brother.

Joshua glanced over to the side of the rifle, seeing the words 'For My Kid Brother' then he turned to the right seeing another set of words engraved to it. 'I'll protect you, Joshua.' Joshua felt his heart ache, even holding the rifle to his chest. His brother put a lot on the line for him.

Then looking at Cass's Regret. Seeing the words etched 'I'm sorry for leaving you alone that day, Josh.' on both sides of the shotgun itself.

Cass's Regret

Based on Cass's Remington V3 Tactical Competition, that she uses for 3 gun challenges.

Her regret? Was born from the day she was a teenager.

Joshua was only 5 years old, and Cass went to sneak out with her friends.

Only to come back to find Joshua being inside a house that was on fire.

Ever since that incident, Cass changed drastically. Always making sure her younger brother was fine.

Cass became one of the best 3 gun shooters in the country but whenever Joshua was in trouble.

She'd take the flight within the next hour or within the hour to get back.

Nobody could stop her from coming back to check on Joshua.

Joshua didn't know that was the reason why Cass was so adamant about babying him and making sure that Joshua was safe at all times. Yet, Joshua was powerless to save them. The last piece of the trio was Rayland's Unforgiven. The words engraved on the frame.


'For Joshua' Joshua then read the excerpt.

Rayland's Unforgiven.

A custom model of the Korth NXR with a compensator and sight options. This was the true form of Rayland's revolver and uses the more powerful .44 magnum instead of 357.

The power of 6 .44 magnums and the 6 inch barrel has put a lot of people into their graves.

The sin that left Rayland to be said to be unforgiven is the sin of wrath.

For as a detective, when a criminal cartel tried to threaten Joshua by kidnapping him.

Rayland committed genocide towards the entire cartel. He did not do it with his 357 service revolver, he did it with this NXR instead.

He understood what he was going to do, that this was a sin and that he had carefully accepted it. The destruction of the cartel was not known to many and there were still survivors of the incident. They only felt fear when they look at this revolver.

Joshua was read a lot of things he did not know about his own siblings but the weapon's change in appearance and their functionality was new. He could add scopes and any additional attachments to the revolver. As he put the weapons back to their slots, Joshua felt a warm feeling to his back. It was like being in the same room with his siblings.

Joshua fell asleep with the weapons by his side on the sofa. This was going to be his residence for the next couple of nights. Tomorrow he was going to go work as a porter or a miner at one of the higher ranked Spires. Waking up the next day, Joshua felt refreshed and he could see an icon.

Lugasa, the Crimson Werewolf

Class Wolf Monk Level 100

Lugasa is part of the 7 Werewolf of the elements. A named one that has made legends for defeating many of the other flame werewolves. Earning the title as Crimson Werewolf. A master of flames and one that enjoys the fires of combat.

Defeated a thousand werewolves to become the famed Lugasa, the Crimson Werewolf.

Personality : Loyal to master.

Familiar Skills

Magma Fist Imbues flaming hot magma to fists. Peak Skill : Werewolf Pride. Flaming Wolf charges at enemy War Howl Increases ATK and DEF for everyone. Taunting Grin

Aggroes all enemies to Lugasa, only applies to enemies below his level.

Higher level enemies will not fall for the taunt.

Challenge Jab.

Higher level enemies will be challenged when taunt fails.

Joshua could see Lugasa's icon tapping it to see Lugasa having a match with Asim. So his familiars have their own little world in Mulligan? Now that was an interesting for him to see because seeing that just made Joshua grin. Truthfully, the four Ancients do not have a set of any stats. Yet they understand the system so well.

Though Joshua was quite surprised to why the health of Lugasa was not shown. Only to see a small asterisk at the familiar tab.

Familiars of the Lord of Thorns operate differently. They are self sufficient and can do things without needing to be ordered around.

They generally will do their own thing and will just enjoy themselves. Every familiar operates differently, some will talk to you. Some may not speak to you but follow you around.

Joshua nodded to it as he logged into the app.

'Venerators Union' Then going over to tap to the job postings, Joshua kept an eye out. Looking into stuff like 'Porter or Resource Worker' needed.

Not many mining missions, generally when a Spire is cleared or mid-clearing, there will be time for resources to be taken from the Spires. It usually only goes for Extermination type or puzzle types. Quest type spires are a bit different since they operate floor by floor.

'F-ranked Spire. Looking for Resource Worker' The pay was just 50K for three days, the other jobs were lower as in 5K to 10K. The reason being was the risk in this particular case was high. It was due to the fact that this particular Spire was the Wave Type. Wave Types are basically Spires are permanent, repeatable and can be cleared over and over again.

This time, it sounded like an interesting job for Joshua. So he proceeded to try out, it does sound itneresting on paper but what is his job as a Resource Worker going to be like?

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