《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 11 : Venerator Test 2


Joshua was taking a stroll in the tunnels, searching for where the others. Sounds of fighting and growls were up ahead. Since he had a rifle, he might as well just get ready with it. Taking aim, even the darkness of these tunnels, Joshua could see them. Cathy was using her magic to spread fire to the Ice and Grass elemental wolves. Seeing a fire wolf leaping from behind, Joshua pulled the trigger. Instantly blowing its head.

Then he continued firing. His shoulder barely felt the recoil, the rifle was not shaking at all with each shot that he fired. He was focusing on the ones that were getting too close to the magic focused Venerators. To Joshua these elemental wolves were just small prey, he would shift targets as soon as he confirmed the red mist being sprayed. The wolves weren't dumb as he thought because some of them would back off right before he shot. Then he heard a click, the rifle jammed. Joshua took the magazine out, held the rifle by the rails and working the charging handle. Keeping the rifle's ejection port facing the ground. Joshua was pulling that charging handle until the brass fell out. It was a double feed, then loading a fresh magazine.

Right hand back to the grip, left hand pulling the charging handle. Tilting the rifle to look at the canted sights, pulling the trigger as he took aim. The canted sights made it easier to snap between targets compared to the scope but the main point of it was for Joshua to lay down cover fire for the other Venerators.

They backed away from the fight, retreating. Joshua moved to where they were. Joshua's jam clearance was bad. It was sloppy, it was the same platform as Barton's rifle, but he took too long. Joshua sighed as he saw Ren and his team who nodded to him.

"So your rifle jammed during the firefight?" The marksmen asked.

"Yeah." Joshua passed the rifle to her, then watching her take out the magazine. Pulling the charging handle, inspecting the chamber.

"Rifle's fine. It might be your magazines. Some magazines have bad spring tension. Here, some of my 308 magazines." Joshua took them and put it to his pouches. He took a moment to glance at the others, the fight did not tire them out but it did leave them a bit bruised and hurt. Joshua then took out a box from his storage. Opening the box that has the potions for HP, MP and Stamina.

"Here. You're going to need this." Joshua said to them as they took the potions according to their needs.

"You're quite prepared." Ron complimented Joshua, seeing the G-Ranked Venerators just take the time to heal and rest up.

"Well, clearing that Black Spire left me with a lot of money. Too much that I don't know what to do with it." Joshua said as he let the rifle rest by his chest.

"Alright, we're going to give you some pointers." Joshua stayed to hear Ron and the C-Ranks give comments to Cathy's team. They said teamwork was bad, everyone was too focused on their own thing. Healers and Mages need to be protected so they can use their powerful magic. So the fighters had to decide, Joshua didn't get an earful, he was complimented because of the fact his long range support protected the mages and healers.


They continued onwards, following the path that Joshua had laid out earlier. There were other creatures moving about but they were cautious. Something that Joshua was unsure. Inside, Joshua realized something different the four Jewel Wolves were larger than the one Joshua had killed. Perhaps it was new, the entire area was a clear opening with a ceiling above them. The elemental wolves were surrounding them but there was something else. There was something else in the middle of the pact, it was a crimson werewolf. Red fur, it had a wolf's head yet it was standing on its hindlegs and clenching its paw to a fist. Howling at the Venerators.

Crimson Werewolf, Lugasa issued a challenge to the Lord of Thorns

Defeat the Crimson Werewolf, Lugasa

Reward : Familiar Lugasa the Crimson Werewolf.

Level 100 HP 75,000 MP 50,000 Assault Howl Breaks morale of opposing forces Lone Warrior 75% bonus when fighting alone. Breaker's Resolve Negates DEF, Attacks wear out stamina.

"A named Crimson Werewolf!? That's a C class opponent! All of you step ba-" Joshua ignored Ron as he ran straight at the Crimson Werewolf with his blade.

"Joshua wait!" Joshua and Lugasa clashed, the sheer shockwave sent the elemental wolves and jewel wolves flying to the walls. Joshua and Crimson Werewolf pushed each other back.

Warning : C-Ranked opponent detected. Paladin Ron will be mission leader.

Exception : Thorn

When Jewel Wolves are eliminated Paladin Ron and other Venerators will be returned to the Spire's Entrance with rewards.

"Thorn?! What the hell is a thorn!?" "The marksman shouted as she fired her rifle to the other elemental wolves running at them. Ron used one of his skills 'Paladin's Grace' to increase the morale of his allies. Joshua wielded the Cherry Blossoms and his Mask of Thorns was changing. Allowing his appearance as Garden of Thorns. The elemental wolves and the jewel wolves could not move.

Joshua turned to the other Venerators.

"I told you that I survived a Black Spire didn't I?" Joshua said to them, they see the patterns form on his mask. Flowers and thorns in white formed over the black mask.

"I'll handle the Crimson Werewolf. Just do whatever you want." Joshua said as he injected magic into Cherry Blossoms, lowering his knees as he got into a stance. Darting off the next second to strike the Crimson Werewolf, a single blow and he watched as Lugasa grinned at him. Clearly it was going to enjoy this fight. Joshua kicked Lugasa back and pursued Lugasa.

'Winter's Blade' the skill activated ,unleashing a combo of 12 attacks to Lugasa. 4 slashes, 4 piercing attacks and ending with 4 strikes to the joints. The element of ice was imbued to them as Lugasa backflipped away at the last second. The attack did connect but it only took maybe 10% of Lugasa's health. Lugasa raised his paws, getting close to Joshua.

"Flaming Foreman." Joshua used the blades to block the attack. It was a single jab aimed at the chest area with a fist that was covered in magma. That blow sent Joshua a meter back. It didn't sting but he could see at least a bite sized portion of his health went down. The others fought the elemental wolves and jewel wolves that were desperate. The wolves were actively avoiding Joshua's gaze and was fighting irrationally.Joshua charged at Lugasa, his fists were able to withstand the strikes of his blade and Joshua was excited. He was able to fight against an opponent that would not die so easily and Lugasa threw Joshua to the walls when Joshua's piercing attacks failed. Lugasa would wait until Joshua gets back up before continuing the fight.


Joshua charged at Lugasa again, this time not going for a piercing attack but feinting a blow with his blade. Using his knee to strike Lugasa's fist. It did cause Lugasa to skid back. Joshua could see Lugasa grin then it let out a howl.

Lugasa views you as a worthy opponent.

Joshua bowed to Lugasa, then they both charged again. This time, Joshua was pushing Lugasa back out. Using his shoulder to push Lugasa out the tunnels and up to the land above. Now they could fight to their heart's content. Lugasa activated 'Flaming Foreman'.

'Attack negated- Coat of Crimson. Cooldown activated' The attack missing its mark had Lugasa smirking but that did not mean the other fist was not ready to strike. Joshua took the blow to he face, but he kicked Lugasa's head. Sending him into a few trees.

Joshua lifted his mask for a bit, spit out the blood, mucus and a bit of his chipped teeth. Lowering the mask back on, Joshua could feel his knuckles aching. Lugasa has quite the thick hide, then looking at Cherry Blossoms it was still in great shape but even at its sharpness it cannot even leave scratches on Lugasa?

Lugasa came springing back, Joshua just took a step to the side and watch an entire forest of trees be demolished. Lugasa came back again, this time from above. Joshua could see a flaming wolf head from the sky.

'Peak Skill : Werewolf Pride.' The flaming wolf head was on its way to fall on Joshua.

"Damn. I can't even be mad." Joshua said as the flames struck him. The flames dissipated at Lugasa leaped down, howling to signal his victory. Then seeing Joshua still standing still.


System : The Lord of Thorns has 5000 Endurance.

Lugasa : 5000? Wait. That means I've been punching his stamina. And... his stamina is at?

System : The Lord of Thorns Stamina is 250,000.

Lugasa paused, scratching his head in confusion. Joshua readied his blade and looked at Lugasa.

"Thorn Sword Arts : Blossoming Radiance!" It was a chain of strikes that struck Lugasa head on. Sending Lugasa into the air, and petals of flowers reached his body. The very touch of these petals slashed Lugasa until his HP reached zero.

You have defeated Lugasa.

You have earned him as a familiar.

Paladin Ron's team has won.

Sending you to entrance.

Joshua was out at the gate where Ron was present.

"What happened to the Crimson Werewolf?" The warrior asked first.

"Defeated. But it's best not to ask too many questions." Joshua said to them where they nodded.

"You were in the Mulligan Spire for years... you didn't know it was a black spire?" Joshua shook his head to Ron's question.

"No. I didn't. So this is my first time being with humans again. and first time doing something related to Venerators." Joshua answered which he could see the distress in the faces of the others.

"Well... I'll be honest with you Joshua. You can take on a C-Ranked Quest already. If the four of us made the recommendation, then the Union will need to look into it. In the meantime, you can take on oddjobs as porters or miners. It'll take maybe 2 weeks because this kind of recommendation has to run through the Chairman. But oddjobs don't care about rank." Ron made the suggestion, it got Joshua thinking. It would be a good way for him to learn about the world.

Joshua then turned to Cathy and the others.

"Thanks for being my first Venerator team. Take care Cathy. I think people of Mulligan might have their burials soon. Since a lot of things have been left as it is." Joshua said as he looked at his phone, where an interesting headline was seen.

'Corpses of Mulligan City are untouched. It seems that the corpses still have their human appearances and even pops up to how they died. If you or your family is related to the people of Mulligan. Be sure to inform the Venerators Union to get the corpse and the death certificates. The corpses were previously skeletons but have been restored. The Restoration was done as a means of 'Granting Closure to the ones left behind.' Joshua read the headline with a heavy heart. The others looked at him, but Joshua did not say a word and left. He was going to walk back instead of taking a truck. Taking off his Mask of Thorns, the Coat of Crimson and all the other equipment.

What he was left with was a hooded sweatshirt, black pants and sneakers that have been waterproofed. Then he got a call from someone.

"Joshua?! Joshua?!"

"Hey, Clarke..."

"Oh thank God you're alive... What... What happened?"

"A lot of things. Can you get Alice and Victoria? I'll need to talk to you three about what had happened."

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