《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 6 : Cherry Blossoms


Joshua woke up with heavy breathing. His dreams were just too erotic and he did not want to spend time recalling it. He needed to take a shower his lower body was a mess. The aphrosidiac was far too strong. He does not even know how many days passed, because he smelled worse than a dumpster. This time, Joshua was going to spend a lot of time scrubbing his body. Spending nearly 3 hours in the shower until he was convinced that he did not smell horrid. But due to going out today, Joshua avoided any strong smelling shower gel or soaps. Focusing more on antibacterial ones that did not have a strong scent.

Bringing the other stuff that smelled bad downstairs, Joshua could see more creatures making this shopping mall their home. Though there was something else, there were female Centaurs, female Minotaurs and more females. Even a few dryads were moving about tending to the plants that were by the upper floors. Whatever, Joshua did not need to think much but he had to be more cautious. Going over to the supermarket to grab the detergent and softener, then walking over to one of the washing machines that was plugged in. He put everything in, then looked at the settings. Thankfully he did not need to separate his black and whites garments. Once done, he just pressed start and looking at his journal.

Turns out, the aphrosidiac was making him loose his mind. All that was inside the journal was Joshua's loss to the aphrosidiac, doodles of a woman. This was disturbing and something Joshua hopes to just be mere conjecture and not something he did in real life. Joshua was laughing at all the doodles he drew, they were fuel for laughter than eroticism.

He just waited until the machine was done, then throwing it into the dryer. Once he put the settings, now needing to wait for another hour. Joshua could see the female Minotaurs that were much different than the males. The males had a more bull like appearance while the females had a more humanoid female kind of appearance. That was something that had Joshua thinking. Was it the result of the aphrosidiac that he sees them as women or was it by natural or by laws of the area?


He waved his hands to shoo away those idle thoughts, such thoughts can be big distractions if he was not careful. Though how long has it been since he stayed in here? Now that was an idle thought that Joshua had to keep track. Because that was the kind of thought that was necessary. How long more must he endure this? Joshua then went up stairs to put his clothes aside. Putting on his Coat of Crimson and this time wielding Barton's Burden. Joshua made his way forward, what he noticed is that the kevlar vest is stored inside the spatial storage and that he could just pull out magazines from the insides of the coat. Well, that makes it convenient but he had to adjust the techniques he had learn to compensate.

The forest, it must be refering to Milisa Forest Reserve. 10 acres by the edge of the city. It was going to be a long walk, Joshua continued walking through the roads. Seeing female centaurs, minotaurs and other non human species. Joshua was wondering if it was because he had killed the males a while ago which is why they were a bit cautious around him. Their names were in white, and they were keeping away from him but there were a few that kept staring at him. Not a glare but one of curiosity.

How does Joshua know it's curiosity? He can see the '?' marks on their head and the words 'Curious' over it. Seems like this all operates like an RPG system but Joshua cannot see damage or any sort. Or even a health bar over his enemies. He can see their health and magic points but nothing else. No indication if his attacks are doing damage, all that Joshua can see is the effect his attack has.


Continuing ahead the path, Joshua found elves just moving about and this part of the city was in a state of snowy weather. He could see the juveniles playing with each other. Joshua watched an elven boy throw a snowball at a juvenile griffin. They seemed to be in high spirits. Even the minotaurs and centaurs were playing with them. Joshua had his hand by the rifle but he flicked the safety and proceeded to keep going.

An elven child threw a snowball, the minotaur moved aside and it struck Joshua's face. He just wiped the snowball off, then proceeded to continue walking on ahead. Moving into the forest, something popped up in front of him.

Tread carefully, you are now in the domain of a Sovereign Enemy

Sovereign Enemy Bayran, Ancient of White Number of Servants 0

Winter is one of the four main seasons of the worlds.

Guided by its lord Bayran the Ancient of White

Freezing colds that force the trees to slumber.

The flowers cannot bloom in the harshest of winters.

Bayrran views everything else in his domain as a nuisance.

That includes the Thorn that has trekked into his domain.

That was not an encouraging point at the end, clearly he was in someone's territory. Joshua found himself in the forest, even moving through the mounds of snow was hard. Especially on his feet, because Jensen had to lift his legs up to his knee. Mud was easier to navigate through but snow? Snow was a bit tougher.

Then again, this would be Joshua's first time being able to move freely in the snow. He swapped out Barton's rifle for Bruce's lever action rifle. Joshua could see his breath turning into ice right before his eyes. Even his ears were freezing. They might just fall off if he wasn't careful. A loud roar was heard from the front and Joshua went to hide beside a tree. Watching how the path he walked turned into solid plate of ice. Something similar to the ice rinks in the shopping mall.

"Begone!" Joshua heard as he was launched outside of the forest immediately. Joshua looked up, seeing the buildings. He was rolling in the sky, and this was going to get ugly. Really, really... Quickly. Joshua landed on something but all he could see was the sky above him. Looking to his chest, Joshua could seethe spike. Slowly watching his body fall lower and lower... So he's going to die again.

Joshua braced himself as he was torn in half, though he did not feel pain he just watched the other part of his mangled body fall down. Joshua crashed down to the ground, he was still alive. It did not hurt, but he was just... Confused. But he was bleeding out and perhaps, this may be a time for him to consider what to do next. Maybe not fight against Bayran until he has a strategy against it?

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