《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 3 : How many days?


Joshua was biting his newly grilled orc meat. He was staying in the middle of the city park.This time wearing a manticore pelt over his back with the skull of a manticore covering his head. Joshua was most likely nothing more than just a savage at this point. The entire city park was decorated with corpses of orcs, manticores, high orcs, griffins, skeletal phoenixes, hydras, wyverns and even a few black elves.

How many days has it been? Joshua could not remember. Every clock that he found kept showing the date of 7th October 2031. Time either hasn't moved or the objects here are bound to it. No clue on the date, and no idea on the progression, only that his objective was in the popup.

Reward : Class + Mask of Thorns.

Venerator : 1

Victory Condition : Hostile Creatures to Venerator must be eliminated.

Defeat Condition : None.

"The Seedling Must Be Cultivated Properly."

There was no clear indication to what is a hostile creature aside from the Red text over their names. Joshua had died quite a number of times. Each time, he would just relive the moments of seeing everything of his life fall apart. He can't even remember how many times he died. Joshua went over to wash his hands nearby the park's drinking fountain. Cleaning his hands of the oil from the orc meat. Then taking a step to look at his reflection by the river. Seeing how his pale skinned body was riddled with scars and his eyes were still black like darkness.

Joshua cannot remember when was the last time he was able to relax. Relax as in read a book or do something as simple as relax or be at ease. All he has is mere violence waiting for him throughout everything. Joshua glanced at his status.

Joshua Gates Venerator Class : Seedling Level 1 STRength 90 VITality 100 ENDurance 5000 DEXterity 410 DEFense 100 SPeeD 2000 INTelligence 2 MAGic 2 Unassigned Stat Points 0

His level did not even go up, but the other stats did rise but Joshua does not understand how any of this works.. The more he tried to understand the system, the more he realized it was confusing. There was no status menu or explanation log to teach him about this. He does not even know what is he doing anymore. What was the point of this place? Just how much more does Joshua have to do to be free or clear this?


Joshua grabbed Bruce's Courage and headed out of the park. Seeing the corpses of Orcs that he had already looted and some other creatures with their heads on a pike. He had gotten used to the weapons, he was by no means an expert but good enough to survive. There were cars and motorcycles but walking on foot was a better option for Joshua. No sound and no other liability for him. There were no other survivors, not the humans anyway. Just strolling through the streets where he could see the others creatures.

Elves, goblins, trolls and other non human races were just moving about. Some were scavenging for food and some were just fighting against each other. Although their levels were at '90' and above. Joshua seemed to be handling them just fine. Though there was a few times when damages were reduced due to the level difference but it did not stop Joshua from killing them. he observed an elf leaping onto a troll's head, stabbing in the neck, then letting go as the troll fell. The elves took notice of him, but they ran away. It might be due to his eyes.

Joshua then continued to walk down the street as he watched ratlings run out an alley. They were carrying bread and stones. Perhaps the stones were for their self protection and bread for food?

Joshua continued moving forward, then feeling a rumble to the ground beneath his feet. Gears were humming and the sounds of hydraulic pumps hissed in the air. Joshua could see everything running away from the origin of the sounds, seeing a large humanoid being move about.

Bipedal Golem Level 150 HP 50,500 MP 25,000 Skills Golem Howl Puts enemies in a state of terror. Hatred of Humanity Does bonus damage against humans. 25%

This was a bad idea, but Joshua could see its joints. The Bipedal Golem had metal innards but it covered its body with flesh and cloth to pose as a human like being. Now the menu seemed a bit more RPG at least, but Joshua does not know his HP or MP. The Bipedal Golem unleashed its roar, Joshua was not immune from the attack. He felt the urge to flee but Joshua's going to try and take it out. Even if it is going to be tedious. The first thing he was going to do is aim at its eyes. The golem would need to blink, by blinking it manages to protect itself from the attacks to its head. He needed to time the shot carefully. Firing a shot with the rifle, it struck the Bipedal Golem's eye. It reacted with swinging its arms around, damaging the buildings by the sides. The smoke and rubble were giving him some form of cover.


The reaction of lashing out when hit, it acted like it was in pain and that it was alive. Joshua took the stairs as the Bipedal Golem kept lashing out. He could hear the whines of its servos in its mouth but that did not stop Joshua from his next step. The staircase may have been more than 20 flights in actuality but having adrenaline in your veins meant that everything looks trivial at this point. Joshua kept reloading the lever action rifle and then braced himself. Reaching the top and watching the Bipedal Golem get back on its feet, it was scanning for Joshua. Searching for him as its head looked around, Joshua threw a stone rock roughly 300 meters away from him.

Bipedal Golem reacted by unleashing bolts of energy to where the sound was made. Joshua could see his target, it was the eyeball that was connected by the set of cables. Firing the shot had turned the Bipedal Golem blind as it continued to rampage, attacking the ground. Pounding the ground with its fists. As the floor began to shake beneath him. Then picking up chunks of buildings or buildings to throw at others. It was lost in its direction, Joshua then took a moment to aim at the other joints. Joshua cannot do anything about the Bipedal Golem's ears because of how well protected it is.

What he can do is fire at it. Just looking at one of its arms stop functioning was a good first step for him. Joshua then put the rifle aside, throwing stones at different distances just to throw the Bipedal Golem off. Its strength was not waning, but it was overworking its other arm. Constantly swinging it across the buildings.

Its rampage was rearranging the landscape, as rubble collided into each other. The ground was shaking, even the building was dancing to the tune of the Bipedal Golems feet. Stomping away at an odd rhythm, the tremors below his feet was enough to spurr Joshua to run. He leaped on ahead, but it was a careless mistake. As the Bipedal threw something at Joshua's arm, sending his arm flying. Joshua quickly put his mother's kitchen knife to his mouth and bit it. His dominant arm, the left arm was thrown somewhere but that does not mean anything as Joshua continued to run at it. There were openings by the Bipedal Golem's other arm, it purged the arm off. Then began work to repair it.

Joshua took a few steps back and a deep breath. Running at it with a leap of faith. Going into the hole of its arm, knife in hand. Joshua fell down into a bed of wires, servos and other things. Now, he can wreak havoc, slashing through the cables, the pumps and the wires. He does not know how much damage is he doing to it, but what he does know is that he is getting somewhere with what he's been doing. There's no clear indication if he had done anything to damage it. No pop ups or any mark indicators, but at this point Joshua will just wing it.

The Bipedal Golem shut down, then it fell downwards. Joshua was shaking inside of its body and eventually found himself impaled thanks to a sharp piece of rebar that was stuck in its ribcage. Joshua pulled himself out of it by force, bleeding out as he stepped out from the hole. Walking over to his arm and held it close as he fell to the ground.

Another round of dying and blacking out. What's new?

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