《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 2 : It's not a dream.


It was Day 2 of being stuck in this place. Joshua could see the fires that were being ignited from the distance. He was the only survivor but he could see many more creatures prowling around. Manticores, griffins, even a few elves were prowling around. Then noticing a small icon hovering by his side.

Condition has changed.

Reward : Class + Mask of Thorns.

Venerator : 1

Victory Condition : Hostile Creatures to Venerator must be eliminated.

Defeat Condition : None.

"The Seedling Must Be Cultivated Properly."

"The Seedling? Is that referring to me?" Joshua asked himself as he carried Cass's Regret downstairs. He made some food with the stove, just simple mac and cheese. Something to just fill his stomach, and having Rayland's Unforgiven by the side of his hip were good.

Shotgun in hand as he could see the creatures prowling outside. Then he heard something making its way to the door, they were trying to unlock it. The doorknob rattled repeatedly as Joshua pointed the shotgun to the door. Seeing two humanoid beings stepping in, tattered clothes and even long ears. Perhaps they were elves, unarmed and injured.

"Human?" Joshua kept his finger on the trigger. He went to close the door. They were female elves but that was not something that mattered to Joshua. Then heading over to Cass's room, grabbing some clothes and a emergency aid kit. Passing it to them. Then he realized that they were practically naked with how tattered their clothes were.

The shotgun faded away from Joshua's hand, as he served a bowl for the two elves. Joshua had Rayland's Unforgiven that was literally a second within his reach. Eating food quietly with the two elves. They did not say much or even meet his eyes. Perhaps it was due to how Joshua's sclera was all black. And that Joshua looked like a corpse. After they ate, Joshua showed them the toilets. He did not say anything to them, just showing them how to turn the knob for the shower.

Joshua then headed out the door. Locking it with a key, stepping outside to see a Manticore in front of him. Holding the pistol in two hands as the manticore growled at him. Joshua moved to the road as it continued to glare at him. Was it hostile? Or was it just territorial? Then it roared at him, where the wind itself was able to push Joshua down on his ass. He did not let go off the revolver, watching a motorcycle fly at him. Joshua rolled to the side, and was keeping track of the manticore as it pounced to his direction. Joshua pulled the trigger.

Watching the bright flash and the manticore had its entire skull blown off. Then seeing a green icon above it.

Lootable items

Manticore Hide x 3

Manticore Fangs (damaged) x 2

Manticore claws x 3

Manticore meat x 3

They seem to be loot, so Joshua picked it up. This whole set up felt like an RPG game of sorts, something that Joshua likes but he wasn't expecting to be in this kind of situation in the first place. This must be a game to someone but, for Joshua. This was for survival.

Joshua continued on his path, seeing an injured griffin that was lying on the ground. It was not hostile, perhaps it was waiting for its doom. Joshua put the griffin on his back, dragging it to the garage of his house. Then heading back to the living room, seeing the two elves were trying to put on their clothes. Struggling with the hook of the bras, Joshua went to help them. Keeping his eyes closed because of the uncomfortable face that they had.


When closing his eyes, Joshua can see the outlines of everything but not the details. His vision would be black and white, and perhaps that is for the best. Joshua then pointed to them at the garage, where he could see a few baby griffins hiding in its wings.

So far from what he could understand, it seems not all entities were hostiles to him. The elves immediately went over to help it, Joshua swung the chamber of the revolver, taking out the single spent bullet and reloaded it with another bullet. Using his left hand to push the chamber back in. Seeing the elves speak in some other language, seeing blue lights appear by their hands. So magic was real?

Letting go off the weapon as it faded away from his hands. This time Joshua went up to the roof, wielding Bruce's Courage. Loading the bullets by the loading gate to the side, each bullet that Joshua put in had left an impression on him.

His thoughts were reminded to the time he went to his late grandfather's place to shoot that bottles with the 22 Long Rifle. The smiles of his family that he will never see again, Joshua just left their bodies there, perhaps he was too afraid to deal with it? He just thought of shelter instead of taking the corpses of his family. He was powerless before. Still powerless. Forever powerless. Yet what can he do now?

He was a coward, that much he berated himself for it as he had tears in his eyes. Standing by the rooftops, Joshua could see a group of Orcs moving about in the street. 3 of them, he had 7 shots in the lever action. Could he pull it off? He was no expert marksman and the one with the manticore was definitely luck. Joshua was trying to aim through the ghost ring sights. Trembling hands as he kept his eye on the sight picture of the orcs. He needed to stop the trembling somehow but he lowered the rifle. Keeping the barrel pointing to the sky, he needed to compose himself. Shooting with trembling hands and desperation? That was a definite recipe of disaster. Then readying the rifle again, taking aim.

He felt his hands shaking once more. If he missed. It would lead to dire consequences. Even Joshua was unsure if he could handle them as he is now. Joshua took a deep breath, calming his heart as he took aim again. His hands stopped with the trembling, giving him a brief window to take a look at the target. Not going for the head, this time he was aiming for the chest.

Center mass was easier to hit compared to the head. A mantra that stuck with him from his family. They were all first responders, they had times when they had to pull the trigger to fight. Joshua steeled his resolve, betting everything on the first shot. Pulling the trigger.

The loud crack of the gunfire was one thing. Seeing the red mist in his sights was a clear indication, his right hand worked the lever to eject the spent bullet. Glancing at the two orcs that reacted to the situation, running to cars for cover. They were looking around to figure out where the gunfire came from. That gave Joshua time to line up another shot. Seeing the orc peeking its head cautiously to the nearby buildings.


Another pull as Joshua felt the recoil. The recoil was negligible despite the high caliber. It was the same with Rayland's Unforgiven. Firing another shot to see the mist again, then another one. Working the lever, but he lost his balance and slipped. Falling on his head. Joshua was waiting for his body to react to it in pain but it just felt like he fell and nothing happened. Standing up as he looked at the dead Orcs.

This made absolutely no sense. Joshua checked his menu, and seeing the word Seedling felt unsettling to him.

Joshua Gates Venerator Class : Seedling Level 1 STRength 20 VITality 10 ENDurance 5000 DEXterity 410 DEFense 30 SPeeD 2000 INTelligence 1 MAGic 1 Unassigned Stat Points 0

It was unsettling. Nothing was clear to him. Everything felt like a riddle.Joshua then made his way to the orcs that he had shot. They might have loot or weapons.

Lootable items

Orc meat x 3

Orc eyes x 2

Orc glands x 3

Orc tusks x 3

Orc head (trophy)

The glands? Joshua was not going to think about it. But like video games, the items fell from the corpses. Apparently these items are in a different inventory slot, as Joshua opened his bag and the items he had looted earlier was not there.

Then checking the menu for the inventory list. Seeing it in the menu. Descriptions of various items but Joshua did not want to know much or even look further into it. Though he was interested in the trophy part of it. Seems like there was nothing else in the explanation for the trophy part only that Orcs will be hostile to him. Whatever, Joshua was just going to continue doing what he was doing for now. It will take sometime but things were going to be slow. He was just one person but it seemed as if he's done this for a while.

Everything was easy right here. Heading back to his house, Joshua could hear sounds of the stove being worked on and voices of laughter from the inside. Something was odd, but Joshua thought it was the elves. He opened the door, seeing his family. A smile on his face, but there was something of concern. Their names were in red which clearly meant hostiles.

"Joshua. Aren't you going to join us for dinner?" The voice of his mother reached his ears, but the anger in his veins made him reach out for the rifle. Snapping a shot, as he shot his father first. A black mist emitted out, revealing a figure that was hiding in the mist. Ejecting the spent cartridge, then firing into the shadow where it dissipated.

'Enemy identified. Wraith. Possesses the bodies of the people closest to target. As a means to scare it and cause hesitation.'

That just made Joshua furious, these creatures were toying with the bodies of his family. Cass jumped over at Joshua he swapped out for Cass's Regret. The face of his sister was worn but the shotgun gave his answer.

"Joshua... It's u-" Joshua blew his sister's head off with the shotgun that born from her feelings

. Playing with his emotions and memories, this was how wraiths would fight. The wraith looked at Joshua with confusion as he blasted another shotgun shell through its chest. Joshua screamed as he fought the wraiths. Shoving Barton's rifle into Barton's mouth, pulling the trigger until he heard the magazine was spent. Watching the corpse of his brother's head be torn apart and the wraith behind it was riddled with holes. Seeing the wraith charge at him, he headbutted it back. Loading another magazine as he slapped the bolt release by the side. Unleashing the storm of lead to leave the wraith as a ghost.

Rayland's wraith went after him, jumping on top of him. Where this creature opened his brother's mouth, tearing the cheeks by the skin to reveal its elongated tongue that began to lick Joshua's cheeks. A headbutt as Rayland's imposter jumped off, followed by the Unforgiven pointed to Rayland's face.

"Josh i-" Firing three shots to kill the body, then the wraith tried to escape. Only to meet the rest of the three bullets. Joshua turned to his mother who was trying to speak with him. To reason with him, but Joshua knew the truth. He can't lie to himself as tears streamed down his cheeks. The kitchen knife in hand, left hand grabbing the wraith by the throat. Stabbing her 50 times in the stomach. Feeling part of himself dying on the inside.. Then stabbing the wraith a hundred times as the wraith kept crying and even trying to use his mother's voice for mercy.

By the end of it, Joshua's fingers were coated in the blood of his family. This place was not safe and he can't stay here. The safety of his home was lost and the fact that he had to kill them again. He had to put them rest, even by his own hands. Joshua coughed out blood as he began to vomit everything out. Emptying his stomach from everything he had consumed.

Then he went over to check the garage, only to find the griffin and its family dead, along with the elves who were torn in pieces. This truly made Joshua realize that he was in a grim situation and that nothing would change. He was going to have to survive, no matter how afraid he was.

Did Joshua lose his humanity? That was a good question. Perhaps, with all that he has seen. It would be better to just be insane rather than being sane. Alone, no allies. No form of comfort. Then he heard Orcs screaming from outside the house. Then the only way to survive is to destroy everything. Loading the shotgun shells into Cass's Regret, he was going to use it against them. That was the least he could do for his fallen family.

Stepping outside where Joshua could see the dozens of orcs in front of him. Tears in his eyes as he readied the shotgun.

"Kill the human!"

Kill or be killed, that was the rule here. So he's going to have to play by the rules. Hopefully, everything would end in a lighter note.

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