《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》Chapter 1 : What happened?


Joshua was looking at his hands. Blood was trickling all over them, even Orcs bleed red it seems. Yet, Joshua was uneasy about a lot of things. Todd and Sheena, they were weapons. He had bathed in orc and goblin blood, but even then. He felt at ease about it. Normally he would wipe it off because it was unclean but, Joshua felt a form of comfort to this. An odd sensation but it was as if he had the two of them by his side.

Sheena's Love and Todd's Tears

A pair of swords that was born from the feelings of two people.

A child hood friend who loved.

A neighbour that cried.

Attack Power 70 Sharpness Phantasm

That was it, the two sabers in his hands. Sheena had feelings for Joshua but, Joshua never knew. Perhaps it was because of how Sheena was being chased by everyone else, it would never occur to Joshua that she loved him. Childhood friends? Perhaps it would have been more, if he was not such a fool. Too late to say anything, he needed to focus to survive.

Todd? A neigbour that Joshua knew far too well. Spending many nights playing video games until dawn. Getting into all sorts of trouble when they were younger. Yet when he swung the blades, he could hear their voices.

"Hey Josh. Wanna come over and play games? Oh yeah, I got the new copy of Hollowed Ground!"

"Joshua. Did you complete last night's homework?"

Words they said in a conversation. It should bring relief or some sort of solace... Yet it was haunting. The corpses of the orcs were all around him. To think he did this. He had a weak heart and a frail body, but... Did he truly commit this massacre? The thought alone was there but it felt like he was in some sort of lucid dream. Because why would there be such feelings in a place like this?

Everything was a mess as Joshua looked at the words etched to the palm of his hands 'Todd' and 'Sheena. Just what did this mean? Were they weapons that had been crafted to his body? Or were they something else?

Joshua made his way back to his house. A trip that had given him more perspective on what he had done. In his head all of this was a blurr. So many orc corpses were on the ground. Like meats thrown out of a butcher's shop. Making his way back to the house he lived in for a number of years. This neighbourhood he lived in, seeing the corpses of humans who had been killed by the orcs just strewn around for all to see. Joshua felt like sick in the head, but his body? His body felt as if nothing was bothering it. Physically fine but mentally feeling the sickness of killing something. The other creatures were there, they saw him but they kept their distance from him. Their names were clad in 'White' text instead of Red. Whatever the text does, Joshua was not sure about anything.

The walk back to his house? It was exhausting with everything that he had seen, he just... He just wanted a nice shower. Perhaps even then he may not be able to take it that much. The house? For the most of it was intact, the other houses were either destroyed or left in perfect shape. Stepping through his home, Joshua could not help but feel some slight relief because something was normal. Something was familiar. He headed up to his room. Taking off his clothes that reeked off Orc blood. A nice hot shower to rinse his body clean off blood. Of whatever that he had, a small peace in this particular place. Something to keep himself grounded, somehow. The hot water was like a warm hug that he needed. The realistic sensation of the water getting hotter and colder as he turned the knob. It was clear that this cannot be a dream. It is far too great and too real for it to be a dream.


Drying his hair with a towel, Joshua then looked at the bedside mirror. Noticing something on his chest. 'Cass' 'Rayland' 'Barton' 'Bruce' 'Natalie' those names were etched to where his heart was beating. Where another pop up appeared in front of him.

Rayland's Unforgiven

A revolver that was born from an elder brother's love.

"I'm not dying without a fight. So come at me ugly!" Were his last words.

His last thoughts.

'Sorry, Josh. I hope you get out okay.'

Attack Power 90 Range 250 meters Capacity 6 bullets Ammo 357 magnum

Joshua looked at the rosewood grip of this particular revolver, even cocking the hammer back. He had to fiddle with it, unsure of where is the button to push the chamber aside. The revolver itself was black with gold engravings on its frame 'Rayland's Unforgiven' then looking at the barrel.

'For my little brother' engraved in gold. That was Rayland alright. Everything he did was for Joshua, and no matter who threatened Joshua. He wouldn't let any thing hurt him.

"Come on, Josh. I told you. It's not a button, it's like a lever." Joshua heard Rayland's voice as he pressed the lever, allowing him to swing the chamber to the left, seeing the six empty chambers of the revolver. Just this alone was enough to break Joshua again, maybe all of this is a twisted dream.... Maybe he will wake up and find his brother by his side? Joshua kept looking at himself. He did not feel any shortness of breath when normally even doing a light chore would leave Joshua gasping for air.

He then headed to his Rayland's room, seeing the gunsafe that belonged to his brother. The code for it? It was Joshua's birthday 15th September 2015. Joshua was able to unlock it, seeing the boxes of ammunition inside. When Joshua tried to pick up a rifle, it just phased through his fingers.

It made no sense. Why? Why can't he pick up anything? Joshua tried to pick up the other guns or whatever that seemed like a weapon. Seems like he was unfortunate because none of it was something he could use.

"Cass" Joshua whispered to himself. Seeing a black shotgun appear to his hands. It had a polished silver barrel, with a tube that held 8 shells. Joshua read the description, feeling his heart be torn piece by piece.

Cass's Regret.

A shotgun that was born from the regret's of Cass.

"I wish... I could have given you a better life."

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

Attack Power 200 Range 90 meters Capacity 8 shells Ammo 12 gauge

As Joshua read the words on this see through screen, all he could think about was how much did they suffered. Always being the burden, was that how his family viewed him? He could not do anything yet, here he was... Standing alone in all this. Taking some shotgun shells and looking for items that he could use to carry all the ammo. What he learned was that the weapons do not need to be carried. If he does not call for it. It will just return to his skin.

"Just remember Josh. Keep that shotgun up, load it with your other hand. Keep those shells going into the breech. Make sure that stock is firm by your chest." It was like a faint whisper of his sister's voice. It was something he remembered when he was curious about shotguns in the past. Always seeing Cass use those shotguns whenever she entered competitions. Yet, this shotgun carried Cass's regrets for everything. Just what was it?


He needed to take a look at all the weapons he had. The weapons being the things that remind him of his family. What kind of curse was this?

Barton's Burden

An assault rifle born from the eldest brother who refuses to call his youngest brother a burden.

"I'll always be there for ya Josh. Even if the world turned its back on you."

"Stop calling my brother a burden! He's my younger brother not yours!"

Attack Power 50 Range 500 meters Capacity 30 bullets. Ammo 5.56 NATO

Barton's rifle was something that Joshua had seen Barton use before, back when Barton was a soldier but with a few major differences. The rifle had golden flowers engraved into it, ornate and delicate. Something that Barton would have found to be a bit too much for his taste but not for Joshua. To Joshua the flowers were akin to ones you give in funerals.

"Ease up, Josh. Remember, firing in bursts or single shots is better than firing off on full auto. What's the point of firing full auto but you can't control it?" Joshua pulled the charging handle by the carrying handle, and grabbed the boxes of ammo inside Rayland's room. Joshua went over to Barton's room, seeing the kevlar vest and the camouflaged clothes. Urban digital something, that was what Joshua remembered from all the shooter games that Todd loved to play. There was even a ski mask to wear. Stacks of magazines and speed loaders. One of them was simple to use. Just put the magazine at the end of it, line the bullets up accordingly, then pull the tab to push them all in nice and tight.

Joshua put on the urban digital hoodie with the kevlar vest. Even putting on the ski-mask and the shades that his brother had. It was supposed to be big when he tried it before and heavy but... It seems like it was a perfect fit for him this time.

Bruce's Courage

Lever Action rifle that was born from a Father's Courage. A father's courage for his children and family.

"Talk badly about my boy, Mayor Krestin. I'll be going to jail for putting a bullet in your head."

"Run your mouth again about my family, sir. I will kill you.

Attack Power 350 Range 750 meters Capacity 7 bullets Ammo 45-70

The rifle? It had silver in its frame with rosewood for its other parts. A lever action, Joshua was only able to use anything that was only in 22 Long Rifle because he was too weak to handle anything stronger. There was even a sleeve at the back of the rifle that was for extra bullets to be slotted into it. Joshua rummaged through his brother's belongings. Looking for a bag of sorts, sifting through the many bags. Some were too small for what he needed. Though he did find a bag that was big. Trying it on as he got a nice feel for it, it wasn't going to expose him too much. The purpose was just for him to put things inside especially the bullets and magazines. Joshua knew how to use these guns but he did not have much experience with them. He fired them once but that was it.The last weapon he needed to see was his mother's.

Natalie's Prayers

A kitchen knife that was frequently used by the mother. Born from her prayers for her child

"Dear God, please make it easy on Joshua when times are hard."

"Dear Lord above, Joshua's going through some rough times. Can you please help him get through them?

Attack Power 15 Sharpness Divine

A kitchen knife, this was the same kitchen knife his mother would use when she was cooking him meals. A Chef's knife, yet when he held it in his hands. He felt some warmth coming from it. A pleasant warm sensation.

"Now.. Now, always be gentle with the knife. Sharpen it before use, okay?" Hearing the words of his mother echo away while his thoughts were focusing on the hatred. The loss that he had suffered and the things he had felt? Just anger and rage. He wanted the orcs to pay, he wanted to just march up for a fight but... What was the point of that? Survival came first. They put everything aside for his survival and even then. Joshua could only clench his fists and swallow his anger.

Joshua paused for a moment, then he went back to his room. Holding Cass's Regret in his hands, putting a blanket that covered him completely. Loading shotgun shells into the breech. He pushed his bed frame to the door, then taking refuge by the corner of his room. Physically, Joshua was alright but his mind? Joshua's mind was going to need a lot of things to be adjusted. Shouldering the shotgun, keeping his right hand by the stock.

Closing his eyes, hoping for all this to be a dream. Because a world without his family seemed so lonely and it was something that Joshua may not be able to face. Was he even able to grieve? Did he even take the time to grieve for their deaths? That was a good question. Joshua cried in silence as his blanket got damp from all of his shed tears. Hoping for this to be a dream. He didn't want to face this reality but... He did not have a dream as Joshua woke up from his slumber with ease by the crack of dawn. It was not a dream, and this was a reality that he has to face. Fear was in his veins, anxiety from the fact that he has to kill all those things by himself.

He had no choice. He doesn't have a choice. He has to make due of the cards that he had been given, despite the fears that plague his mind.

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