《Elementia Online: Way of Aer》5: Bartholomew


Suddenly, there was a whistle, and the Rocwing jerked its head around. A moment later, a small bird flitted by its head and up into the air, drawing the big bird’s attention. It didn't hesitate before lifting off after the small bird, cawing eagerly as it gave chase. A minute later, all sounds of it had disappeared.

Garrett cautiously came out, and startled when someone called out, “Ho! That was a close one, wasn't it?”

A stocky man in a feathered vest came around the rock. His features weren't the same as the Hawk man Garrett had seen earlier, and he wondered if he was an outsider. Was there a way to examine non-player characters?

As soon as he thought it, a window appeared above the stranger’s head that said Bartholomew (O. 82). His name and Orb level, it must be. Garrett still didn't have a good sense for how Orb levels were perceived yet, but 82 seemed decently high, especially for the beginning.

“Yeah, it was.” As Garrett approached him, he noticed there was a faint blue light surrounding Bartholomew. If he remembered correctly, that meant he'd be a friendly NPC.

“Good thing I happened to be passing when I was.” Bartholomew wiped his forehead and whipped the sweat off his head onto the ground. “Elsewise we would have had another casualty here in Han'xin.”

“Are you from there then?” Garrett asked curiously.

“No, no. A traveler passing through who couldn't help but be fascinated by their bird problem.” Bartholomew craned his head back to stare at the rock pillars far above. “Strange, isn't it? The birds set up residence here, then just started attacking the villagers.” He shook his head. “I know a thing or two about birds, but I can't puzzle this one out.”


“Is there something I could do to help? I'm trying to stop the Rocwing attacks if I can.” It was a bit awkward conversing with the NPC so organically. Garrett was used to having prompts for his character to say in RPGs like this. Sure enough, as soon as he thought about it, some options hovered in the corner of his vision. He wasn't sure he'd ever use them, but it was good to know he had things to fall back on if he got stuck.

Bartholomew eyed him curiously. “Are you now? Then that's another thing we have in common!”

Just to try it out, Garrett opted for one of the speech options. As soon as he thought it, his avatar took over speaking in another weird experience. “Another? I only counted one.”

“Ah, but there you're wrong,” the traveler said with a wink. “We're both out-of-towners, aren't we?” He came closer and clapped Garrett on the shoulder. “I'll tell you what. If you happen to get up in a Rocwing nest and can tell me all about it — maybe even bring back a feather or an egg — then I'll make it worth your while. Deal?”

Garrett knew exactly where this was leading now, and eagerly said, “Sure thing!”

You have agreed to help Bartholomew investigate Han’xin’s Rocwing problem by bringing him back an item from a Rocwing nest.

If you succeed:

+100 Reputation

Access to future quests with Bartholomew

Potential future access to Bartholomew as a companion

If you fail:

No future quests with Bartholomew

No access to Bartholomew as a companion


Not only was it another reward he could reap, but it also might provide a stepping stone to figuring out the Rocwing problem. He didn't know how to get up the pillars still, but first things first: he had to get to the village and figure out combat and magic.


“Bartholomew,” he said, “do you know if there's someone that teaches magic in Han’xin?”

The feather-vested traveler gave him a knowing smile. “Ah, you're one of those. A Drifter. Well, you're in luck, friend…” He raised his eyebrows.


“Garrett. Since you know my name with that strange magic of yours, I figure it's only right to know yours. There is a Drifter in town, an old man. If he were any younger, I'm sure he would have taken care of those Rocwings himself by now. From what I've heard, though, he hasn't been too well recently. Still might be able to show you a thing or two.”

A Drifter in Han’xin may teach you your first lessons in the use of Aer, if you approach him in the right manner.

If you succeed:

+500 Reputation

Access to Aer magic

Unlock further Way of Aer quests

If you fail:

You must learn Aer magic from another tutor


Garrett grinned. He'd been here less than an hour and had already accrued three quests. And maybe they were starting quests, and most RPGs started you off this way, but somehow, he was already way more invested in these than he'd ever felt in any other game. “Thank you,” he said genuinely. “I'll be able to find you around here, once I get into that Rocwing next?”

“I like your confidence! And yeah, I like to wander the island, finding out what I can, and letting Gabe fly around. And speaking of the little devil, here he is again!”

A little bird appeared from above and landed on Bartholomew's shoulder. The traveler grinned at him. “This is the real guy to thank for back there, Garrett. He's saved my life a time or two on this island.”

It felt a bit ridiculous, but Garrett nodded at the bird. “Thank you, Gabe.”

The bird, a little yellow and white one, chirped a cheerful song.

“He likes you! He has always been drawn to Drifters. Makes me a little jealous at times, it does.” The man winked at me. “But you'd better be along to the village. Rocwings wait for no man, especially when the bird they were chasing suddenly disappears!”

Garrett thanked him once again and continued on his way to the village.

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