《The call in the night, OneShots collection》The purple ogre, Part I


The crowd was cheering the fighters on the ring. One was known as the “fighter” he was an ex-soldier that after his service ended started fighting. The other was known as the “ogre”, it was a purple giant of muscles, he was known for being practically invincible.

The two were sworn enemies, fighting like beasts on the ring, incidents between the two of them were not rare. The two had contended the title of champion for a long time by now.

“You purple scum come here,” said the fighter on the ring, but the ogre remained calm.

The fighter dash toward him and start throwing punches at him, but the ogre barely felt them.

The crow was excited, little they knew what was really going on.

The two, far from being sworn enemies, were friends. Before each fight, they planned who would win and the match in advance.

“So this is what is going to happen.” said the fighter to the ogre “I taunt you a bit but you remain calm, then I dash and start throwing punches at you, obliviously not strong ones.

After a bit you give me one strong punch, I am thrown back surprised and stunned. Then you pick me, flex a bit, and throw me outside the ring.”

“Sounds good.” The ogre said trying to hide his worries.

The fighter trowed a punch in the left side of the ogre, the ogre stumbled backwards, the two of them stopped for a moment, both unsure of what to do exactly. The ogre began to cough strongly. All the sudden the ogre looked weak, he was barely able to stand up. He felt fat and low.

The fighter panicked and throw him a punch on the face, not a real one, and knocked him out.


The crow and the arbiter were confused for a moment and then begin to cheer.

After the match the ogre locked himself in his room looking at old photos, the fighter came in.

The ogre looked horrible. He had gorged himself with food and had drunk a bit, who I am kidding, he was practically drunk.

After the ogre wife divorced him he loosed his fire, he didn’t want to fight anymore. Yes, he maybe has been still pretty strong, but his fire was no more, sometimes he hoped to really loose, to being knockdown. But he had a reputation to defend so he kept the show going.

“You know after my wife divorced me I had this moment when I was like... What I am even doing?” The ogre said, “I don’t want to fight anymore, why should I fight, there is nothing to fight for.”

The fighter looked at him, listening attentively “What happened on the ring? Why you started spilling blood?”

“Ah that, old wound, it never completely healed. It never gave me problems, well until now, You know I don’t know if I want to continue fighting. They believe that I am some sort of beast that can’t be defeated, a berserker on the battlefield. Look at me, do I look like a beast?”

“Why didn’t you tell me, I could have done something, I could have helped you.”

“How? I am a broken man, I have lost my purpose, I am a hypocrite. Leave me alone.”

“The fighter went away”

The ogre continued to drink for a bit, he began to think, then something came into his mind, a strange thought.

“Look at how everything in the world can be changed, maybe you should fight for something more than yourself.”

To continue

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