《Gamers App》Fight 2


After his cousin left he patiently waited for his grandmother in the living room thinking about the news he just received.

'It really worked!

The ring has improved grandfather's condition enough for him to be out of danger.

Thank god...


As he was rejoicing on his grandmother's recovery the house's front door opened.

' It has to be grandma!'

He imediately jumped from the couch and ran towards the door with a big silly smile on his face.

"Nana, welcome home."

He hugged his surprised grandmother as soon as she entered the house and didn't let go for a some time.

"Jack, honey....

I'm glad to see you to , but I think that is enough hugging."


He blushed a little , but it didn't matter.

"Grandma is it true that grandpa is better?"

"Did your cousin tell you?"

"Yes, she said that grandpa has gotten better."

"Well ,the doctor said that he is out of life threatening danger for now, but he is going to be held under strict supervision. "

"That's great! So when is he being released from the hospital?"

"Slow down.

No one knows for sure. He is better for now , but he is an old man in his seventies.

It's a miracle that he even survived the attack."

' Yes it's a miracle alright.'

"Ah, I've wanted to ask you ; did you give your grandfather a blue ring when you visited him?"


Jack brows became a little furrowed as he answered with a hesitant yes.

"I thought so.

When the nurse came to check up on him she discovered that he was holding something tightly on his hand. She tried to open his hand but he kept repeating your name."

"Is the ring still with him? "



He wouldn't calm down without it so we decided to let him keep it."

"That's good.

Anyway I wanted to hear the whole story about how it happened.

The time, the place, everything."

"Well I'll have to first talk with some of the relatives on the phone, but why do you want to know?"

"Just curious."


For half an hour Jack learned every detail his grandmother knew about the attack and towards the end his face looked like someone had punched him in the balls.

From what she said his grandfather with some of his old friends had been fishing at the nearby river and had cought a lot of fish in the process. During the process itI got late so they had decided to just spend the night there and set up camp. They create a fire and grill some of the fish and ate and drank to their hearts content , but their fun time was cut short.

Unbeknownst to them the fish smell seemed to have attracted a nearby bear and a hungry bear at that. The hungry bear had rushed to their camp and started to eat all the fish they had caught ignoring the men.

The logical choice at the time would be for them to get the hell out of there , but with alcohol fueling their stupidity they stayed there and watched the bear eat their hard caught fish.

After that things went from a visit to the zoo to man vs bear as one of his grandfather's friend, Roy had decided that the god damn motherf*cking bear had no right to eat their hard cought fish, so he shoot the bear .

The rest you could fill in yourself.


'This is so....

"You are saying that if they hadn't provoked the bear all this wouldn't have happened?"


"Yes , but there is no use crying over spilled milk."

'Why the hell did I get angry for? It was their own god damn fault for getting hurt.'

After Jack heard what happened in detail he got up from the couch with a disappointed look and was about to leave .

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to eat breakfast?"

"I'm just going to go for a walk and gather my thoughts so I won't be long."

"Okay then , but after you come back can you go to the police station and ask them if they had found where your grandfather's shotgun."

"Do I have to go?"

"Well , the shotgun that he had with him is a loved weapon so he will miss it."

"Okay then I'll go ask right now."

"But what about your new breakfast?"

"I'll just by something on the way."


At the local police station Jack was talking to a thin bearded police officer.

"Can you go check again?"

"No can do young man. The case is already closed so there is nothing I can do. I can't send any officer to look for missing gun in the territory of a wounded bear."

"Is there really no way?"


If you have any real problem I'm happy to help you, but...

"I get it. Sorry for disturbing you."

After getting nothing from the police station he decided to take the trip himself.

'If you want to something right you do it yourself.'

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