《Gamers App》Vowing Revenge 1


"Hah hah hah....

Jack was breathing heavily like a horse,his clothes were drenched in sweat and his hair was a mess like a hurricane had passed through there, but his eyes were focused on the sign in front of him.

"The hospital...I made...it.


Even though he had run with all his might to here which was 20 miles away from the house, he still dragged his weary and aching body inside.

' I have to see him...

I have to see him...

He had only one thing in his mind, his sole purpose. He wanted to meet his grandfather.


*Tap tap*

The door opened for him and he entered inside with heavy legs . He didn't know anything so he decided to ask a nurse in front of him for directions.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for someone, can you help me out?"



I can do that, but you seem to not be fine yourself. "


I'm okay, just a little out of breath. I'm looking for my grandfather.

He was admitted to the ICU today morning."

"The ICU? This morning?

Are you by any chance talking about the old gentleman who got mauled by a bear?"


"Kid, I know you want to see him, but I don't recommend it. The attack was pretty grusome and the wound's..


I want to see him."

"Kid, it's not a good idea to...

"If you won't help me then I'll just look for him myself."

*tap tap tap*

Jack walked past the nurse and onto looking for the ICU on his own.

"Kid, wait!"


"Let go of me!"

"I can't do that. You say that he is your grandfather , but how can I be sure? You could as well be lying."


"Hmph, I have no time to argue with you."

He easily removed his hand from the nurses hold and didn't turn back

' This little....he's strong.'

"Okay then, ill take you there , but you can't make a scene. Your other family members are there."


After two minutes he finally arrived at the room where his grandfather was .

"The room is that one over there. "

He looked at where the nurse pointed and saw that his father, mother and grandmother were all there.

He could clearly hear the quiet sobbing of his grandmother, the comforting words of his father and the calm and collected voice of his mother who was explaining to someone the situation on the phone.

'What am I going to say?'

*Tap tap tap tap*

Before coming here his only thought was to see his grandfather , but now that the room was within his sights he was having cold feet and with every step his eyes got more watery.

"Shhhh, it's going to be okay. The doctor said that he is out of the dander zone and that he was very a lucky man.

Don't worry mother. We are going to find him the best doctors on the field and...



His dad turned around and stared with wide eyes.


What are you doing here? Wasn't your cousin waiting at the house to explain everything?

How did you even get here?"

His father asked him multiple questions, but his eyes wer focused on his grandmother's face.

"Nana,I'm here!"

"Jack, honey...why *sob* *sob*

His grandmother tried to say something, but she couldn't stop weeping. Her face was pale, her eyes red from crying.

She looked nothing like her former self .




He didn't know what to say and just hugged his grandmother and seemed like he would never let go. He was afraid.


"Hush child, it's going to be okay. Your grandfather is a tough nail, he won't croak so easily."

"I know, but when I heard that he...

He continued to hug his grandmother until he felt it was enough.

"Jack, what are you doing here?"

The voice of his mother sounded. She had finished talking on the phone and caught the sight of him with the corner of her eye.


I came to see grandpa."


She didn't say anything, but the look on her face told everything.

The silence was becoming a heavy burden

"Jack can we have a talk in private?"

"That was what I was thinking also ,father."


"Son, your grandfather is not in a good situation right now. You insist to see him, but I don't think that is a good idea.

The doctor said that the more emotional he gets the more..


Don't try to sugar coat it and tell me the truth."


"Jack, it's not that easy...

Grandpa Ben's condition is complicated and... well...


"Say it!"

"The doctor said that there is only a slim chance that he may survive."


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