《Gamers App》Easy Kills 1


' Wow , this is great! The skill raises my strength by 5% without using any of my mana. Also, the raise is not a defined amount like +1 Strength but an increase by percentage.

In the early stages it won't matter that much, but when my Strength is at a substantial amount the skill will be more useful and maybe if my Strength stat increases....

His mind was filled with all those possibilities.

"I wonder if my other stats raise to ten , will I get a stat based skill from them also?

What skill would that be?"

Jack continued to work his brain to find an answer, but it was getting late. If he didn't go now his dinner was going to get cold and because he was starting to get hungry he couldn't concentrate.

"I better eat dinner first and think about it later."


After enjoying his new increase in strength for five minutes he went to join his grandparents for dinner.

"So Jack how was your day?"

"It was fine grandpa."

Jack was sitting on the table enjoying his chicken. Beside him and his grandma there was also an tall and thin old man with a rough, clean shaven face. It was his grandpa.

"How about school how's it going?"

" It's fine, nothing worth mentioning."

*Chew Chew*


"I heard that you had a fight with your father. Is that true? "


'Here we go again. I was expecting for this question to be asked soon.'

" Yes, it's true."

"Is that right?

So, is that the reason that you came here, to hide from him?"


'Why is taking to people more draining that fighting for your life?'

"Why aren't you answering? If you are such a big man now why is it so hard to answer a simple question?


Or is it that you left in just a childish whim?"

"Honey, why don't you cut him some slack? We are eating dinner right now so why don't you stop bombarding him with questions.

Leave the boy be ."

" This doesn't concern you woman. I'm having a conversation with him and not you. How many times do you have to interrupt me when I'm speaking to him. "

"Oh hush now. It's unbecoming of you in this old age to argue.

Your blood pressure is going to raise again."


If I was just ten years younger I would give you a piece of my mind."

"Heh , I hope you will get used to eating canned food for breakfast, lunch and dinner."




"Sometimes I wonder if I should have married you."

"Oh really?

When I met up you only had a pair of underwear to show off, so you tell me if you were lucky."


Talking to you is just decreasing my lifespan."

*Chatter chatter*

Jack was looking at his grandparents bickering and a small smile surfaced slowly.

' I hope that when I get as old as them I'll have a person to bicker with so casually. '

The lovebirds continued while Jack ate faster.

"Thanks for the meal.

I'm going to get an early sleep now, so good night."

"Where are you going? I haven't finished talking to you yet."

The authoritarian voice of his grandfather stopped him on his tracks.

"Why are you still pestering him?

Jack honey , go on I'll deal with him."

' You really are the best grandma on the whole wide world.'


*Tap tap*

Jack continued to his room not to sleep as he told them, but try his new strength.



*Honk honk*

" Jack bring me my gear, I'm getting late.


"I'm coming, I'm coming."

It was early morning and the clock still hadn't hit 8 am. The sound of an old blue trucks engine was heard for miles.

*Tap tap*


Jack took a big bag filled with fishing gear and brought it to his grandfather's truck.


"Do you need anything else?"

"No, I have everything.

Jack... this right now is not the answer. I may have been harsh with you yesterday , but please understand me

I don't want your father to loose his other son to."


"I get it grandpa. I've also thought about it, but now it's not the time.

I'll do it later."

"It's your choice.

Well then, take care of your grandma while I'm gone . "

"Got it.

Have a safe trip."


The sound of the car got further and further away until it disappeared completely.


At the forest Jack had his phone in hand.

"Time do some hunting .





In the abandoned mine a human figure appeared.


Then , let's begin."

He continued forward with newfound confidence brought by his increased strength. He continued onwards for two minutes until met his enemy.

*Slush slush*

"Time to see what I can do."

*Whoop whoop...

He started spinning his kusari-fundo , but this time faster than ever before.

*Whoop whoop....

The sound became more loud and the chain spun faster and faster until the chain let a jarring sound.

' Shoot ...



The weighted end hit the slime with such force that half of its body was smashed.

*Tap tap tap*




He didn't wait for the slime to recover and kicked it with all his newfound strength and killed it instantly .

"Wow, it dies in just two strikes!"

He shouted and opened his battle log to see what happened.

[Enemy Spotted...


You attacked...


Hp -20


Hp -10

+5 Xp

+ 1 Gold ]

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