《Gamers App》Testing Skills 2


After Jack threw his last pitch he collected all the balls and put them into their place.

"Well it seems like my Mana is being used whenever I use my skill."

He opened his status screen and observed his Mana and saw that his Mana had dropped to 20%.

"If my calculations are right when I use my skill it requires at least 5% of my Mana.

This is very interesting."

'As soon as I activate my skill a warm current of energy goes through my body and increases my strength and precision.

It's almost like magic...well actually it is magic.

If I go by the definition of the book, Mp is magic points so it's not that strange that something magical happened.'

He double clicked on his skill and saw that the proficiency had gone from 22% to 58%.

'My proficiency on the two skills I have is growing very rapidly and if I use them some more I could take them to 100% completion in about a day ,but what will happen when they really go to 100%?

When that happens will they stop growing or will skill still get stronger?

*Tap tap*

" If remember correctly right now I'm at level 2.

The rewards for completing my quest where +1 level so it means that I got one level by completing the mission and the other level by killing those slimes?

If I go with this train of thought that means that I have gained two levels ,buy I am still level 2. So does that mean that when a new gamer registered he starts at level 0?

Is this why there isn't a level indicator on my skills, because they are still at level is 0 and if they are at level 0 it doesn't show ."


He stayed there for a while and thought about it.

"Well it doesn't matter. I'll just have to raise the proficiency of my skills to 100% and then I'll be able to know for sure.For now I have learnt enough about my two skills , but I still haven't collected my rewards; my weapon and my armour. "

When he saw the list of weapons he could choose from he was overwhelmed by the sheer number and type.

They started from daggers, one-handed swords, long swords butterfly knifes, katanas and many more.

The number off armors to choose from was also very big. They ranged from chainmail top padded jackets and even armour what you may have at the '300' movie.

'I was very tempted to choose a Katana and a greek style armour because it looks very cool, but on second thought I didn't really know how to use a sword and I didn't know if armour could protect me against the slime.

The slimes mode of attack is not something that an armour could nullify effectively. From my brief fight with the enhanced slime I learned that they attacked by jumping into their opponent and then crushing and suffocating them by tightening their liquid bodies around the victim, so you could see my reluctancy to choose a weapon that requires me to fight in short-range with the slime or chose an armour designed to protect against a sword or spear.

I may be young, but I was not stupid to fight a creature such as that and get myself killed by trying to look cool.'

"I need a weapon that could attack at range and that could be retrieve in an instant so I could attack again. By choosing a weapon such as this I could maximise the potential my 'shoot' skill.


He looked at his watch and it was 11 and decided to call it quits for today.

He dusted himself and then when on his merry way while humming a song.


One hour later

"Mum , Jessica ,is anybody home?"

At first there wasn't an answer , but someone came from downstairs shortly.

"Hey brother Jack why are you here?


"Yes it's me , don't ware it out.

So ,I heard you had a big fight with Dad and he kicked your ass out of the house."

In front of Jack appeared a 13-year old kid. He was his brother from another mother Carl as was also Jessica. Carl was a fat kid who had been pampered by his mother, but he wasn't a bad kid. He was just a little shy and very self-conscious about his weight, so if someone commented on it he would get a little violent at times.

Him being a fat kid made playing sport not his hobby, but playing video games watching anime was.

" Who told that? Was it Jessica?"

"Yeah she was the one who told me. I was Jljust preparing to move over to your room.

"Listen here you little s***, I need your help with something. You're good at video games right? You know those game where you could raise your stats and learn all kinds of skills . You know, like fireball ,wind blade, earth spike and other stuff like that?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking of starting to play one of those games."

" Do you take me for a little kid? Tell me the truth and I'll help you."

"What, but that is the truth, I swear!"

"No no no, don't lie to me."

"Ok ok you got me there. I was bored I could write a little story to impress a girl. She is into games and books so I thought it was a good idea."

"What kind of story is it?

"Well if you're asking...

The story revolves around a young man who turns into a video game character. He gains skills like those in video games, can increase his level by killing monsters, can raise his stats...

"Hahahaha, sounds like the plot of the 'Gamer' ."

Jack's heart skipped a beat.

" The Gamer' ,what's that?"

"Oh" is just a manhwa about a korean high school boy who gains the powers of 'The Gamer'.

It's just like how you describe it. He can level up by killing monsters or completing quest's. He also can raise his stats and event can learn magic skills like 'mana arrow'."

' Could this be a coincidence? '

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