《Gamers App》Shoot 2


After he confirmed that the slime was dead he decided to collect some information. He approached the remains of the slime to take a look.

"The body seems to have lost the force that held it together.

If I know my slime anatomy then..

Jackpot! I knew that there would something to loot, this is a game after all."

In the middle of the pool of the slimes remains there was a small blue stone.

The stone was a bluish gray color with a diameter of 2cm which gave of a weird feeling.

He crouched down and took it.


'A new notification!'

[Item found...

Mana shard x1....]

*Babum Babum*

His heart beat fast from the excitement.

'A Mana shard? Then does this mean that mana and subsequently magic is real?

F*uck yeah..

Maybe I can even cast a fireball or a wind blade!'


While he rolled the small stones on his palm his mind couldn't help but created all kinds of scenarios where he would be able to use magic to beat his opponent/s.

"Haha, eat my fire balls..

*Phew phew*

He continued to fantasize about all the possibilities of magic.


After one minute.

"Okay that was f*cking embarrassing to say the least. I'm so glad I'm the only person here...

Maybe not that glad."

After he finished his daydream his face got serious as he looked at his phone.

[Time : 95/120..]

'It seems I have been to negligent. I can't continue with this kind of pace anymore, I have to speed up.

For one slime it took me more than 20 minutes to kill it , but I can't rely on that information for comfort. This place seems very large and going by the name of it...

I don't want to be assimilated, whatever that shit means.'


*Tap Tap*

After collecting the rocks he threw and filled all his pockets with them he continued onwards trying to find the rest of the slimes he had to kill.


*Jigglee jigglee*




Inside a dark tunnel a slime and a man were facing each other.


The slime moved forward slowly towards the man only to be hit with stones from the later.

"Twenty there...



After the twenty third time of getting hit the slime couldn't take it anymore and died.

"Hah hah ha..

Who would have thought that throwing stones with all your strength would be so tiered.


"Well at least there is something to gain."

[Slime defeated..

Xp +5

Gold +1

Collected : Mana shard x1....]


For now I have earned 20 Xp and 4 Gold from killing the slimes and also collected 4 Mana shards."


"Damn it, I wasn't expecting that I would have to waste so much time wondering in these tunnels looking for the slimes.

Fortunately there is only one more slime to kill."

*Jigglee jigglee*

His monologue was interrupt by a most familiar sound.

"What luck!"

In front of him appeared a slime and he not wasn't wasting any time so he rushed forward to 'greet' his guest.

"I apologise , but we only have one thing left..



*Wobble wobble*

"Yeah they are a bit hard, but you'll get used to them."


"Or maybe you won't."


He continued with the same old strategy he had also used in the other slimes.

Pick a rock, hit the slime , retreat if it got to close and repeat. This was his his perfect three step plan and he stuck to it.





"What the hell!? Why did it suddenly jump?"


*Jigglee jigglee*

After the slime recovered his shape he jumped again towards the man which rolled to the side.


"Shit on a stick..



"What the hell is going on, it can also change shape now!"

The slime that was two meters away from him created a tentacle from it's body and bound one of his legs.

"Ngggggg, it... won't... break...

He tried to release his leg from the bind of the slime, but it was futile. Everytime he pulled the tentacle just stretched and returned to it's original shape, but it didn't break.

It was like he was pulling on a slimy rubber band.

"Not good..

His eyes widened in fright. The slime now had caught him and from the looks nod it it was preparing another jump.

"No no no no.. shit...


"Ugh, this f*cker..

The slime collided with his upper body and knocked him to the ground again.

*Jigglee jigglee*

' Shit it's trying to climb towards my head.'


He with all his strength and with a shout managed to climb to his feet.

" It's heavy."

' It seems like I'm wearing a 30 kg balloon.'

*Jigglee jigglee*

"It's still climbing!?

F*uck f*ck get of of me!


It's not working."

*Jigglee jigglee*

He tried to free his arms from the grip of the slime over and over, but it was futile. Every time he managed to free himself a little the slime would just tighten his grip once again.

"Shit shit..


If you like so much to hug me then you won't mind a little bashing.

*Tap tap tap*




As he couldn't remove the slime from his body he then decided to bash himself to the rock solid wall. As the slime had clung to his upper body and formed a sort of protective bubble around him, he could bash away.

*Bam Bam*


'Ugghh, it's starting to tighten now. '

"Why won't you die you pest.


Jack ha completely lost his rationality and just bashed the slime with all his strength.




He continued to bash the slime to the side of the wall over and over , but during that time the slime had managed to move up to his head.

' I can't breathe...

The slime had completely covered his head.

'Am I going to die? No, I don't want to die from being strangled by a slime.

Father, I'm sorry for what I said. '


' Will anyone really miss me when I die?

No, I refuse to die this way.'

He pulled all his strength together , held the slime that was suffocating him with all his strength and plugged to the ground with all the force he could muster , head first.


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