《Gamers App》Initiation


The young man download the app and imediately decided to open it to see what it was.

'Lets see what kind of game are you.'


As soon as the young man opened it the screen went completely black.


"Shhhh..kept your voice down."

'Shit, what the f*uck? Why did it suddenly go black. Did this old phone have some kind of problem?

F*uck. I should never have bought a phone at a pawn shop.

Serves me right for being so stupid.'


As the young man was beating himself up a sound came out of the phone.


' It made a sound!'

"It definitely made a sound right?"


The sound was heard again.


The shushing of someone was heard again but he didn't care.

' It really works.

Thank god , I wasn't ripped off.'

He turned his eyes towards the screen and waited until some text became visible.



Registering new player... ]

[Welcome player number 20002.]

' Player 20002?

Does this mean that there are another 20001 more players beside me?

Is this an online game?'

The gears in his head were turning , but he was to lazy to think anymore about this.

' Anyway, there is only one way to really know for sure and that is to play the game.'

He taped the screen that had a black background and the previous text in a purple color. As soon as he tapped it the screen went black once again before in it appeared the image of what looked to be a console controller and below it it read 'Gamer' in bold script.

*Tap tap tap tap*

'Come on ,come on, go faster.'



[New player recognized...

Creating scenario....


[Scenario created....


[As a new player you are required to complete the tutorial before you are deemed worthy.

Scenario: A swarm of slimes have wrecked havock on the first floor of the 'Infinite Dungen'. You as an aspiring gamer can't let this chance slip by you.

Goal: Kill five slimes to complete the scenario.

Rewards: Novice weapon of choice,novice armour, +1 level.]

' It see now. It seems that this is some kind of dungeon simulator.'

*Tap tap*

' It seems I can't skip the tutorial , but that makes me want to play it more.

Please don't disappoint me.'

And Instead the being disappointed he got more than he bargained for. At this moment his whole life changed.


A blinding light came out of the phone screen and then it disappeared as soon as it appeared along with the young man.


In the library no one seemed to have noticed what had happened right in front of them. No one seemed to have noticed the bright flash of light or the disappearance of the young man into thin air.


Jack opened his eyes, startled.

'Huh what happened?


He couldn't finnish his thoughts as in front of him there appeared rock, rock and more rock. He looked around and he realized that he was inside of a 3 m wide and 4 meter high tunnel.


A sound that the man recognized was heard.

' It can't be, can it?'

He reached his hand into his pocket and brought out the old smartphone he had bought.

In the black background there had appeared some new text.

[Scenario initiated.

Good luck player 20002 ^_^]


He looked again at his surroundings and was sure he wasn't anywhere near his house. He was now inside a tunnel that and at every side there was a layer of rock. There was only a dim greenlight that was produced from the ceiling so the visibility was pretty low.


*Tak tak*

*Tak Tak*

He went to one side , then the other and other , until he tried everywhere.

' It's not fake. The wall is a solid rock layer.'

*Inhale *



I have to remain calm and figure out how to get out of here because I really can't explain how I got here.'

The way that this whole thing happened made no sense. How did he not remember how he got here?

' I'm sure that I was not drugged because I didn't eat or drinking anything since I left the house and with the number of people on the library no one could have taken my unconscious body.

Did I come here on my own volition and really forgot everything?

The chances of that happening were slim to none , but not impossible. I remember to have read somewhere that there existed a flower that when processed in the correct way you could make a very magical powder out of . If someone inhaled the powder then he would go into a trance during which he would follow any instruction and when the effect of the powder wore off he would remember nothing.

No no no, that's imposible. Why would someone do this to me? What would the gain by doing this?'


He turned his eyes to the phone on his hand and started at it without blinking.

' Have I gone insane?

Is there really a possibility that this is because of the game I downloaded?

No. It's not possible. Maybe this is a lucid seem?'

Minutes passed and the he still hadn't found an explanation that pleased him.

"I'm just waisting brain cells thinking of what happened.

For now I just have to find out if there is an exit .

I have to be careful."

After making up his mind he continued moving forward into the dimly lit tunnel.


*Tap tap tap tap tap tap*

The only thing he was hearing was the echoing of his footsteps on the hard rocky ground. He walked with a slow pace and looked around him constantly for any type of clue He had walked for about 3 minutes when...

*Slush slush*

*Slush slush*

'What is this sound?

It's coming from the front?'

He stopped on his track and listened .

*Slush slush*

The sound came closer and closer making him breath rapidly. His eyes were wide open, his nostrils flaring and all of his muscles tensed because he didn't know what was coming.

'I hope this is not a joke and I'm making a fool out of myself.'

It was either 'fight' or 'flight'.

After 20 seconds he saw something. The noise he had heard was caused by a blob of gelatinous stuff that moved forward slowly.

It was of 80 cm in width and 40 cm in hight. It looked like someone had filled a big ass light green transparent balloon with water.


The phone rang again.

He reached his hand to take it out and read what was written in it with the corner of his eyes so as to not loose sight it the blob before him.

[Enemy encountered...


His stomach sank ,his breathing became more deep and his legs started to shake a little.

' So it was true.

I'm really in a game.'

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