《TERRA》chapter 11



Walking around the city I feel lost. The only person that had treated me well was just killed in front of me and everyone is celebrating it. Walking around the city I feel a hand drag me into an alley on the side of the road.

“Quickly knock him out” a voice yells in the darkness before I lose consciousness.

When I wake up I am in a room filled with elven children. “Where am I” I ask the nearest person. “We are on our way to the human continent” the girl replies as she hugs her legs closer. “How come I don’t remember going on a ship” I say to her.

“We were kidnapped and are going to be sold to the humans” another child a boy who has dried blood on his blonde hair says. “Elves selling their kin to humans” I mumble. “The whole world should just burn” I think as I begin to cry.

The door of the room opens to reveal three men with swords on their waist “keep quiet you worm” one of the human yells at me as he lifts me by my collar. Pulling the dagger on his waist I plunge it into his heart three times before his friends can stop me.

One of them unsheathes his sword to kill me when the other holds his hand “stop he will come back but if you kill this elf his death is for nothing, we sell him to one of those special lords” he says with a smile that tells me I won’t like these lords he is talking about.

Sheathing his sword they lift the body and take it outside locking the door behind them. “That was very stupid of you” the girl from before says. “Well what is done is done” I tell her as I find a spot on the floor to lay my head before falling asleep.

The time I have spent in this room seems like years. Sometimes the humans come into the room with a bucket filled with a soup like meal made of only potatoes and even if they tasted like dirt all of us here rushed the bucket like it held the banquets of kings.

“You shouldn’t have killed one of them” the elf whose name I found out was Trina told me as we waited for our next feeding.” I don’t care at least I killed one of them” I reply as I adjust my leg to allow blood flow through it.

“They might sell you to one of the houses that treat elves as objects for their pleasure” Trina tells me. “They can sell me but one day I will gain my freedom and have my revenge on them” I reply thinking of my brief stay with the human who treated me well.


“Hey shut up some of us are trying to sleep here” one o the captured elves yells from further in the room. “Shove it Drew” I yell back. Among the elves some of them had tried to bully me during meal times but I had quickly used what I learnt on the streets of Erin to dissuade them from more attempts.

Drew was one of those who had tried the first time but now even as he was still trying to see if he could bully me but now it was more like friendly banter between the two of us. “Wonder when we will get to wherever we are sailing to” Steve a small elf with red hair that is rare among elves asks.

“Suddenly the door to the room opens and the humans enter the room this time the bucket is missing. “Line up quickly it’s time to meet your potential owners.


“He has reached the first stage of evolution soon the old days will be upon us” I tell the dragon before me. “Some of the conclaves disapprove of you giving him the soul” Salazar says to his king as they fly in the sky watching the peaks of mountains pass.

“Let them complain, if they are tired they can try to challenge me” I reply. “Is there any lead on the elves that are responsible for tusker’s capture. “No but they will move again and this time we will be ready, the patrols have been doubled and all little ones have been moved deeper into the lands” Salazar answers.

“Good now we wait for the one I have chosen to fulfill his fate” I say as I watch a herd of deer run on the grasslands.


“What happened there” a voice says in a dark cave. “There was a human there and some dragons even appeared” an elf kneeling in the cave replies. “What of our people in the city” the voice asks again. “They are ready to move” the elf says.

“Good then let our conquest of Erin begin” the voice says.

Standing up the elf reveals golden eyes of Leah as she smirks at the man on the throne before her.


When I came to, the sight of a wooden ceiling showed me that I was in a wooden house and the lack of restraints assured me that I was not captured by an enemy.”I see you have awakened” a voice says from the shadowed part of the room.

“Who is there” I ask preparing to attack if there is need to protect myself. “Don’t worry I am not your enemy” the voice says as a lizard man emerges from the shadows. The lizard man was slim but one could say he was all muscle with no atom of fat on it.


Wearing a green tunic that went against its brown scales I watched as the lizard man came closer to me .the trousers that had two swords at its waist. “where am I” I ask the lizard man.” My name is Mina and this is the village of the forest lizard men” the monster replies.

Hearing the name I now notice the bulges on the chest that show a bit of feminine characteristics.”I need to speak with your chief” I say standing up from the bed. “You are speaking to the chief of this village” Mina replies.

“Ok” I say in shock.”I was sent by the dragons in the elven continent to unite the lizard men and save them from destruction” I lie.”Hmm, where were the dragons when other villages where been attacked and years ago when we were almost brought to extinction” Mina asks in anger.

“look they have their own problems if this continent didn’t favor you guys you could have moved closer to them but that didn’t happen” I say “if you want my help tell me so I can look for the other villages before they are destroyed”.

“We will accept your help but know that I am the one in charge’ Mina says as she leaves the room and a pop up window appears.

Quest: join the lizard men

Description: get the lizard men to allow you to join their ranks before they are wiped out from the face of terra by other species.

Level: B

Rewards: raised intimacy with lizard men .you have leveled up x4.

‘Ah the famous box that has been absent in my life due to me running around on my own needs’ I think to myself ‘now if I can get them to follow my lead that would be great’. Leaving the room I emerge from a house to see that the town for the monsters is very similar to those human npcs use.

Walking around the town I meet different lizard men from hatchlings that are chasing each other to some that are selling this. After meeting one of these merchants I find out that the method of payment is a form of trade by barter system where the two parties have to agree on the things or services exchanged.

Going back to the house I woke in I rest on the bed as I log out.


‘I can’t believe it that guy killed me again’ I think as I sip the juice in my lunch box.”Hey guys have you seen the fight at Erin in the elven continent” James my best friend says as he sits on the chair opposite I and my sister as we eat our lunch in the cafeteria.

Grabbing his holo pad I watch the fight a player had recorded between a human and a group of elves.”I have to say he is brave, fighting elves on their home ground” James comments. “The human looks familiar” Morgana says.

“That’s because we know him” I yell in anger as I see the face of the player as he stabs an elf. “That’s the guy that killed us the first and second time” I tell my sister. “wow you have died twice already” James says as he begins to laugh at us.

“Just hope you don’t meet him because then it would be me laughing at you” I tell him with a frown on my face. ‘this time I will use all my money and influence to hunt you down’ I think as I watch the fight till it reaches where he dies.

The lizard town isn’t so bad when I think about it, I mean I can’t hunt them for exp but any other monster is game.”Michael, I have a quest for you” the village chief says Mina says to me.

“What is it” I ask the female npc.’I have to leave this place soon and search for other settlements’ I think to myself. “There have been a lack of communication between our brothers and sister across this continent, I want you to go find the six towns and inform their leaders that a meeting will take place at the old nesting grounds” mina says.

The notification window pops up for the quest as soon as she finishes.

Quest: message to the leaders.

Rank: B

Rewards: gain favor with the lizard race.

“I will need a map of where the other settlements are located” I tell Mina. “Here it is the map has only one town, when you reach there the chief there will give you a map to the other town” she tells me as I unroll the map that has only one town located on it.

“When can I leave” I ask. “As soon as possible” she replies.

Nodding at her answer I go round the village, buying anything I might need like bandages and arrows.’ I am definitely not going miss this place’ I think to myself as I walk past the gates of the town.

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