《RETURN, A Dark Lord story.》Chapter Thirty One. The Troopers Strike, The Fleet Admiral Arrives, And Another.


The first assault shuttle landed a safe distance from the tunnel. The reinforced squad of seven Imperial Legionaries exited the shuttle noiselessly and slipped into the darkness. The door closed with a whisper and the shuttle, now only partly full, rose silently and followed its companion.

As the two stealth shuttles headed to the pirate ship the seven imperial legionaries moved swiftly but carefully, using their enhanced viewers, towards the tunnel mouth. They had to be there by the appointed time or the plan could fail. As they were in communication blackout, there was no way of checking how the other group was doing. Once the scheduled time arrived everyone simply had to be in place.

Moving without any difficulty, the cloaked soldiers soon reached their assigned positions. Their briefing had been good, no animals were around to bother them which, from the Legionaries’ point of view was just fine. Having moved into their positions, they silently waited and watched the two mercenary guards at the tunnel as well as the two at the Dark Sun carrying out their duties.

Two klicks away, the two shuttles had dropped the remainder of their loads at the selected point. The extensive scanning done before going into stealth mode had brought Major Amrk and his team, with help from the officers of the Aspen, to the same conclusions as Jenna. This had helped them with their selections of assault points so even before either of the pirates had entered the system, the Legions plans were made and their assault positions selected for each possible landing site. The arrival of the Dark Sun had been a surprise but plans were quickly recast.

The superbly trained and practised Legionaries slipped through the underbrush to their preselected points. Like the seven heading to the tunnels there were no problems with animals. Positions were reached without any difficulty and then the waiting began until zero hour was reached.

Still angry, Devano was, in the opinion of the tunnel guards, making a nuisance of himself while amusing the other pair. Marching from the ship to the tunnel mouth and back again more often than the required quarter period. Each time, there was the same response, “Nothing to report.” The watching Legionaries recorded all this with the same amusement, invisible in their camouflaged amour.

During one of the brief periods when Devano was chatting to the sergeant, zero hour was reached. There was a fractions pause then green beams reached out and touched bodies, four at the pirate ship and four at the tunnel. All eight lay twitching on the ground unconscious even before they knew that the other guards had been struck. The squad at the tunnel mouth quickly secured the four guards there and arrested the engineer of the pirate ship.

At the Master Moon, one section secured the four guards while another checked the perimeter and made contact with the squad at the tunnel. The other two sections, assisted by two members of the special duty section who were trained to break door codes, and a team of twelve from the heavy assault force all headed as fast as possible for Master Moons doors.

The first section reached the main door which they had already been noted was open coming face to face with a startled Amard Petter. Amard was investigating why the scanners were suddenly acting up. Not as reckless as usual, and knowing his probable fate, he ran but did not get far; three green beams touched him and Amard fell hard onto the deck.

Following all this excitement, the second section headed towards the engine compartment. If Amard had been startled in his turn, the Legionaries in their turn were nonplused. The three engine room staff, including Quintas, were already lined up to surrender. They had noted the disturbance and drawn the correct conclusions. A technical sergeant included for this reason, quickly ran checks on the engines, saw that they were shut down for maintenance and were not in a dangerous condition.


Satisfied, the legionaries did not stun their three captives but secured them and took them off the ship.

Advised that there was no obvious danger, Major Amrk keyed his comm. “Team one, secure. Both ships being searched.”


In his shuttle Captain Traska breathed a sigh of relief. His “Ok, let’s go.” went to the shuttle pilot. Through the rest of Detachment T, there was rejoicing as ships dropped out of stealth at the long awaited announcement: “Secure from stealth mode.” Engines came on line and the heavy cruisers moved from their locations towards the planet. Following Captain Traska’s previous instructions, two of the cruisers from yellow quad moved to the moon to reactivate the moon base. The rest of the detachment moved to parking stations at each of the planets Lagrangian points. There they would be safe from causing further angst amongst the native population.

In the meantime, the pirate ship was being searched exhaustively. The special duty squad made short work of the codes securing the bridge. The first thing they did was carry out a visual survey of all the stations without touching anything, including the alarms. Next, certain that there were no obvious traps, they accessed the system, checking for any programs that could be dangerous. Finding the bridge clear, the team turned to the main computer on the second level, carrying out the same checks.

There they did find all Jenna’s personal programs designed for protecting both her and the ship against sabotage. These they carefully deleted, along with similar programs installed by both Thurgod and Fastos. Quintas, apparently out of a belief that it was sacrilegious to sabotage a ships main engine, had done nothing along those lines. Other peripherals were cut off from the main computer and the backup computer core on the third deck until they could all be checked.

“Not bad for an amateur.” One commented.

“Amateur is right, my kid sisters baby girl would have done better.” Another chuckled.

Satisfied, the group contacted Major Amrk. “The ship’s computer is clear sir.” Their leader informed him.

“Good, go and check the other ship and be ready for the Captain.”

Turning he watched the Captain’s shuttle lights approach, a slight smile showing how pleased he was that everything had gone so smoothly.


Stepping out of the shuttle, Captain Traska acknowledged the salute of the Legion trooper who met him. “Good work soldier, now where is the Major?”

“Thank you sir, this way.”

At Master Moon, standing ghoulish in the floodlights just erected, they found Major Amrk with the captives fully restrained and guarded. “They are ready to go as soon as the moon base is reactivated sir” Captain Traska returned the salute and answered. “Your Legionaries did an excellent job Major, they are to be congratulated and it will be noted in my report.” Waving at the captives. “Have any of them said anything?”

“The engineering crew have talked quite freely. Two of the soldiers who were at the tunnel mouth have as well. The rest, not so much. That one,” indicating Devano, “He seems angry over something, not too sure what but interrogation was never my strong suit.”

“Mine either, well when the Red Rose arrives, the experts can take over. What about that one.” Indicating Amard Petter lying still comatose. “Trouble?”

“No, just took three stun shots simultaneously!” Captain Traska winced. All recruits had to take a stun shot as part of their training and he remembered the experience, no wonder Amard was still out.


“What happened?”

“Oh, he met the first section right at the hatch and three fired as he turned to run. Medics have checked him and got a transponder on him to keep an eye on his vitals.”

Captain Traska shrugged, so long as he was being taken care off, the state of the pirate was of little importance to him compared to other matters. “Good, now let’s check out what you have found.” They entered the ship.

Going through the main entrance, the Captain stopped to check his wand, a combination of comm unit, diary and portable computer. “Show me to the rooms where the passengers stayed first.” He asked. Major Amrk indicated the Colour Sergeant, a stalwart of the type that is the backbone of armies everywhere.

“Follow me sir.” They went into the ship turned and went up a deck. The whole ship seemed familiar to the Captain and he showed it.

“Served on a later class when I was a Sub Lieutenant.” He commented to the Major.

“I think that a standard layout was used for a few hundred years until they came out with the Ort Cloud series of engines which are smaller, more efficient with better power cycles, sir.” Major Amrk replied. “Ah here we are.” He stopped, indicating a room. “This was the professor’s room we are sure.”

The door was standing open. Captain Traska looked in and saw a mess. On a second look he saw that the mess had been organised as the room was searched. Clothes in one area, personal devices in another, bags and the like put to one side. Other items each had their own pile. Stepping in, he was careful to not disturb anything. Going to the bags, he checked each one. Looking into each storage unit he saw that the contents had been searched expertly. Last of all he checked for personal devices, including weapons.

“Nothing removed?” he asked.

“No sir, while we searched, all contents stayed in each room. As you ordered.” The Colour Sergeant responded.

“The next room?”

“This one sir.” Indicating a door also open. “The female passenger’s room we believe. Not much there.”

Looking in, he saw that the Legionaries comment had merit, Ilisa travelled light. Moving in, he noticed something, “There is no personal comm unit. Not any portable device at all?” Turning to the non-commissioned officer, he gave an interrogatory look.

The Legionnaire gave the universal sign of ‘I don’t know’ with raised hands. “If it isn’t there sir, then there wasn’t one. Off course she may have taken it with her.”

The man was a ramrod straight, bone deep Legionnaire. The type that keeps armies straight and true, Captain Traska knew. There was no reason to doubt what he said. Searching the rest of the ships quarters brought no better result for the captain. At one point it seemed that the Colour Sergeant was about to ask what the captain was searching for but was stopped by a look from his commanding officer. Captain Traska hid a smile. Checking the rest of the bridge crews’ room did not bring any further information to light.

With a sigh, the now frustrated Captain left the ship. “Major Amrk, contact Captain Quill, have him send down a shuttle to collect the prisoners to transport them to the moon as soon as possible. I want them off the planet before midnight. Oh, I don’t need to see the other ship.”

“Yes sir.” He indicated the ship. “Do you want a guard on both the ships? I would like to stand down some of my men.”

“Set up a rotating guard.” Captain Traska paused, “I would like to keep shuttle movement to a minimum if possible. Set up a temporary camp here. It won’t be for long I am sure.”

The colour sergeant took his orders and immediately set to work. The Major patched a call to Aspen and told Commander Trist the Captain’s orders. Aspen then coordinated with Kauri to send the pirates to the moon base.

“Captain Traska sir.” Major Amrk pulled the captain out of his reverie.

“Yes Major?”

“These two men want to talk to you.” The Major pointed to Devano and a still shaky Amard Petter.

There was no favor in Traska’s eyes or on his face as he looked the two pirates over. “What do they want?”

“We have information. We want a deal from you.” Devano was the spokesman.

“A deal for pirates? Do you really think that will happen?” Captain Traska seemed amused. The guards showed no emotion. Major Amrk showed contempt.

“We aren’t stupid, we can tell you things like who and where.” He paused “And with what.”

Traska’s eyes sharpened. He signed to Major Amrk to start recording. “Who are you both?”

“Devano, second weapons officer.”

“Amard Petter, second pilot.” Came out shakily.

“Start talking.”

“First a deal, it’s simple, our lives for information.”

Traska raised an eyebrow. “In all honesty, I don’t have the power or authority for that, but the Fleet Admiral is coming soon and I will report to him.” He looked at them both. “Give me what you have and I will make the best plead for your lives that I can. The Major and your guard are witnesses to this.” At the last, the Legionnaires snapped to attention. Honour was a strong point in the legion.

The two pirates looked at each other. Amard nodded to Devano. “Ok here it is.”

The story came out, the professor, Ilisa, Lista, the betrayal. What the professor had told them all and what happened at the landing and afterward. What Jenna and the professor were doing leading them all into the tunnel. They didn’t know for sure what happened between Costos and Thurgod but the two had shaken hands so some agreement had been reached.

Devano did most of the talking with Amard putting in comments and filling in what had happened on the bridge. Captain Traska now had a fuller idea of what had happened up to the sortie into the tunnel. Never complete, he reminded himself.

“I see.” He said when the story came to a halt. He straightened up. “You have my word, I will speak to the Fleet Admiral when he arrives.” Turning to the Major, “These two stay here, send the rest to the moon base.”

Nodding and showing no surprise, Major Amrk turned to the colour sergeant, “You heard.”

“Sir.” Came the response, from the now very curious non-commissioned officer. There will be free drinks in the mess for years to come on this story, he thought!

“It’s past the first period, I must return to the Aspen, you are in command here Major.” With that Captain Traska saluted and left.

Arriving at his shuttle, he heard his com unit ping. Keying it, he received the news, the planetoid Red Rose had arrived carrying Fleet Admiral Vis Vistricer.


It was dawn when Fleet Admiral Vis Vistricers shuttle settled with barely a bump onto the surface of Trilla. Stepping out into the sun rise, he was met by an honour guard of Legionnaires. As he moved forward, he returned the salutes of Captain Traska and Major Amrk then shook their hands.

“Congratulations Major on a job well done. And you to Captain.” The smile vanished although there was a twinkle in his eye. “Captain, you are out of uniform!”


“Your promotion has been confirmed. Congratulations again, Commodore!” He shook Traska’s hand again. “There is a new command for you once you are finished here. This was a very tricky assignment and you have done excellently.”

He turned to Major Amrk, “I have read the reports you furnished, you and your Legionnaires performed their duties to perfection. No casualties to the pirates or to us. Excellent indeed, two sets of pirates! Pass my commendations onto them!” He clapped his hands together, an unusual gesture for him. Signaling to both officers, he said, “Now show me these pirate ships that you captured before we go to the tunnels.”

The two officers stood still. Unmoving and rigid. The honour guard had gone from attention to statues.


“I don’t think so sir.” Captain, now Commodore, Traska slowly raised his right hand and pointed. Turning slowly around, Vis Vistricer noted absently that everyone in sight had seemly been infected by paralysis. Finishing his turn, he felt a sense of déjà vu as a beautiful blond haired woman walked slowly towards the camp, her dress rippling in the gentle morning breeze. The camp fell silent, all work stopped as the Lady walked up to the three officers. Vis Vistricer bowed, then spoke.

“I presume that we have the honour of being in the presence of a Lady of the Circle.”

“I am Dana.” The voice was soft and gentle, yet clear with a strange accent. “Welcome Fleet Admiral.”

Both the officers and all present were struck by the beauty of Lady Dana, her name well known to all. Not tall, barely one point six five metres tall with a willowy build, she radiated presence with grace, charm and personality. Wearing an ankle length white dress which hugged her body showing her curves, complementing her blond hair billowing around her head, with slits high up each side exposing her legs. Sandals with ties going up her legs completed an effect from which none were immune. First bowing like the Admiral, Commodore Traska and Major Amrk then held themselves erect.

Lady Dana smiled, with the smile tension seemed to lift and was replaced by an almost euphoric sense of completion amongst all the Legionnaires. As Vis Vistricer had some experience, so was less affected, he turned to Commodore Traska and signalled him discreetly. Shaking himself Traska turned to the colour sergeant. “Colour, put the troops back to work, now.” Came with some emphasis which, Vis Vistricer noted approvingly, carried.

“Lady, if we have time, I would like to present these two officers who have performed well in their difficult duties.” The Lady smiled.

“Their work has already been noted, Fleet Admiral.” Again she smiled, beckoning the two forward. “Your actions merit the highest praise. You have both done well.” They both bowed again, their faces showing the effect of both the praise and the proximity of the most stunning woman they had ever seen.

Turning back to Vis Vistricer Dana spoke again. “You have read of the bargain struck with the pirates Devano and Amard Petter?” He nodded unsurprised that she knew. “It was correct for Commodore Traska and Major Amrk to do so, and therefore it is so recommended to you by us.” The two officers looked stunned that not only their names and rank were known to The Lady Dana, but so were the pirates’ names and the bargain struck. How did she know? Ran through their minds. Vis Vistricer gave them a sympathetic look. He was somewhat used to this by now. He also silently noted the use of ‘us’.

“Of course, I will take care of it. Although I have my doubts that a life time on a prison world would be preferable to a clean death.” With a look at Commodore Traska Vis Vistricer said, “Pass my order confirming the deal you made to my Chief of Staff, Admiral Enos Ra Stako.”

“Yes sir.”

“It is time Admiral.” The Lady Dana turned to walk the way she came.

“Sir?” Commodore Traska looked surprised.

“I go with her. No you cannot come. Follow the order which I just gave you and here are some more orders. Admiral Stako will help you.” Passing over a cube of rislian crystal he held, the admiral turned and left the camp following the path taken by Lady Dana.

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