《RETURN, A Dark Lord story.》Chapter Thirty. Jenna Takes Over The Stone That Sings.


All these doings had not gone unnoticed by the aboriginal inhabitants of Trilla, the lights in the sky at night following flaming objects streaking across the sky during the day. All this caused consternation and much discussion during their gatherings. Most especially at the summer festival which was due at the next full moon. These discussions would continue for many years after all the lights had disappeared.

The scientists who studied the people would also have many long discussions about the effects these events would have over many years to come. There would be numerous different proposals put forward including the need for closer observations of the natives. This would include pleads to reopen the moon base. That at least would occur in the near future.


At the ship, there had been an animated discussion of who was to do what and with what. Thurgod had agreed against using powered armour as he also felt that the tunnels would be too constricting. The two sergeants and five troopers who were the remainder of the mercenary troops kept by Tyrone just went to the positions recommended by Extsu. Two troopers to guard the tunnel entrance, passing Costos and Draucs heading the other way, while one sergeant and two troopers stationed themselves around the ship. Quintas and his two assistants went to work on the engines and other necessary maintenance, ignoring the discussion taking place.

As Jenna arrived at the airlock, she nodded to Costos who gave a noncommittal nod back. Draucs on the other hand gave her a slight smile. Wondering about the smile Jenna was disconcerted to see Ilisa and Lista talking together. Lista in her tight dark single suit and Ilisa in a stunning white dress which clung to her in subtle ways. Leaving the ship and moving towards them, she stopped when Ilisa glanced at her and shook her head. Standing back, she covertly observed the two talking, Ilisa with her usual small smile while Lista’s face held an uncharacteristic look of bemusement. With some amusement, carefully concealed, Jenna watched as Lista stepped away, shaking her head. Jenna could not help but wonder what had passed between the two. A look at Ilisa brought no answers.

Following the tunnel guard and taking the map and the carving, were the professor, Fastos and Lista, the last blowing a kiss to her lover. Tyrone, along with the other sergeant, Kutz Destra, and trooper Titus left next followed by Jenna, Ilisa and trailed by Draucs.

“So, what did the two of you have to talk about?” Jenna asked.


“Nothing much, just why was I here.” Ilisa smilingly replied.


“I spoke the truth, your ship brought me here.”

“And she just accepted that?” Jenna gave Ilisa a look of disbelief.

“Of course not, I gave the same answer that I gave you.”

“And she believes that you are uninterested in this rumoured hoard?”

“Why should she not? I am uninterested. Completely.”

Jenna sighed and decided to drop the matter. As she thought, Ilisa could take care of herself. Looking over her shoulder, she wondered what was keeping the last of the group.

Thurgod had talked to Costos, who was returning to his ship, and now turned to arranging security for Master Moon.

“I liked your plan Extsu, but I also agree with Jenna and Tyrone. So Amard, you will stay. Don’t argue!” Amard stopped talking, his arms folded in an attitude of stubborn resistance. Thurgod continued. “Devano will stay with you. I want a stronger guard on the Master Moon.”

Devano started, “What?” Extsu echoed the exclamation showing his surprise.

“I said that I wanted a better guard on the ship. I trust you. The engine crew are good at their job, but not for protecting the ship. I am sure that they would fly for anyone, even Costos! You will be in charge of security. Amard will be responsible for the ship otherwise. Understand?”

Amard and Devano looked at each other. Unexpectedly, Amard spoke, “We would both be happier going with you.”

“I don’t care about you being happy. I care about the ship being here when I get back. Understand!” He paused, then softly, “And I will be back.” Looking them both in the eye. “Understand?”

Still unhappy, the two of them looked back and nodded.

“Devano, I want you to check on the tunnel guard every quarter period. See that they stay alert and watch whoever Costos is leaving to guard his ship.”

“Will do.” Was all that Devano said although his body language said a lot more and Amard nodded in sullen acceptance.

“Good, Extsu, let’s go.” Following Thurgod, Extsu still showing his surprise. Pausing for a moment, he said aside to Devano. “I had nothing to do with this, it was all his idea. You will still get your cut.” Then he left.


Costos was frowning as he walked having caught up with his second in command. “I had not expected that Thurgod would have such a strong armed group. Five men along with Tyrone, Extsu, Devano. I will have to rethink things.”


“I agree,’ Draucs replied. “But should we leave two or take two?”

Approaching their ship, Costos waved his two mercenaries over. “Both of you will stay and guard the ship.” Seeing the poorly concealed relief, Costos added. ‘We will need it when we return and you will come with us, Thurgod will have no trouble leaving you behind. If you’re lucky he’ll kill you first!”

With that happy thought, Costos and Draucs now accompanied by Arron walked over to where the others were arguing about what to do.


Arriving at the tunnel, Thurgod and Extsu had joined the group who, with the exception of Ilisa and Jenna, and the four guards, all stood around the map. Absorbing all the increased detail that the holograph showed, they stood around arguing about the next step while Costos and his cohorts stared with fascination at the map they were seeing for the first time.

Jenna moved to the tunnel and stared into its depths.

Ilisa looked at Jenna.

Turning from her contemplation of the tunnel, Jenna looked at the group arguing around the map. Illumination from the map made them look ghoulish in the rapidly darkening sky. She looked at Ilisa who calmly looked back at her. Jenna looked away unable to decide what to do, unhappy at the feeling of walls closing around her. She regarded Lista who was staring with covetous eyes at the carving. She sighed, she could see no other way for her, no way to avoid the path laid out for her. She glanced once more at Ilisa then walked to the professor.

“Give me the carving.”

Surprised, the group stopped their argument about the best move.

Professor Denner Venkriller drew himself up. “And why should I?” In his most pompous and dignified manner.

Jenna did not reply, she simply looked him in the eye and held out her hand. The others watched, some with interest at the conflict, others with surprise at Jenna’s actions. Some also wondering if the overbearing professor was about to get his comeuppance. Thurgod stepped in, as was his wont.

“What are you doing Jenna?” he had his habitual frown in full working order.

“Getting us through the tunnel.” Came the surprising reply.

“And how would you know that?” Venkriller was at his most dignified manner.

“I know. I am from Christos.”

There was a pause while the group worked through this startling titbit.

“Are you certain?” Costos asked, as taken aback as any in the group.

“We need more than that.” Thurgod eyed Jenna.

“The two items work together, the map shows the dangers, and the carving gets us through the dangers, maybe. It is still very dangerous.”

As everyone stared at Jenna, Extsu to the surprise of all spoke up. “The carving only works with women. If something happens with Jenna, we will still have Lista and if she comes, Ilisa.”

Thurgod transferred his look of astonishment to the security head. He surveyed the group rapidly and saw a look of dawning comprehension on each face including Costos. Making a rapid decision, he snatched the carving from the professor, stilled the incipient protests with a glare, and gave it to Jenna. “Let’s go”, he said.

Leading the way Jenna went to the tunnel. “Stop” came from Thurgod. “Professor, take the map and follow Jenna. Tyrone, you Draucs, Fastos and Titus,” indicating the remaining soldier, “follow closely. Lista, you and Ilisa are next. Extsu, Costos, Arron, Kutz and I will follow behind.” He paused to think for a minute.

Stepping aside Thurgod waved Costos over. Leaning forward he spoke rapidly and softly. “Listen, this is going to be incredibly dangerous. The most dangerous thing I have ever tried. There will be riches enough for both of us, understand?”

“Is that a threat?” Costos replied equally quietly.

“No, a promise, an agreement.” Thurgod held out his hand.

For a brief fraction, Costos stared at the hand, then took it firmly. “Agreed! One rogue to another!” They rejoined the group who had all been watching with bemused interest at the Rouges Compact.

Thurgod paused for one last fraction.

“Tyrone, warn us of any dangers. I take it that everyone understands that we will have to keep close together.” Looking them over, he saw understanding. “Jenna!” With a nod, she led them off. One by one, they all headed into the perfectly formed tunnel entrance.

Looking at each other, a moment of mutual understanding passed between the two guards left behind. The senior keyed his communicator. “Devano?”


“They have entered the tunnels.”

There was a pause. Then, “Acknowledged, let me know if anything develops.”

Turning to Amard, Devano shrugged, “Well they are in.” was all he said.

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