《Child of Terra》Chapter 26- Story Time


As with all reunions between families, this one had to end soon after the dinner was through. For the little God King had duties to perform, ones that must not be ignored for long, even if she was loathe to attend to them. Yes. Even the Ageless had his own duties to attend to, but had many loyal individuals towards his person than the other, and was able to stay with his family for a much longer time.

Of which extended to putting his child, and his little friends, to bed. Which simply meant that they would be allowed to bid Azazel farewell, before having what was known as a "Slumber Party" with the four friends inside Nox's room. Though he, himself, was rather upset that his grandmother was leaving, his sorrow quickly turned into joy when it was revealed that he would be gaining a new toy. However, due to her background, and the fact that the whole of her Pantheon was full of cutthroats, his parents would do their very best to ensure his safety before it was given over to his person. Regardless, he was quite pleased, even if it would not come into his possession until much later.

In any case, the other three children were quite content with sleeping over for the night, as it had become quite late, and they were rather tired. That is, until they found themselves upon Nox's bed, as the Kitsune had pulled up a rather comfortable chair behind his person, as he situated it and himself to the left of the bed. Which meant only one thing to their little minds, "Story!" they crowed happily. For the stories told by the Ageless, though sometimes boring, were always entertaining.

"Now, now," his voice was full of bemusement as the children were gently tucked into the fairly large bed, whereas Anasi was placed a little above the bed so that he could create a small hammock with his webbing. For the whole of his body was bent at a right angle, which would not fare well beneath the sheets and comforter. Therefore, he was given leave to place such a thing upon the wall so that he may sleep comfortably, and would still be able to hear the story told by the God King.

As this was occurring, the other three giggled as the Kitsune caught their persons whilst they leapt around the bed, and expertly wrapped them in smaller blankets so that they would stop with their antics. "It is time for bed, children," his voice was calm, with a sea of patience pouring out from his person as this was spoken.


"Yes, Uncle God," mewed the twins, who lightly gripped the edge of the comforter which laid on top of their bodies.

"Yes Papa," smiled Nox as he copied the other two. However, Mia had somehow removed herself from the wrappings, and had found her way to his person. Once there, the pair hugged one another with her lying on his left shoulder.

Of which caused the other sister to whine as she struggled, then stopped to give the God King before them her version of the "Puppy-Dog Stare". The led to him sighing as she was placed against his son's right side. Whereupon she did snuggle into his right side, whilst also staring up at the being before them.

"Now, are we all finished?" At their nod, he echoed the small gesture as his eyes peered up towards the Arachne. Of whom gave a thumbs up that he was ready to listen. "Very well, how about another story from my past? One about a princess who was kidnapped and held hostage by some terrible Humans, and how I and a few of my Chosen went to rescue her?"

"Why would you do that, though?" wondered aloud Anasi, who then slapped his mouth closed with both hands as the one before them glanced upon his person. "Sorry-"

"No need to apologise, Anasi," came his reply as he sat back upon the chair he brought over, whilst bringing his right hind leg over his left, "This all occurred nearly a millennia ago, which means my actions today were far less drastic as they were back then.

"Would you care to listen to my tale?"


The story begins with a dark and stormy night, as an aging Kin of the felines knelt before an old and worn alter of stone. This one was a king of the land he prayed upon, as the surrounding area was a tired chapel dedicated to various Gods and Goddesses who had long since stopped answering the prayers of their mortal followers. As to the reason? Who knows, but what is truly known is that they still allowed those below themselves to use their powers for whatever they desired. So long as they devoted to giving up their energies within their prayers to only them.

In any case, this old king was praying fervently to any God or Goddess that would hear his prayer. For his firstborn child, Princess Marissa Del Gato had been kidnapped by persons unknown. Yes. There was a ransom note left for the royal family, and they had already sent out their best trackers to find her. However, even though they left almost immediately, there had been no word since then. Which occurred nearly a tenday, by the time he was praying at the altar.


Now, this small chapel, though worn and old, was surprisingly warm. For although the benches themselves had fallen into disrepair, the wood floor was surprisingly clean, as was the altar itself. This was so, as the only caretaker of this chapel was an elderly male Kin of a canine tribe was its sole caretaker. Which also meant that he would be the last, as no one else beyond himself and the king knew of its location.

"My Lord Aruuga," came the hoarse voice of the caretaker, as he hobbled forward in a weather-worn pair of leather trousers whilst leaning upon a worn cane that held the appearance of being repaired far too many times, "Come, drink tea with me as we await the return of your trackers."

To which the old king, in his tear stained robes of vermillion and royal colours, turned to the other with a great sigh as his tail lightly swayed upon the swept floor below. "Perhaps I should, my old friend, but I cannot help, but worry for their safety."

"Hmm," hummed the other as he slowly turned around, retreating back the way he came from, only to return pushing a small, squeaking wooden cart with an even older tea set upon it. To which he bade the old king before him to sit upon the floor whilst he served him a fragrant cup of amber coloured tea. Of which nearly spilt upon the ground as a flash of light revealed the world outside, and was followed closely by a great peel of thunder.

"Sounds like the Gods above are fighting once more," lightly chuckled the one called Aruuga as he sipped at the tea.

"Yes," agreed the other with a slow nod, as he eased himself next to his long time friend with a groan, "These old bones of mine continue to bother me." This was stated as he rubbed the area around his knees.

"You should come back to the castle, then."

"And what? Leave our beginning to the elements once more?" The old caretaker looked at his friend incredulously, but then sighed and shook his shaggy head slowly, "Perhaps I shall. The Gods above know it is high time I retire."

"That's the spirit," grinned the old king, of whom raised his clawed, right hand up to lightly slap the other's back, but stopped when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. For behind the alter was the beginning of a great portal. "What-?" He began as an old language in the guise of runes appeared upon the surface of the wood.

Indeed, even the surrounding wood, the floors before them, the benches, roof, and even their own clothing shown with a bright light as such runes slowly appeared upon them. Soon after such things appeared, did the air around their ears ring with the songs of devils as a great circle made of fire, the colours of Rage and Madness, etched itself behind the structure. One that, upon completion, caused the world outside to release a howl of wind which threatened to tear apart the small chapel from without.

However, just as the winds were about to tear apart everything around them, it did stop. Of which caused the chorus of unknown devils to heighten their song. For a portal containing the colours of Chaos, Loathing, and Sorrow opened up before their persons. Once it did so, the chorus stopped as though it never was there to begin with, as a great many of somethings exited the portal therein.

Yes. This frightened the elders, almost to a catatonic state. For before their eyes was a cadre of four-armed, skeletal and metallic beings. However, the portal itself did not close just yet. Well, not until a Kobold stepped through, that is. This one's fur was the colour of the endarkened void within the Abyss, but held a few slivers of silver to make it seem as though they were watching a living being with stars upon its fur.

Not to mention its own eyes, which held two very distinctive patterns of silver and darkness. However, as they continued to stare into these orbs, they did hear a whispering of words. One that told them that they were the constellations for Home and Family, and yes, they were greatly confused to this. Even its own outerwear was confusing, as it simply wore a pair of crimson coloured trousers and a vest of the same colour.

What is more, the other creatures gave way to it, and even bowed their heads in reverence as it made its way to stand before the king and caretaker. Whereupon it did speak with a commanding and booming voice, "You who have called out to the Gods and Goddesses above desire to see your child return to safety. Rejoice. For I, the Fallen God Karastak have come to aid you and yours in your plight."

No. He did not strike a pose, as it would have been far too embarrassing to do so. However, the elders before this one who claimed to be a Fallen God did gape quite openly before his person.

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