《Child of Terra》Chapter 8- ...Must Be Obeyed


This led to the king being tied up and shackled as he was dragged away from the space that was the waiting room. Where they left a frightened Princess of Venyr alone with a visibly upset Wolfwoman whose colours had become muted from the entire situation, as well as the curious, young Nox that had spoken up moments before. This one just pat the head of the anthromorphic wolf as she hugged his small person close to her muzzle, still not at all certain as to what had occurred, but was somewhat distressed by it all.

"It's okay, Mama," he mewed softly as she continued to hug his small body, "Papa will come soon. No crying, okay?" To which she only nodded, embracing his small form even closer.

"Papa?" wondered aloud Pricilla, of whom covered her mouth the moment such a word was spoken. For the eyes of the Wolfwoman fell upon her person, which were not at all amused.

However, before anyone could speak further, the walls and ceiling which had fallen away returned to their former positions. Once completed, the door which led into the room burst open, and standing in the doorway was the Ageless in his endarkened furred, Kitsune self. What is more, the aura and energies surrounding his person made it look as though his form was several times greater as a pair of crimson orbs surveyed the room. Of which lingered briefly upon a frost-white colour Human with horns sprouting up and back from her head.

This simple glanced caused her to shake greatly, and fell to the floor even as something yellow escaped from betwixt her legs, forming a puddle below. The gaze would have continued further, causing the one targeted to loosen their bowels as well, if it weren't for the other pair's intervention. Of which caused his gaze to brighten and shift towards the anthromorphic wolf and small child in her arms. Whereupon he did hold them close with a great sigh of relief, "I am gladdened by the fact that you are both safe and well," came his booming voice which did lightly shake the entire castle to its foundation.

"Is this the one who dared to break my first Tenant?" he asked slowly, pointing a foreclaw at the quivering mess.

"No, Papa," mewed Nox, who crawled atop his father's head in order to pat the space between his eyes, "It was the Grumpy King."

"Grumpy King?"


"Yes, Ageless," came the melodic voice of his wife, "He was taken elsewhere. This one," her right clawed hand waved at the blubbering mess that is Pricilla, "is his daughter. One that Nox wanted to play with, but I don't know now."

"Bah, we'll just have to make sure his little friends are allowed to visit more often," grinned the Ageless as he led his wife out of the waiting room and into the hallway. Whereupon he did order several Living Armour to remove the blubbering mess within, as well as to prepare the prisoner for transport.

"Where are you taking the Grumpy King, Papa?" inquired Nox, as his head tilted towards the right with ears perked high.

"Any and all who dare to break my first tenant must be brought before a Judge," explained the other as he gently took Sarah by the arm and led her towards her personal gardens. Whereupon he did bade her to sit whilst he conjured up a tray full of small, colourful cakes, cups of fine china, and a kettle with a fragrant tea. "This one is called, 'Breeze of The Autumn Star'. Which contains the spices of Anise, Tonah, Cinnamon, Co'nal seeds, and has a few peels from the various citrus plants growing within the Forest of Nu'Bai. Please enjoy."

This was spoken as he poured a small cup of a light, amber fluid into a china cup. Whereupon the Wolfwoman slowly lifted it up towards her nose in order to breathe in the scent of it all, and sighed heavily with drooped eyes full of pleasure. Afterwards, she did slowly place the edge upon her lips, which opened slightly, then slowly tilted the cup back in order to taste the delicate flavour of the liquid. "Another one of your greats, Ageless," her voice was slow and heavy at this point, whilst her tail swayed slowly behind her.

"Can I try some, Papa?" mewed Nox who was then set down upon a small, high chair next to Sarah just as she bit into a small, red squared cake which caused her to hum a low note of pleasure. This action caused the small hybrid to frown the moment his eyes witnessed such a thing, and made an effort to reach for the nearest cake.

However, his paws were lightly patted away as the Kitsune places a small cup within them of the light, amber liquid. Whereupon he did pout greatly, but was bade to drink some of the liquid. Unfortunately, the young kit was unable to taste any of the delicate flavours, as his pallet was unrefined as his parents' were. "Hot water," he grumbled slowly, pushing the cup away and reached for a small, blue circle cake.


Of which was then placed into his paws, whilst his nine tails wagged quickly in nearly every direction as he bit into the soft bread of the cake. This led to his small body shivering greatly from the sensations from the sugars and bold spices which assaulted his tongue and brain. "Nyahm, nyahm, nyahm," came the sounds he made as he ate the treat in front of him, which caused the Ageless to smile and pat his sons head. Whereas his wife, Sarah, frowned at the noise being made, but ultimately sighed as the small kit was handed another cake.

Whereupon he did continue to make such sounds until the end of his third treat. For the doors to their more personal gardens burst open to reveal an upset God of Venyr who held the same features of King Otuul, but with a more youthful charm. His outwear, on the other hand, was of a simple, white garment of trousers and a tunic. Whilst upon his head was a crown of spiraled horns, and his skin pigmentations were a bright crimson, denoting his anger towards the collective family before his eyes.

"Ageless," he cried out with a booming voice that belied his true self, "Why is my descendant in chains? I demand you release him this instant!"

The Kitsune himself simply sighed and stood tall, facing the one who dared interrupt his time with his family and spoke softly, "Your descendant has broken my first tenant, Oraan, and in my own home, no less."

"Preposterous," growled the other, "He knows damn well not to provoke you and yours."

"Ah, but it is true," came the soft reply from Sarah as she sipped at the tea in her hands, not even glancing at the intruder, "He offered money for my child, and wanted to take him apart. Essentially, killing him."

Once these words were released by the Wolfwoman, however, the skies above the castle grew dark as rumbling clouds full of the God King's own chaotic energy lashed out and struck the many rods of iron about the castle's towers. Whereas the one who called such a storm into being slowly grew taller, his form stretching and cracking with ugly, red lines which revealed a terrible monster beneath.

Of which tore through the illusory flesh of the Kitsune, revealing to the whole of the world a giant skeletal creature. One whose bones were of shadows and coloured with the Madness within all Undead beasts, as well as his own chaotic energies. What is more, this creature stood at a height of eight metres, and held upon its body two primary large clawed hands, and another pair which was half as large, close to its pelvic bones. Another portion, but behind its body, was a short, but stiff and thick, tail which did not move in the slightest, and was solely used as a counter balance for the body. This leaves its head, which appeared to be a combination between an Ogre's and an Acid Spitting Basilisk with several fangs either broken or missing from its great maw.

The last feature which the one called Oraan took note of was the eyes. These were far larger than any he had come across, as they were filled with such malice and loathing for all things living. Which was what the little God felt, even as the creature's voice shook the entirety of the world around them to its very core, "He. Did. WHAT?!"

Whereas the Goddess of Iridescent Colour calmly poured herself another cup of tea, whilst Nox had somehow gotten out of his high chair, plopped himself next to the platter of cakes, and was happily eating one as he stared up at his father with widened eyes. "It is as I have said, Ageless. The foolish king tried to purchase our son in order to kill him for whatever he was thinking of."

Once again, the world shook as the rage of the God King was evident, and his form once against stretched and cracked as his body became much larger than he was before. "Bring the cretin who dared to harm what is mine," boomed his voice throughout the realm. Of which even echoed into the world called Terra, startling all upon its surface, "Bring. Him. To. Me!"

Far below the raging Ageless, whose skeletal body stretched and cracked into his true form of a one-winged angel that was half of a naked male Elf, and half a giant skeleton, was Nox. Of whom giggled and rocked onto his back whilst pointing at the now beyond terrified God, "Papa's angry at you."

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