《Child of Terra》Chapter 6- Bored


"Bored," grumbled the young hybrid as his small body slumped atop a white and fluffy pillow next to a large window overlooking the main courtyard to the castle. Down below, many beings both great and small entered and exited the main gate which would take them to the city of Necropolis. Of which was the capital of the world called Terra, and one he was forbidden from entering without an escort.

This was so, as he had already entered the area once before. Which then turned into a nightmare for one such as he, as Nox was terrified of his surroundings after the initial bout of curiosity had ended. For he had become lost, and ran into a few guards who did not know what to do with him. So they placed him in the orphanage, whereupon he did cry greatly and called upon his innate magicks which did create an absolute darkness upon the city.

Of course, the citizens of the city, and those upon its countryside, were terrified by what had happened, and desired for the Gods themselves to step in. However, such beings could not determine where the source was, nor how to stop it. Which was when the God King himself showed up, and found out who it was that dared to create the darkness which afflicted one of his favourite cities upon Terra.

Though he had found out it was his son, the Ageless was loathe to tell anyone else. For there were many within his own Pantheon that desire much power, and would do anything to have his son under their thumb. Even if it meant their absolute destruction, they would still seek him out to capture, contain, and siphon the child's strength for their own uses.

All of this occurred nearly a moon turn ago, and had to miss many of his duties in order to comfort the young hybrid, as well as to instruct his small person to never enter the portal without a guardian of some sort, himself, or his mother Sarah. Else, there would be a repeat of what had occurred, and he was want to have such a thing. Now, however, Nox was bored. For his friends left earlier that turn due to them needing to return to their homes. Of course, they promised to return soon, but "soon" usually meant within a sennight, and such things was rather boring for one such as he.


Yes. He could spend his time inside the play room, but without someone else to play with, its function becomes rather meaningless in his own mind. Therefore, he simply watches from high above, waiting for something interesting to pass by his bored filled gaze.


"Father," whined a girl-child of nearly eight cycles old, "Why must we travel to the Midnight Castle? Wouldn't it be easier to just have whoever you want to meet come to you?" This child was called Pricilla, and was a princess of the Neu'iisian Kingdom upon the world called Venyr. Of which was the ruling kingdom, and therefore controlled nearly all of it.

Since the joining of this world with the Terran Pantheon, the ruling family had found out that they are not as strong as they believed themselves to be. For within the Pantheon, and upon the thousands of worlds that came together, were living Immortals and Gods of every shape, size, and hue. Now, the reasons why they joined up was due to the ruling monarch's own ancestor's, who was the God of their world, decision to join. It was believed that this was done so for the benefits and protection against those who desired other beings' own worlds for themselves.

In order for them to do so, they had to follow the "Laws of Terra" to the letter. Any deviation from such a thing, especially the first two tenants, would mean expulsion from the Pantheon. Of which were no abuse towards children, unless it is to discipline them, and to dissolve all slavery trends. The latter caused an uproar throughout the land, as such a thing was their main income of coin, and as such, they only need to lessen it to such a degree that they could only keep the slaves that they had, but not enslave anymore until a full century of cycles had passed.

Yes. This also caused an uproar, as well as several wars which were almost immediately quashed by those calling themselves The Black Parade. Of which were the army under the banner of the God King of Terra, but not as loyal fanatics, as they soon learn. Instead, they were simply under a compulsion which was far stronger than any of Venyr's clergy had come across. Which meant that they could not dispel the effects, and could only watch as the armies massacred those who would not follow the will of the Ageless.


Which all led up to the world demanding that their monarch, King Otuul do something about these events. This led to them being sent to Terra, where they found out where the God King was known to reside, and found a way to enter it as emissaries of their world. Unbeknownst to their persons, they did not know that the one they desired to see was not there, as they slowly walked out of the portal and into the bare courtyard that was barely lit by a lonely moon high above their heads.

This shocked their persons greatly, for there were no stars surrounding the pale, dimly lit orb of white , only darkness. Which caused the pair to shiver greatly, as their own histories and traditions were focused upon the stars in the night's sky. However, they were not to be deterred, as their own mission of great importance to their people. Of whom were Human in size and stature, save for the fact that they had horns and/or spikes growing from their heads and backs, as well as the fact that their skin changed their pigments to reflect their own emotions. The latter kept the world's people truthful in all dealings, but were slowly coming out as liars due to the fact that there were many foreigners journeying to their world, whilst they visit theirs.

As to the garments they wore, the male who was deemed to father, King Otuul, wore what was expected of a king. Deep, rich colours of vibrant reds, golds, and purples, with a crown of platinum with seven spires of five centimetres tall, reaching for the heavens above. Whereas the daughter, Princess Pricilla, wore an odd one-piece dress whose fabrics did not bend even when her own body bent in the various directions she was want to do, whilst the colour was of a forest green. This garment reached down to just above her ankles, which was bound up in laced ribbon-like materials that bound the sandals she wore upon her feet, to her person so that they would stay snug and not fall off even if she ran.

"No, child," sighed King Otuul, of whom had sharp features, high cheekbones, a beak-like nose, and a pointed chin. His own eyes, transparent, blue orbs that glowed softly focused themselves upon the girl-child to his immediate left. Of whom shared many of his features, save for the colour of his eyes and hair. For as his was a metallic white, hers was of freshly fallen snow, as was her own eye colour.

"We must bear homage to the God King of this realm, as well as to beg clemency for our world. For we cannot last for long without our slaves, and these 'Laws of Terra' hinder our movements in such matters after our ancestor decided to hand over our world to these beings."

"But, can't we just say no, Father?" asked the female, whose facial features puckered at the thought of kowtowing towards others.

"Do you know of the three civil wars which occurred one after another?"

"Of course, Father. It's hard not to, since they occurred only a few years ago."

This caused the other to nod slowly as they continued onward, speaking slowly and at a low tone so that others could not hear them, "Each of those wars were about the removal of our family from power, as well as the slaying of our Ancestor." This was where he held up a single forefinger, just as the other's skin turned a bright red from the anger that permeated her mind, "I know how you feel, my Daughter, but each of them were quashed by our Ancestor who desired aid from the one called 'The Ageless'. Where he sent an army of immortal monsters called 'The Black Parade'.

"These creatures are the ones which created the 'Massacre of The Three States', as the bards called it."

To which his daughter widened her eyes greatly, as her own skin pigmentations devoid themselves of any colour whilst her legs shook greatly, "Then?"

"It is best to stay subservient when we meet with the Ageless, and whomever is with him."

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