《Child of Terra》Chapter 4- Morning


Later that turn came bedtime for the little kits, of which consisted of them complaining greatly over their lack of play, but were soon found yawning at the mention of such a thing. This led to them being carried by Nox's father to the rather large bedroom in which the child slept in. Which held colourful walls painted up by his mother, Sarah, in a way to depict a much more "normal" life with the family. As well as a few depictions of his three friends climbing all over a large, wide oak tree which was the boy-child's favourite within the personal gardens.

The room itself, however, was furnished with what was known as a "King Size Bed" made up of a soft, white fluff called "Cotton" that had been stuffed inside the mattress. Of which was covered by a red, velvet comforter which was pulled back to reveal clean, alabaster sheets which were also pulled back to allow the God King to tuck in his son and his friends. Whereupon they did snuggle into the bed just as the sheets and comforter were placed upon the nape of their necks, where they did widen their eyes and pupils with great expectation.

"Story?" wondered aloud Nox, whose lower body wiggled under the sheet at the expectation of another grand story told by his father, whilst the other pair simply twitched their ears and cocked their heads in the endarkened furred Kitsune's general direction.

"Ah, yes," sighed the Ageless as a wicker chair appeared behind his person, and soon sat upon it whilst contemplating on what to speak of, "Have you heard of the time..."

As the God King spoke, his magicks were woven into the air, showing the depictions of his past. There were always new and exciting adventures within his own mind, well, to the children at least. Of whom were enthralled by everything shown before them, and didn't dare blink for fear of missing the smallest of details. This, of course, would lead to them yawning greatly, sometimes half way through a tale, and would soon drift off to sleep.

When such a thing occurred, the Kitsune would simply pause in his tellings, and wait for a time to see if they were asleep. If they were not, then one or more would mew in such a way that he would simply chuckle and resume his story until they were all asleep.


"Morning Nox," mewed Maya, who pounced on top of the boy child just as his eyes slowly lifted from his heavy sleep. After such antics by one of the twins, did he awaken fully in order to find her body on top of his small muzzle.


This led to him giving out a small, "Gah," as he tried to flail his forepaws in an effort to remove her person from his own. However, he soon found it impossible to move his left side, as Mia had yet to awaken, and was clinging to his side with enough force that his whole arm was quite numb. To which he simply sighed and pat her small head just as the other removed her person from his body. "Morning Mia," his voice squeaked softly, and just as her own eyes slowly opened, did his own close whilst his lips were tugged into a soft smile.

Which then led to the other sighing softly as she detached her person from his side, and sat up whilst rubbing her eyes slowly with a yawn, "Morning Nox," she mewed softly as her own tails swished slowly. This led to the other twin puffing up her cheeks from being ignored, but were soon brought back to normal as he reached over and pat her head, too. Of which caused her own tails to sway happily as she giggled and smiled towards his person.

"Let's go get breakfast, okay?" he spoke out slowly, pushing the comforter and sheets away with some effort as he stood tall and stretched slowly.

"Okay," chimed in the twins, who proceeded to follow suit with their own stretchings.

No. The trio were not bereft of clothing, and instead still wore that which they had on yesterday. Which was the snow-white dresses Mia and Maya still wore, but far more wrinkled, and the dark crimson trousers Nox had upon his person. Which meant that his vest was somewhere within the playroom they were last, and probably somewhere within the ball pit. However, none of this concerned the little hybrid, as he was still a child and did not new fear retribution from his mother and the seamstresses just yet.

"How do we get out?" called out Maya just as she helped Mia down from the bed and pointed towards the large pair of gilded, double doors which led to the outside world.

"We use the side door, of course," beamed Nox, who proceeded to scamper off towards the door. Or, rather, the left side of the door. Of which revealed a small, unassumingly portion of the wall that, when pushed in the correct spot, revealed a small door which appeared as though by magick. "Papa says there's many like this throughout the castle, but I've only found eight so far."

"Wow," Mia's eyes widened as she spoke, amazed by such a sight, whilst her sister quickly pushed the door open, revealing a stone hallway lit by many emerald coloured torches along the walls.


"No one's here," called out Maya, of whom was then followed out by the other two.

"That's not entirely true, Maya," whispered Nox who slowly closed the door and pointed at the several armoured mannequins which lined the walls every two metres. Each of these held a halberd or spear in a salute, or simply stood still with one or more swords about their persons. There was even a pair of spear holders standing at attention next to the large doors which led to his bedroom. Although, the one on the left was standing a bit farther due to the proximity of the smaller door which they had exited from.

"What are they?" asked Mia, who proceeded to lightly paw at the one closest to their persons.

"Papa calls them 'Living Armour', and are one of his closest allies," Nox puffed up his chest with some pride, "Not only that, but Zabartik is one of my favourites."

"Who?" The twins cocked their heads towards their right shoulders as they stared upon his person. This was done so just as a large shadow passed over their small bodies, startling the pair enough to cause them to cry out and hide behind Nox. Whereas he, himself, merely giggled and rushed to the other side, where he was lifted into the air by a pair of gauntleted hands.

"Zabartik!" he cried out happily, as a full plate of an armoured creature of nearly three metres in height came into focus. Of which was covered in a slightly polished, albeit dented, suit of armour with a crimson coloured cape attached to the shoulders and around the collar. The suit itself was as plain as could be, but did not have much in the way of an opening, except for its helmet. Where it was of the style of a "Roman Centurion", which left the face and neck open to the world. However, there was nothing there.

Not a face, flesh, or even mist which was prevalent in all of the newest generation of Living Armour. Instead, it was simply hollow, which denoted the age of this creature. For it had lived under its master, the Ageless, for nearly a millennia, and was considered to be one of the oldest creatures within the whole of Terra. For this reason, the God King had invited its being to live amongst his own family, and guard them from any and all obstacles as the head of their guard. Of whom would be second only to the Chosen, who were one of his closest confidants.

In any case, the small boy-child hugged the collar portion of the Armour, and was in the process of swishing his nine tails quickly when he remembered the twins down below. This pair was currently mewing pitifully in the corner of the gilded door, and were desperately desiring to enter the room, away from the armour giant. To which Nox, upon seeing their small persons, scrunched up his facial features, then sighed softly before calling out to them, "Maya, Mia, it's okay. He's not here to hurt us, just to make sure we're okay."

This statement would be repeated a few more times, as the pair would not listen, or perhaps could not from being too frightened by the giant. Of whom had to allow its small charge to be placed upon the ground, so that the boy-child may scamper over and comfort his friends. However, once he reached them, they each yipped and barked as they proceeded to bury their muzzles into his body whilst hiding their tears. To which he sighed, hugged their persons close, and pat their heads until they calmed down.

Unfortunately, this did not quell their fears right away. For just as the twins were on the verge of calming down, several snow-white portals erupted throughout the hallway. Of which caused the Living Armours within it to grip their weapons just as the first of five metallic beings stepped out of the portals. This was Sia, whose head swayed this way and that in the search for someone or something.

"Miss Sia?" called out Nox, which caused her head to snap in his direction just as four more Chosen appeared behind her with slightly frantic looks about their persons. Upon noticing the Chosen, did the Living Armours slowly return to their posts, whereas Zabartik simply folded his armoured arms in front of his person, and bent a little forwards in what can only be surmised as a "What do you think you're doing?" sort of gesture.

"What?" she began slowly, not at all understanding what was going on.

"I'm telling Papa," called out the little hybrid, pointing at the Chosen whilst the twins hid behind his person.

"What? Why?"

"You scared Maya and Mia, that's why!"

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