《One Piece: The Hundred Swords Pirate》Sandai Kitetsu


Looking through the window on his cabin, Koujiro noticed that the ship already stopped and currently docking near the island, closing the voodoo on his hands, he gets up from the couch and walks outside.

"Oh hi capt, want to go to the island?" Jin jumped down from his crow's nest when he saw Koujiro exiting his cabin.

"Yeah, wanna come? I'm just going to look around, maybe buy some clothes and weapons I like, but we're climbing the mountain today though." Koujiro replied then jumped to the Dutchman with Jin following him.

Once the duo landed on the Dutchman's stern, they looked around to find Marcus.

"Ron! Where are your captain?" Jin yelled at one of the Dutchman crew named Ron.

"Oh….hi Jin, the captain is in his quarter, want me to tell him that you are looking for him?" Ron replied and Jin just nodded, he walked down from the stern then goes to the quarter's door and knocked on it.


"Yes?" Marcus said while opening the door.

"Sorry capt, but Jin and captain Koujiro are looking for you."

"Alright, continue your work," Marcus replied and walked upstairs to meet Jin and Koujiro.

"Jin….capt, what can I do for you?" Marcus asked once he sees the duo leaning on the railing.

"I need your crews to go to the town to buy some supplies, I already gave the money and the list to Robert," Koujiro said while offering Marcus cigarettes.

"No thanks I don't smoke….I will tell my crews to help Robert buying the supplies." Marcus declined the cigarettes.

"Alright then, see you later. Oh yeah, we're climbing the reverse mountain today, so tell your crews to do it fast." Koujiro said then jumped down from the ship with Jin following him.


After a few minutes of walking through the town, Koujiro found a building with 'Arms Shop' written on its signboard and two swords crossed below the signboard.

"Come right in, sir. Please feel free to look around as much as you want. We have antique swords, new swords and the latest swords in fashion. After all, this is a well-established store that's been in business for over two hundred years." A man on the store counter greeted Koujiro when he entered the store.

"You want to buy something Jin?" Koujiro asked Jin while looking through the weapons ignoring the greeting from the store employee.

"Ehh, I'll look at the guns." Jin shrugged and goes to the gun section.

While looking around the store, Koujiro feels something eerie from one of the barrels that got swords in it. Approaching one of the barrels, Koujiro picked up a red coloured sword with a golden rounded cross handguard.


When he touched the sword, he feels the sword oozing bloodthirsty aura and tried to control his body, but Koujiro suppressed the sword with ease.

"Wait, let make look at that sword capt." Jin suddenly appeared behind Koujiro.

"Careful, the sword is kinda weird," Koujiro said while giving the sword to Jin.

"Aah, it's the Sandai Kitetsu, it's a cursed sword. Eeeh? it's only for fifty thousand berries, I think you should buy it capt." Jin said after looking at the sword.

"Hmm, I guess I'll buy it for Marcus, you found anything you like?" Koujiro asked and takes back the sword from Jin then walks to the counter. Jin just shook his head and showed his empty hands.

"I'll take this sword," Koujiro said putting down the sword and fifty thousand berries on the counter.

"Aaah, thank you for your patronage, sir. Please come again." The store employee said while taking the money.

Koujiro put the Sandai Kitetsu into his inventory as soon as he turned his back while walking out the store.

"Capt, do you know that this town is where the pirate king born and die?" Jin said to his captain.

"Hmm, I didn't know that and how did this pirate king die again? He must have been strong to be called as the king of pirate but died on the east blue of all blues?" Koujiro intrigued by the story of the pirate king that die on the weakest sea.

"Eeeh, I don't know what happened, but I heard that he turned himself to the marine and the marine decided to execute him here. Ooh yeah, want to see the platform where he was executed?"

"Sure, lead the way," Koujiro replied and followed Jin towards the town centre.

On his way to the town centre, Koujiro saw a boutique called Robecca Hanberg, seeing that it's a high-class boutique, Koujiro took a sharp turn and entered the boutique.

"Aaah, welcome to our boutique sir, we have all kinds of clothing, just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you, sir." A man with a weird hairstyle greeted Koujiro, the man hesitated to approach Koujiro at first because of his scary appearance, but he approached Koujiro nonetheless showing his professional attitude.

"Hmm, I need some white shirts, preferably from silk and maybe some jackets or coats."

"We have some silk shirts in stock, but I don't think we have one that fits your size….sir, but we can have it custom-tailored for you, sir."

"Nah, just show me your other shirts that I can wear."

"Right this way sir." The man guided Koujiro to the men clothes section and showed him some white shirts that fit his size.


Koujiro picked several white shirts, black coats and tailored pants, he ends up paying 81.500 berries for the clothes. He bought five tailored white shirts and black pants with two black coats.

"Oh hi Jin, you want to buy some clothes too?" Koujiro asked Jin who is waiting outside the boutique.

"Nah, I still have plenty of clothes." Jin shrugged and walked towards the city centre again with Koujiro following him.

"Is this it?" Koujiro asked once they reached the town square and saw the execution platform.

"Umm yeah, I was just curious because I haven't seen it, but it's so underwhelming once I saw it, maybe for some people the place is….historical? Iconic?" Jin replied awkwardly expecting that the pirate king execution site would surprise him or something, but they saw nothing impressive or amazing about it, it's just a metal platform where a person got executed the duo thought before walking away from the town square.

"Hmm, where should we go next?" Jin asked his captain while walking down the street not knowing where to go.

"Hmm, I already bought some clothes and we've seen the place where the "pirate king" executed which is a meh, let's just go back and sail to the reverse mountain," Koujiro gesturing a quotation sign with his hands while talking about the pirate king.

A random group of pirates saw Koujiro making the hand sign while talking about the pirate king which they take it as the duo talking shit about the pirate king.

"Heey! I don't like the way you talked about the pirate king Gold Roger." Yelled one of the pirates towards the duo. The others nodded at what their friend said and tried to look intimidating to the two guys who just talked shit about their idol.

The duo immediately stopped and looked at the group of pirates that just yelled at them while they trying to look tough.

"Heh, is that the "pirate king" name? Gold Roger?" Koujiro does the hand sign again provoking the pirates which is worked and the man who yelled at the duo earlier pull out his sword and swing it at Koujiro.

"Hold my bags." Koujiro hands his bags carefully to Jin while dodging the sword.

Koujiro drew his Myōhō and casually swings his sword towards the pirate's neck, seeing the sword that about to cut his neck, he raised his sword about to block his opponent's attack.

Koujiro sneered after seeing the pirate attempt to block his sword, he sped up his swing and easily cut the pirate's sword along with his neck, all they can see was the sword suddenly flickered and the sword already sheathed.

Seeing Koujiro with his sword sheathed, the pirate raises his hand about to attack again, but when he moved his hand, half of his sword was cut in half and when he was about to turn his head to look at his sword his head fell off his shoulder and fountain of blood gushing from his neck.

"Oops, watch my bags Jin, blood stains are hard to wash," Koujiro said shielding his bags from the blood.

The rest of the pirates shocked and tried to attack the duo while they were distracted, but Jin saw them coming and shot them down easily with his M2010 ESR, five bullets were fired and five pirates dead lying on the street, the pirates didn't know what hit them and just feel a short pain in their head before it explodes from being shot on the head from a close distance.

The crowd surprised by what just happened, all they saw was a group of pirates yelling at two men and then one of the pirates attack the two men, few seconds passed and the one who attacked first lost his head, then his friends a second later was dead lying in the street also without a head. The duo just walked away from the scene while the crowd avoiding them like a plague.

Getting back to the ships, the duo board the Dutchman and found Marcus having a lovey-dovey moment with his wife on the bow of the ship.

"Oh hi Marc….having fun?" Koujiro greeted the couple after Marcus turned around noticing someone board his ship.

"Ahaha, hi capt….Jin, you guys are done looking around the town?" Marcus said while scratching the back of his head and his wife hiding behind him with red cheeks.

"Don't mind us, we will get back to our ship, take your time." Koujiro and Jin wear a wide smile on their face while walking to the railing and jumped down to their ship.

Once they landed on their ship, Koujiro walked straight to his cabin to put the clothes he just bought into the closet, while Jin just climbed up to his crow's nest where he feels comfortable, the ship is basically full of mindless zombies, with only Koujiro and Robert that he can talk to even though the two are also undying zombies.

Today shopping list:

1.Sandai Kitetsu: ¥.50.000

2.Clothes: ¥.81.500

Supplies: ¥.1.000.000

Total: ¥.1.131.500

Remaining Money: ¥.

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