《One Piece: The Hundred Swords Pirate》Experiments


"Jin, you're the new Sailing Master until we can find a new one, set sail towards the west for now, I believe there are some islands west of us, I'll chart a course for us to find an island for resupply." Said Koujiro then he walked into his cabin to chart a course. Jin just nodded and walked upstairs towards the helms while Marcus and his wife climb up to the Flying Dutchman.

Once he reached the helms, Jin just realized that the ship is still tied to the pier and their sails are still folded. When he was about to walk down to deck to untie their ship and do the other works, the ropes untied themselves and the sails dropped.

"Welp, I forgot that the captain can do that." Muttered Jin and get back to the helms.

When the ship almost exits the gulf, he heard some gunshots and someone yelling from the harbour.

Jin takes out his telescope and he peeks through the telescope to see who is firing the guns and yelling on the harbour.

"I'll be damned, Robert and the boys survived." Muttered Jin seeing the crews shooting their guns to the air and waving their hands towards the ship.

He tied the helms to make sure the ship won't turn on its own, he leapt towards the Flying Dutchman and landed on the ship's stern where the helms at is.

"Yo Marcus, turn your ship back, our crews are still alive and they're on the harbour." Said Jin to Marcus then he jumped back to his ship to tell his captain about their crews.

*knock …. knock …. knock*

Jin knocked on the cabin's door.

"What's up." Said Koujiro opening the door.

"Robert and the boys are alive capt, they are on the harbour right now, I've told Marcus to pick them up."

"Alright, let's wait for them then." Replied Koujiro then he walked out from his cabin and he pulled out the Sword of Triton and fold all the sails up and dropped the anchor to stop the ship.

A few minutes later, Marcus stopped his ship beside the Queen Anne's Revenge. The duo immediately boards the Flying Dutchman to see the crews condition.

"Where were you dumb fuckers? Didn't Jin already told you to get back to the ship?" Said Koujiro to the crews once he boards the Flying Dutchman.

"I'm sorry capt, I was gathering all the men, and when we already group up and about to get back to the ship, the town went chaos and we need to walk around the town to reach the harbour and avoid the fights." Replied Robert while bandaging his wounds.

"Damn, how the fuck you still alive after hundreds of cannonballs raining on the town? And I don't think most of you will stay alive for two days with those injuries unless a doctor treats you, but we don't have a doctor though." Said Jin while inspecting the crews' injuries.


"Eeh, they can stay alive if they want to, but if they want to make the choice is up to them."

"What choice? Is it another magic of yours capt?" Jin asked his captain, curious of what his captain will do this time.

"I can't help them, but Marcus can."

"Me? How can I help them?" Marcus confused by what his captain just said.

"Of course you can, take them as your crew members, the curse will also affect them and make them immortal like you, but only for one hundred years and then the sea will claim their souls, it's their choice to make." Koujiro shrugged then sit down on the stairs and pull out a bottle of sake.

"Well, I'll take them." Replied Marcus and look at the injured crews.

"Umm, I want to stay alive, so I'll join captain Marcus." Said one of the boys and then the others followed.

"Is that it?" Marcus asked and look towards Koujiro.

'Little help H.' Said Koujiro inside his head.

°Just make them say 'I will serve' and the ship will take them.° The Helper replied.

"Let me ask this again, will you serve the ship?" Koujiro stands up and said to the boys.

"I will serve the ship." Robert said it first, then the rest followed. Once they said that they will serve, their injuries healing up at a visible rate.

"Alright, I'll take Robert to my ship because I still need my Sailing Master, the rest is up to you Marcus. Let's go Robert." Said Koujiro after the crews healed and jumped back to his ship with Jin and Robert following him.

"Head west Robert and coordinate with Marcus or whoever he picks as his Sailing Master." Koujiro ordered then he entered his cabin and immediately fell asleep when his body touches the bed.

Meanwhile, on the deck, Jin curious about the crews new immortality and walks up the stairs to the helms where Robert is.

"Yo, how do you feel?" Jin asked Robert.

"Hi Jin, I feel great actually." Robert replied, Jin nodded at his reply then takes out his dagger and stabbed Robert's hand with it.

"Fuck! What the hell man! That's hurts!" Roberts yelled and covering the stab wound on his hand with his other hand, but strangely enough, there's no blood coming out from the wound, Robert also feels that there is no blood coming out and remove his hand that covering his stabbed hand.

"Damn, that's creepy." Jin said after seeing Robert's hand that got stabbed has a hole through it and he can see the bone inside Robert's hand.

"Damn, it is creepy, but why it's not closing like before though?"

"Uuh, I don't know, let me try again on a different spot." Jin said then thrust his dagger again towards Robert's chest, but Robert dodges the stab as soon as he heard Jin said about stabbing him again.


"Fuck off man! Could you not?"

"Hehe, alright …. alright, I'm just curious ok?" Jin said then turns away and starts walking towards his crow's nest. A few minutes later Koujiro came out from his cabin and walked up the stairs towards the helms.

"Change course to the north-west." Koujiro ordered Robert once he arrived on the helms.

"Roger capt." Replied Robert while changing the ship's course.

"Alright, I'll go back to my cabin, let me know if you need anything, and coordinate with the Flying Dutchman." Said Koujiro then he walked back into his cabin.

Once he entered his cabin, Koujiro approached one of the bookshelves inside the cabin, pulling one of the books from the bookshelves, he takes out a black thick book with the cover that is likely made from dried human's skin with nothing written on the cover.

Opening the book, Koujiro discovers that he doesn't understand the language that was used to on the book.

°It's most likely using the Haitian language.°

'Hmm, can you translate it?'

°Yes, I can, just put the book into your inventory and I'll copy the book with the Japanese translation in it.°

'Cool, how long would it take to translate?' Asked Koujiro inside his head while putting the book into his inventory.

°A few minutes, half-hour maximum, depends if the book is still in good condition and doesn't have any damage if some text is missing, I need extra time to reverse the damage.°

'Cool, wake me up when the book is ready.' Said Koujiro then he fell asleep on the couch.

Hours passed since the book translated and Koujiro have been reading its content while trying to practising the Black Arts which is actually the book is about, inside the book written various kinds of Black Arts and how to practice them.

Interested in the Black Arts, Koujiro takes all the books from the shelves and translate them for him to read later and he read the books until he fell asleep on the couch with all kinds of books littered in the cabin.


Koujiro is woken up from a sound of cannon exploded, he annoyed by it and get up from the couch while getting rid off the books on top of him.

Walking out of his cabin and opening the door, bright sunlight greeted his eyes and smoke from cannons filled the deck indicating that the crews are fighting someone, sounds of yelling, guns, swords, cannons can be heard making Koujiro almost want to yell and tell them to shut the fuck up, but he can't do that.

He walks up towards the helms to look at the fight, once he arrived on the helms, he sees that most of the crews are divided into three groups, one group manning the cannons on the Queen Anne's Revenge, another group manning the Flying Dutchman cannons and the last group board the poor merchant ship.

They basically sandwiched the merchant ship with Queen Anne's Revenge and Flying Dutchman on both sides of the merchant ship, still annoyed because he was woken up from his nice sleep, he takes out his sword and catches all the sailor on board the merchant's ship making the fight immediately stops and the crews instantly turn their heads toward the Queen Anne Revenge and they see their captain standing on the helms holding his sword with an annoyed face.

"Eeey, the hero has arrived!" Jin yelled while jumping down from his crow's nest.

"Haha funny, gather the one who still alive on Marcus' ship." Said Koujiro dropping the caught sailors, once they were freed the sailors immediately surrendered after what happened to them.

The crews guide the sailors to the Flying Dutchman and lined them up like usual and wait for their captain. Koujiro board the Flying Dutchman not long after they lined up the sailors.

"Bless your poor soul sailors, that you meet us instead of other pirates." Said Koujiro while walking towards one of the sailors.

"Watch and learn Marcus, because this will be your job from now on." Said Koujiro to Marcus who is standing in front of the sailors.

"Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. I can offer you...an escape. I offer you a choice. Join my crew...and postpone the judgment. One hundred years before the mast. Will ye serve?" Said Koujiro while holding his sword with his right hand while clutching the sailor's neck with his left.

"I-I w-will s-serve." Replied the sailor while stuttering on his words.

"You do it for the rest Marcus, I'll take ten sailors with me, bring ten of them to my ship right now, I don't care if they want to join us or not." Said Koujiro to Marcus then he ordered the crews to take ten sailors to his ship.

Once the ten sailors brought to his ship, he tied them up with the ship's ropes and kill each of them with a simple cut on their necks and wait for them to bleed to death, because he needs intact bodies for his experiments.

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