《One Piece: The Hundred Swords Pirate》Battle of Manliness



Koujiro yelled at Robert.

"Yes capt."

Robert comes down from the helms.

"How many people on the crew excluding me and Jin?"

"Twenty eight capt."

"Here a hundred thousand each for the men, tell them that they can visit the town, and tell them that they only get two days of vacation."

Koujiro gives Robert three million berries.

"Uuuh, you gave me three million capt."

"Duh, I said a hundred thousand each for the men, the rest is for you, you're the Sailing Master you dumb dumb."

Koujiro said then walk back to Jin who is still looking at the sword.

"Alright give me back my sword before you marry it."

Koujiro said taking his sword from Jin.

"Haha, funny."

Jin replied then follows Koujiro who's already walking towards the city looking for a bar.

Finding a rather high-class bar after walking a few minutes into the city, Koujiro and Jin entered the bar and immediately sit on the barstools.

"Give me your best beer."

Said Koujiro to the bartender.

"Here, give me your best whiskey."

Jin followed sitting beside Koujiro.

"Ten thousand for the beer sir and fifty thousand for the whiskey."

The bartender hands them both their orders.

"Damn that's a great whiskey, another!"

Jin said after down the fifty thousand shot like it's nothing.

"I don't know you are loaded Jin."

Koujiro said after seeing Jin down a fifty thousand shot like it's a hundred berries shot.

"What do you mean loaded? You haven't cash in the high town job yet, I thought you are paying here."

"What the fuck? I'm not paying if you chug those fifty thousand whiskeys like water, my fucking beer only cost ten thousand you fuck."

"But you're rich, I mean you literally cleaned up a kingdom treasury by yourself, don't be a stingy old man."


"Who the fuck you're calling stingy old man, I got thirty dumb fuckers including you to feed and pay, you either drink cheaper shits or you pay it yourself."

Koujiro slapped Jin's head.

"Alright...alright jeez, I'll take the same beer man."

Jin said rubbing the bump on his head while ordering the same beer Koujiro had.

"Better, now tell me more about this Muramasa."

Koujiro said while sipping his beer.

"Ooh yeah Muramasa, where were we again?"

"Uuh, the kid was a shut-in and never leave his house."

Koujiro said where they left off on the Muramasa story.

"Ooh yeah, so, this damn kid, forge a Grade sword when he was twelve."

"But it's just a mere Grade sword though, nothing special for me."

"The fuck you mean a mere Grade sword, even for an experienced swordsmith, a Grade sword is considered the finest human can craft. Those who can forge swords above the Grade sword are freaks, especially Muramasa, do you even know how much people would pay for a Grade sword?"


Jin furious hearing Koujiro's words.

"Alright...alright chill, you're going off track, back to Muramasa."

Koujiro said try to calming down his first mate.

"As I said, that Muramasa kid is a freak among freaks, do you even know the story about your Myōhō?"

"Nah, what story?"

"You know Kaido right?"

Jin asked and Koujiro nodded.

"Well, I heard that a CP-0 agent approached his father and made an order for a sword, they said that the CP-0 agent pays a huge amount of money for this sword, for whom this sword is, no one knows, but the one who forged the sword is not him, but his son the freak Muramasa, hold on my throat is dry."

Jin said stopping his story then chug his beer.

"Damn, the beer actually taste good, can I have another?"

Jin asked Koujiro for another glass of beer.

"Knock yourself out."

"Yo bartender refill!"

Jin yelled at the bartender while holding up his empty glass.

"Alright, where were we? Uuuh, yeah, the freak forged this gazillion berries sword, then on the night of the transaction is happening, the CP-0 and his father who are the only doing the transaction got ambushed by Kaido himself, and as Kaido as usually do, he smashed the CP-0 agent to a pulp before even got the chance to flee, and here's the best part, the sword which is already on the CP-0 agent's hands fell from his hands towards Kaido's body, well Kaido, being immortal can't be killed and shits didn't even pay attention to the sword, and guess what happened? The sword stabbed his body quite deep, just from the momentum of falling on him, you understand how crazy sharp that sword of yours is?"

"Wait, I thought Kaido is a fucking giant? He's like how tall again? Ten metres? How the fuck a sword fell and stabbed his body?"

"Do you even ever saw a CP-0 agent?"


"Well, they also have some freaks in their rank, a man with heights reaching ten metres isn't that rare either."

Jin just shrugged his shoulders and sip his beer.

"So, you said that this kid is alive right?"

"Ooh yeah, almost forgot the last part. You're thinking after what happened his entire family would get slaughtered right?"

Jin paused and sipping his beer again while Koujiro nodded his head.

"Well uuuh, Kaido got stabbed, then he pulled out the sword he shrugged it off, throw the sword towards the Muramasa old man and leave, weird right? But the next morning, every Muramasa clansmen found dead in their houses, but they never found the freak's corpse, and better yet, the sword that able to stab Kaido easily gone missing with the boy, interesting right?"

"Huh, interesting indeed."

'You were having fun in this world huh old man, or should I call you Muramasa? Hehehe.'

Koujiro chuckled inside his head.


••I also got bored once in a while you know, and everything is still alright, so no harm done••

The old man replied inside Koujiro's head.

'Uuuh, Muramasa clansmen are dead?'

••I created the Muramasa in this world, no biggie.••

'Whatever old man, but really? Two million for a crazy ass sword?'

••Its collecting dust with me anyway, consider it a discount, now shut up and let me watch you in peace.••

'Old fucker.'

Koujiro cursed then chug his beer.

After the story, they talked about different things for hours spending millions drinking their ass off.

"I'm sorry sir, but we're going to close soon."

Said the bartender interrupting the drunk duo who laughing and talking some drunk talk to each other.

"Huh? What time is it?"

Koujiro asked the bartender.

"It's three AM sir."

Replied the bartender while cleaning the bar.

"Aww bummer, I thought the bar is open 24/7."

"We're a high-class establishment sir, we don't operate like other low-class bars."

The bartender replied with a professional smile.

The duo walked out of the bar after drinking some water to wash their mouth. Standing in front of the closing bar, the duo doesn't know where to go.

"Got any idea what to do now capt?"

Jin asked his captain while Koujiro pulling out a cigarette light it then offers him one, taking one out he also light the cigarette.

"Let's chill here a bit, clear our heads first."

Koujiro replied puffing a smoke.

After half hour of just standing in front of the now-closed bar and a few cigarettes later, an imaginary light bulb appears on top of Koujiro's head.

"Jin, when was the last time you had sex?"

Koujiro asked Jin suddenly breaks the silence between them.

"Uuuh, are you still drunk? Because I don't swing that way, remember?"

Jin said confused by his captain sudden question.

"I'm not asking you to have sex with me you dumb fuck! I was asking when was the last time you had sex!"


"Ouch, damn man chill, I'm still a little bit drunk ok."

Jin said while rubbing a bump on his head.

"Whatever dumb ass, let's find where the brothels are."

Koujiro said already walking towards wherever he thinks the brothels are.

After a few minutes of looking where the brothels are, they found the red light district which is quite easy to find, entering the red light district, Koujiro walks straight towards the centre of it where the high-class brothels usually at while Jin just following him.

"Welcome to the house of pleasure gentlemen, how can I help you two fine gentlemen this evening?"

The duo welcomed by a really outrageous curvy and beautiful milf class woman(typical One Piece woman) when they entered the biggest building in the district.

"Bring us your best girls."

Koujiro replied with a big grin on his face.

"Please follow me to the waiting room where you can wait while we getting the girls, and please leave any weapons to the security for safety reasons, don't worry we will keep them safe."

The woman replied with a seductive smile then guide them down the lobby.

Leaving their weapons with the security first before entering the waiting room, they received a small paper with their weapons listed on it.

After waiting for a few minutes sitting in the waiting room, the girls started entering the room one by one, there are ten girls lining up in front of them, all wearing seductive lingerie of different colours.

"I'll take this on…"


Jin said about to choose a girl but got slapped on the head by Koujiro.

"Where are your manners you fuck, let your captain choose first."

"I choose her."

Koujiro said pointing to a fair-skinned brunette girl with long legs, D cup breasts and nice ass proportion with her breasts, she's wearing a white and quite minimalist lingerie.

"Hold on man, I was also going to choose her before you pulled out a rank card on me."

Jin interrupted before the girl could move towards Koujiro.

"Well, I choose her first, get another girl then for fuck sake, don't be a child."

Koujiro retorted clearly won't give up.

"But you used a rank card on me earlier interrupting me from choosing her, cheap move capt."

"What do you suggest then?"

"Umm, actually I'm fine with two men play."

The girl who is being fought for said to them.

"Hell no."

Koujiro instantly replied hearing her suggestion.

"Same mind here capt, I'm still straight."

Followed Jin.

"How about we let the girl choose who she wants to have sex with?"

The milf from earlier cutting in their bickering.

"Fair enough."

Koujiro replied not wanting to prolong any longer.

"Alright, I'll go with that."

Jin followed.

"Well Vivian, choose who you want to have sex with."

The milf said to the girl who is called Vivian.

"I'll choose the young one."

Vivian said after looking at the two men back and forth for a few seconds.

"Hah! Suck it old man! It must be suck to be an old man, hehehe."

Jin immediately stands up and walk towards Vivian putting his hand around her waist and grab one of her ass cheeks, he walks out of the room with a big eat shitting grin on his face after winning the battle.

"Fuck off kid."

Koujiro pissed off losing the battle.

"You, come on."

He immediately chooses the second best girl and walks out of the room with the girl.

Additional shopping list:

1.Myōhō Muramasa: ¥. 2.000.000

2. Beer (a lot): ¥. 2.000.000

3. Girls (2): ¥. 3.000.000

Crew wage: ¥. 3.000.000

Total: ¥. 10.000.000

Remaining Money: ¥. 1.581.776.000

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