《One Piece: The Hundred Swords Pirate》Heist


After half hour of walking towards the town centre, Koujiro found a tavern on the border of slum area and the town centre, entering the tavern, he noticed the tavern is full of mercenaries like men with at least a weapon or two hanging on their waist.

Walking straight to the bar while all the eyes are looking at him because he's not a familiar face, he takes a seat on the barstool and waves his hand to the burly male bartender.

"What do you want?"

The bartender approaches and asks him while cleaning a mug.

"Give me a bottle of your best booze and do you have any vacant room?"

"We have a room, five hundred berries per day without food, the drink is one thousand five hundred berries."

The bartender replied giving him a bottle of whiskey and putting a room key on the bar table.

Shoving his hand into his pocket and taking a few thousand berries from his inventory, he pays for the drink and five hundred berries for a room.

A few minutes and a half bottle later, while Koujiro talking with the bartender mostly asking information about the kingdom, a group of men entered the tavern.

°Your 'Head Chop Chop' is nearby, it's in the tavern vicinity.°

A text appears warning Koujiro about his sword.

"Does one of the men just entered carrying a black straight sword with no handguard?"

He asks the bartender while the bartender just nodded answering him.

"Well, that's made the job easier, sorry about this, I'll pay for it later."

Koujiro apologizes to the bartender earning him a raised eyebrows from the bartender while Koujiro getting off from the barstool and bring it along with him towards the group of men that were just arrived.

Spotting the man that carrying his sword, he approaches him and smashes the man's head with the barstool sending the man flying out of the tavern.

Before the others could react, Koujiro already outside the tavern pummeling the man, surprised by what just happened the rest of the group and some men from the tavern head outside and found a man got beaten half-dead lying on the ground with blood all over his face and the other man picking a sword from the ground with blood dripping from his hand.


"Heeey! Who the fuck are yo...AAAAHHH!!!"

One of the man's friends who got beat up approaches Koujiro and throws a punch, but before the punch could land, he screams on top of his lungs because of his hand just got cut off by the man who he was about to punch.

Right before the man could run towards his friends, Koujiro cut his head off then also cut the man's head who carried his sword.

"Heh, thanks for bringing my sword to me."

Koujiro said after cutting his head and sheathed his sword simultaneously storing the sword into the inventory then cleaned it using one of the inventory's convenient features in a split second making the sword flickered on his hands.

The rest of the group panicked after what happened and scattered running for their life, walking back into the tavern, some men got scared by him while some men who just sitting on their seat calmly looking at his sword because the sword is really sharp thinking maybe it's one of the Meito.

"Sorry about that, my swords got stolen when I was passed out drunk earlier, let me know if you heard about my other sword, it looks the same as this, just shorter."

Koujiro said while taking a seat again on the bar and giving the bartender some money to pay for the broken barstool and door then drinks his half bottle of whiskey.

'This man is crazy.'

The bartender thought and took the money without saying anything back then ordered his employees to throw away the bodies.

Walking upstairs towards his room after finishing his drink, he noticed some pair of eyes are eyeing his sword, paying them no mind he just heads straight to his room then sleep right away.


Walking downstairs after a good night sleep, he heads straight towards the bar area while sipping a bottle of sake, taking a seat on one of the barstools, Koujiro hollered at the bartender.

"Yo, got any food?"

Asked Koujiro then sip more sake earning a raised eyebrows from the bartender noticing a bottle of liquor that doesn't come from his bar.


"Umm, you can't bring foods or drinks from the outside sir."

The bartender hesitates to warn Koujiro after what he did yesterday.

"Relax, here take a sip, it's really good."

Koujiro ignored the warning instead he offered the drink to the bartender, the bartender got curious and approaches Koujiro bringing a small shot glass with him.

Pouring some of the sake just one-third of the small glass, he sipped just a little bit to taste it first, after tasting the strange sake, the bartender's eyes immediately opened wide clearly surprised by its taste.

"Woah, what kind of sake is this sir? It's really good."

The bartender can't believe what he just tasted, he already tried every kind of drinks from around the world when he was a pirate but never taste a drink as good as this.

"I know right, how about this, I will give you one bottle of the unopened bottle, all I want is, I want to know everything, about this kingdom and area around it, and depending on the information you gave me, I might add extra bottles, I can tell that you were a pirate from a glance alone, so tell me everything you know, and also give me your best food."

"Wait, we should talk on the back, I will tell you everything I know, some might change your mind about the extra bottles into a whole crate."

The bartender gladly accepts while guiding Koujiro into the staff room and tell his cooks to make some foods.

Taking a seat on one of the sofas, Koujiro plopped down and spread his legs and arms entering the Yakuza mode he usually uses to make himself look intimidating in negotiations.

"Let me hear your informations that worth a crate of these sakes."

"I heard rumours about a Celestial Dragon that will visit the Goa Kingdom around one or two months from now."

"Is that it? I don't give a fuck about some dogs playing god, that's not even worth half bottle, you better have something good or you will lose your head wasting my time."

Koujiro already learned about the important things about One Piece world last night and some of his powers from The Helper.

"Wait...wait...wait, that's not all, I heard this information from a pirate, he said that all the nobles from the high town and the royalty will be welcoming the Celestial Dragon at the city ports, they will also bring a lot of guards with them, leaving only a few guarding the palace and high town."

"I get where your information going to, so this pirate, you know him?"

"I never see his bounty poster, he's probably a new pirate, he's quite young he always bringing this long rifle everywhere, he usually visits the tavern around noon, I heard that he's recruiting for a heist on the high town, initially he was going to rob the royal palace, but no one wants to join him, then he changed his target to just robbing some of the mansion on the high town."

"Why the fuck are these dogs afraid of robbing the royal palace while all the guards are at the ports? What a bunch of pussies."

"Whatever, if the pirate you said come to the tavern, tell him that I want to talk to him, I'm going to look for my other sword first, after some breakfast that is, where the fuck are my foods?"

Koujiro chugs his sake then pulls out a crate for the bartender while grinning to him clearly surprised seeing the crate appear out of nowhere.

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