《One Piece: The Hundred Swords Pirate》Trio troublemakers


°Helper text mode initiated°

°Helper feature is simple, if you played any game before then you'll catch on immediately, there are only 2 features, a shop and an inventory.°

°The shop is where you can buy almost anything, it uses Japanese currency which is Yen.°

°The inventory is where you can store all of your belongings, the capacity is unlimited, the only restriction is you can't store living being inside the inventory.°

°To access the features and communicate with me you just have to send command or talk by thinking inside your head.°

°Also you can ask any help from the helper obviously, range from the simplest thing of calculation to almost anything.°

'Well, that's convenient, say, what would you suggest I should do right now?'

°I would say you should check your inventory first, the creator had gifts to start off your journey.°

'How do I do this again? Open inventory?'

'Woah, that's nice.'

A blue screen like before appearing with rows of empty boxes in it, on the first rows there's a box wrapped just like a gift that the helper told him, exploring the inventory first before checking what his gifts are, he noticed that on the bottom right corner of the inventory there's a symbol of Yen currency showing that he has zero money right now, on the left bottom corner written a word that read 'exchange' that he assumes to exchange the current world money into Yen.

Tapping the gift box to retrieve it from the inventory, a circle like portal appear in front of him with the flat side facing down dropping the box.

"Heey, what if whatever inside is fragile?"

Koujiro complained like an old man he is.

°You can alter the portal position by just thinking about it, and also you just have to think about taking out the box instead tapping the interface, that will make you less like a weirdo if there are people around°

"Got it chief."

Koujiro opened the box and find his stuff inside the box.

"What the fuck? These are all my shits, gifts my ass, the box is cool tho, the small box can fit so much stuff."

Pulling out everything inside the box he laid down all the stuff that he has right now.

"Hmm, at least the old man put some pack of cigarettes in it, what do we got here, pair of pants, some shirts, pair of boots, thank god its boots so that it can last longer than the normal shoes, ooh lookie here, my dear Chokutō is here to cut some heads hehehe, and a Wakizashi for utility might do."

Koujiro sorted out his belongings and put back all his stuff inside leaving a pack of cigarette, pulling one out and putting it in his lips he realized that he doesn't have a lighter.

"Fuck!!! The old man must do this on purpose, giving me cigarettes without a lighter, fuck sake man, hey helper, you there?"

°Yes, I assume you want a lighter from me?°

"Duh yeah, you got one?"

°It's available on the shop though°

"You know I don't have any money right? Can I pay for it later? Pleaseee."

°Can't do Arima-san, the shop function just like a vending machine, you should know how it works.°

"Can I sell one of my shirts? Its an expensive shits you know."

°We don't have that feature yet Arima-san, maybe the creator will add it in the future.°



Koujiro shoves two middle fingers to the sky, a moment later a lightning strike a nearby tree burning it down.

"Well, that will do, much appreciated old man, next time just drop some cash or a lighter."

In the sky, the clouds moving to form some words that read 'fuck off brat'.

"Heh, have fun watching me drink my ass off, old man."

Lighting up his cigarette, he picked up a piece of wood to make a torch to light his cigarette for later, pulling out his shirt from the inventory and wrapping it on top of the wood and pour a little bit of sake on top he light up the makeshift torch.

"Aah that's nice, a crate full of sake on a nice white sand beach, life never been better."

Even though the day still bright he keep drinking like an alcoholic he is.

Few hours and a crate of beer later, the sun is going down, and Koujiro lying on his back watching the sunset.

"Urgh, what a nice sunset, just lack a girl to bang though hehehe, just you wait old man, I'm gonna fuck the first hot woman I see."

Getting up after the sun is down, taking off his pants and he takes a nice swim to freshen up because the drinks make him a little bit tipsy.


POV Change

Three kids are chasing a rabbit inside the forest when suddenly they hear a thunderous sound not far from them.

"Ace, Sabo, do you guys hear that?"

"Yeah, it sounds like a thunder strike that way."

The boy named Ace pointed to a direction that led to a beach.

"Want to take a look?"

The first boy asks his two friends.

"I don't know Luffy, whatever it is might be dangerous, the sky is clear with no clouds at all, its either strong people or very powerful beasts are fighting to make a sound like that."

The other boy named Sabo telling them not to go there.

"Come on Sabo, are you scared? We could just take a look and we will immediately get back if its dangerous, what do you say Ace?"

The boys look at each other waiting for Ace who seems the oldest between the three.

"Well, we could go and take a look real quick, it's still bright, we'll make it back before it got dark, follow me I'll lead, you stay in the middle Luffy, Sabo watches our back."

The two boys nodded and follow along, after few hours of walking toward the sound they heard, they reach the edge of the forest and found a man lying down on his back with some crates that look like sake that Dadan used to drink lying around the beach.

"Look ace, there's a man lying on the beach."

Luffy pointed out towards the man he's talking about.

"Do you think he's dead?"

Luffy asked his two friends.

"No, he's alive, look, his hand just moved, I think he's drinking those sakes, he's probably pass out soon, we can steal some of the crates to sell later."

The boys decided to wait for the man to pass out then steal his drinks.

"Nee Ace, do you think that man is dangerous?"

"He probably is, but if he passes out we can take the crates safely."

After waiting for few hours the man is still drinking, bottles lying around him, pulling out the last bottle from the crate near him, the man chug the last bottle in one breath like its water.


"Look, he probably will pass out after that last drink."

"You said that every time he pulled a new bottle Ace."

Luffy complained to Ace obviously already getting tired of waiting for this man to pass out.

"I don't know he can hold his liquor alright, we'll see after this one, if he still drinking we will leave him alone, but I'm pretty sure its the last bottle."

"But its getting dark Ace."

Luffy whined to Ace, but before he said another word the man who has been drinking stood up on his feet seems not drunk at all.

"What the hell, this man has been drinking a crate of sake but still stand like that, even Dadan would pass out."

"Woah, look at his back, its full of tattoos."

Luffy surprised by the man's back.

"Keep it down Luffy, he might hear you."

"Do you think he's a pirate Ace?"

The boy Sabo asks his friend.

"He might be, but I don't see any ship around, but we have to be careful not to draw his attention."

"Maybe we should get back Ace, that man looks dangerous."

"Wait, look, he's going for a swim, maybe we can take that crate near us, we will move once he got into the water."


While Koujiro is having a swim, he heard a sound of bushes rustling.

'Yo H, can I get a scan of the surrounding?'

While he was drinking on the beach earlier he got bored, so he asked helper what are the things that the helper can do, after hours of reading instructions out of boredom, he already know most of the things that will useful for him in the future.

°Scanning...there are three heat signatures near the edge of the forest, they seem like moving towards the beach, from the measurement of the heat signatures, they are kids, age around 10.°

"What do you mean kids? I thought the island was empty, can you take a look at what are they doing?"

°They seem to be trying to steal one of your sake.°


Koujiro immediately jumped out of the water after hearing that someone is stealing his precious sake.

"Crap, he knew, run Luffy, Sabo."


'Summon Wakizashi'

Koujiro summoned his swords then immediately throw it to one of the boy who running near a tree, the sword fly right beside the boy chipping his shoulder a little bit, making he stumbled, surprised by the attack and tripped at the same time.

"Aah fuck I missed."

Koujiro clicked his tongue and immediately catch up to the boy who had tripped.

"Got you brat hehe, come out you two, or I'll cut this friend of yours and feed him to the sharks."

Koujiro held the boy with his left hand while he summoned his Chokutō on the other hand.

"Help meeee, Ace, Sabo!!!"

The boy cried and struggling to get off the man's grip.

"Look brats, I would hate to kill a kid on my first day here, but if you won't give me back the shits you stole I would cut this kid."

Koujiro put the blade on the boy's neck making him froze feeling the cold steel that touching his neck.


POV Change

"What do we do Ace? He might kill Luffy, you see his tattoos, he's definitely a pirate."

"I don't know Sabo, he might kill us too."

"What do you mean Ace? You just going to leave Luffy like we did to him when he was captured by the Bluejam pirates?"

"I know Sabo, but that man is different from the Bluejam pirates, he throws that sword with the intent to kill."

"Look Ace, just give back his sake and maybe we can apologize to him, we can't let him kill Luffy, he might be a reasonable person."

"Alright you stay behind me, if anything goes wrong, you immediately run, I'll try to distract him and help Luffy."

Ace walked out of the forest holding the crate while Sabo following him.


Smiling at the two boys walking out of the forest with the boy on the front holding his sake, he lifted up the boy he's holding.

"There we go, smart move, simple trade, a crate of sake for this boy's life."

Koujiro grinned making the two boys in front of him shivering in fear.

"Aww don't be scared, I'm not biting, I like kids just so you know, I got few nephews myself, I just don't like my stuff got stolen."

"Can you let Luffy go? I'll give you back your sake, we're sorry."

"Can't do young man, you get over here, put down the sake, and you'll follow what I said before I change my mind."

He pressed the blade against Luffy's neck indicating that he's not playing around.

"Okay...okay, just don't kill him, we'll do whatever you say."

"You, the one on the back, pull out the sword that stuck on that tree."

"Y-yes, sir."

Sabo jumped in fright after being told by the scary man, he gets to the tree that the sword is lodged into and try to pull it out, after few tries and few positions of pulling later he couldn't pull it out.

"Stay put, don't try to run or I'll cut your legs, you sit near him."

Koujiro sighed dropping the boy and walk towards the tree to pull it out himself, the Wakizashi is a 30 cm sword, the blade is entirely buried into the tree leaving only the handle hanging.

"Man you're pretty weak for a wannabe thief."

He said to Sabo and easily pull out the sword with one hand.

"Go sit near your friends."

Looking at the boys make him remember of his childhood friends, they were also a trio trouble makers playing Yakuza, all three of them grew up together and also join the same Yakuza clan when they grew up, out of the three only he's the one who survived and lives long enough to reach age forty. It's true that living as a modern-day Yakuza is not as dangerous back the golden time, but it's dangerous nonetheless.

Taking a bottle of sake and opened it, he sits in front of the tree kids that still shivering from fear.

"Aaah, this shits is good, never get tired of it, now kids, let me ask you a question, do you know what happens to thief if they get caught?"

The kids just shake their heads not knowing what to say.

"Well, we from the Yakuza like to cut people fingers."

The man grinned making the kids shaking while the kids that look like the youngest already leaking tears.

"I-is t-that what your pirate crew called sir?"

The one who was holding his sake asked.

'Hmm, this kid is pretty brave, most kids would already pee themselves and can't even utter a single word.'

"Pirate? Aah, you thought that my crew name is Yakuza? I'm not a pirate though, why I would want to be a pirate? Do I look like one?"

"W-well you're full of tattoos and drinks a lot, seems like a pirate to me."

"You got guts kid, I like you, what's your name?"

"The name is Ace sir."

"Cool name, you two what's your name?"

"Sabo sir."


The kids starting to calm down seeing the man is not so scary anymore.

"So you brats never heard of Yakuza before?"

The kids shook their head again not knowing what the word means, Ace decided to raise his hand wanting to say something.


Koujiro saw Ace's raised hand.

"Umm, can you wear some clothes? It's kinda awkward talking to you while you're naked."

"Ghahaha, what do you mean awkward brat, we're all men here, besides we Yakuza always do this kinda thing in saunas and bathhouses."

"B-but we're kids old man, and we're also not a Yakuza."

The youngest kids who got caught earlier talked back.



Seeing the kid's head wobble after getting hit and not hearing any complaints from the kid he was surprised, did I hit not hard enough? He thought while he raising his hand to slap the kid again.


"Heey, what's the second time for?"

"How the fuck you're not hurting after getting slapped like that?"

"Oh, I'm a rubber man, I'm made of rubber."

The kid, Luffy saying he's a rubber man like it just a normal thing.

'Wait, rubber man, Luffy, kinda sounds familiar'

"Say brat, what's your full name."

"What do you want my full name for old man."


"Stop calling me old man, I'm still on my early forty, tell me your full name."

"Forty is an old man for me."

Ace murmured under his breath but Koujiro heard him easily and earn him a slap to the head, he gave Luffy a look signalling to tell him his full name.

"It's Monkey D Luffy."

Koujiro got silent for a moment to connect the dots, after thinking for a while and half bottle of sake later the dots were connected, he realized the kid named Luffy is the main character of his current world.

Meanwhile in an unknown realm, the old man who sent Koujiro to the world of One Piece laughing his lungs out watching Koujiro dumbfounded sitting there cross-legged and but naked.

"Man this is going to be fun."

Said the old man while munching popcorn.

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