《Strongest NPC Returns as a Player ( A NPC Evolution LITRPG)》Chapter 13: Grandia (Part 4)


“Storm of Annihilation!!”

“Blazing Gale!!”

The unknown NPC hovered over the sky while raining multiple skills on the players and the Supremes.

“Divine Dome of Protection!!”

“Shield of Knights: 7th form!!”

The Shield Master and a Supreme worked together to form a protective barrier around them. The combination of skills allowed them to take a breather from the rain of the skills.

The Spear Master, who finally got a chance, charged up and fired another skill.

“Sword of Grandia: Side Slash!!”

A slash from the sword erased the storm of skills completely, nullifying every effect, too. The attack even reached the chin of the NPC, but he timely dodged the attack as the attack then exploded, causing a large mushroom of cloud to appear behind him.

He didn’t look back but felt the heat from the explosion. For any ordinary player the heat can mean total annihilation, but for him it was a hot breeze. He didn’t mind the heat, but…

“He dare ruin my face!!”

With rage, he glared towards the players which caused the players to feel immense pressure and fear.

“He…is using….dragon’s fear?”


The immense pressure forced the players to kneel, and some started to feel nauseas and some started to vomit on spot. The Supremes were scared that nobody among them even talked. As they all were trying to negate the pressure, the NPC landed and moved towards them.

“Dragon’s fear…. quite a useful technique to stop you bugs from dancing around.”

He leisurely walked towards them, with a deep smirk. Looking at him, many rankers and Supremes gulped.

“That lizard has this good technique, for it to work this well on you all.”


As the NPC slowly reached near them, a figure then appeared in front of them, holding a shining sword.


“Sword Grandia: Courageous heart!!”

“Sword Grandia: Wall of divine protection!!”

Only one person was left unaffected by the skill of the NPC. The Spear Master timely casted a mental fortitude skill as he then made a barrier around them all with the help of the sword.

Freed from the grasp of the NPC, the rankers then started to heal themselves, but the Supremes remained quiet for odd reasons as their face looked pale.


The NPC, seemingly annoyed clicked his tongue but soon he laughed.

“Why don’t you stop your meaningless struggle? You know that the ones you are cooperating with are the ones behind this mess.”

“Join me and I will help you kill them.”

He then moved his arm towards the Spear Master, seemingly showing his willingness to accept him. The Spear Master looked at him for a moment, but soon shook his head.

“So be it then!! I shall eradicate you all with this whole world then. Even though I am slowly adapting to this powers of mine, I am curious as to what will happen when I will combine this technique with the other powers inside of me. So keep dancing as I will slowly kill you all.”

The Supremes, hearing his idea started sweating profusely. The idea itself seems impossible, as the nature of the energies of every being differed, but the existence of this NPC denied that rule.

Throughout the whole fight, he showed various skills belonging to many species and the speed at which he adapted to every skill and their usage was also something that the Supremes never imagined.

What they desired was something that would become their pawn to control the players as even they do not have an immortal body.

‘Even though he is still adapting, the rate at which he is adapting is terrifying and that immortal body of his is also a big problem. If he mastered every power inside of him, then we and whole Grandia will be doomed.’


The Supremes, even though revered as the strongest controllers of Grandia were bound by a mortal body. Their bodies were made the way that would differentiate them from a regular mortal being. But they also die, either of old age, or by a mortal wound, or by any means.

They transfer their consciousness to different bodies while retaining their knowledge, thus experiencing life and death always.

As time passed, they gradually adapted to the mentality and honed themselves to become the strongest to rule over the whole world.

But for the first time in their endless cycle of life and death, they faced a wall. A wall so high and so terrifying that their bodies shook, trembling uncontrollably and kneeled instinctively in front of that wall.

Having no other choice, their leader, the Supreme Goddess chose to fuse with a player, a lower ranking being. While humiliated, they swallowed their pride, believing that they finally have a chance but what they got what something beyond their expectation.

“Only that Spear Master is our hope now!!”

So they decided to gave their powers to him.

“Listen, Spear Master. Take our powers and fuse them with that sword. It will be your final chance to defeat that bastard.”


The Spear Master contemplated for a moment but soon agreed as he could not find any other way to kill the bastard that was looking at them with disdainful gaze.

“Alright then. Give me your powers.”

“We will also share some of our powers.”

The rankers who were healed came forward, showing their will to share their powers too.

“You guys….”

“Go finish that bastard.”

The support of the Supremes and his friends overwhelmed him, but he still accepted their powers.

The Supremes and the rankers placed their palms behind the Spear Master and soon different energies started to enter his body.

The body of the Supremes dissipates as the energy of their current body was absorbed into the Spear Master. The players were also the same as their avatars slowly dissipates as their powers were also absorbed.


“Do not worry. We know you will win, so go...”

The dissipating ranker then looked towards the NPC as he said to the Spear Master.

“And beat the shit out of him.”

The rankers then also disappeared, leaving only the NPC and the Spear in the battlefield.

The body of the Spear Master then convulsed a few times, but soon he quietly stood for some time.

A different type of aura soon started to swirl around him. Astonished by the sheer power, he looked confident, confident enough to finally finish this quest.

He then pointed the sword towards the NPC while grinning which annoyed the NPC more.

“Let’s finish you once and for all!!”

The words caused a vein pop on NPC’s forehead. With a creepy grin he looked towards the Spear Master.

“You bug, just because you got their powers doesn’t mean you can match me.”

Soon, a dark creepy aura surrounded the NPC. Dust and thunderstorm appeared as both of the auras clashed.

“Let me see how well you will last with that shit power of yours!!”


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