《I Decided to Write a Story》Ch9: Storm


It was the last week of the month,meaning there were a lot of quizzes and projects that we needed to do. These past 3 days were stressfull. Not only that but also the weather was terrible. Heavy rain,strong wind, and of course lightning and thunder.

"God why didn't they suspend classes?" Alex said, annoyed

The day was shitty,the weather was shitty, the teachers were shitty. It was a literal shitstorm.


(Erica's POV)


we were all hungry because we didn't get to eat during recess. We spent our recess in the library studying for the next quizzes. It turned out to be useless because the tests were cancelled. For the first time we ate inside the cafeteria because as I said it was raining.

Our lunch went on like normal, except for one thing. Yui was very quiet than usual. I asked her if she was alright, she shook her head and said

"I have something to tell you guys later before we all go home"

"Are you and Ethan dating now?" Kate joked

"No, it's important" Yui said with a stern

look "won't you guys study for the next tests?" She asked us

"Nope the next classes are pretty easy" Alex said confidently

When we went back to our classroom, the lights and fans suddenly turned off. Somebody even screamed.

"Another reason why they should suspend class" Alex was really pissed off now.

A little while later the fan and lights turned back on.

"They must be using the generators. Ew is this really a good time to make out with each other" Kate looked at a couple

"You're just bitter"

"Psshh the hell I am"

"Guys let's play truth or dare" Hinata suggested

Alex and I joined while she was still persuading Kate to join.

"Fine" Kate finally gave in

"Are you sure you don't wanna join Yui?" Hinata asked her

"No thanks, I have a new book that I want to read" she smiled

We sat down on the oh so clean floor.

Hinata took Kate's plastic water bottle "Hey I was still using that"

But Hinata still proceeded to use it. When the bottle stopped spinning it pointed at her.


"Karma is a bitch" Kate said happily

"Truth or dare?" I asked her

"Dare" Hinata answered

"I dare you to yell at that couple and say get a room" Alex suggested

"Fine, PDA is disgusting and I'm a bitch so it's alright."

After Hinata yelled at the couple, they finally stopped and we were screaming with laughter. The bottle span again and it was Alex's turn.


"what is the grossest thing you have had in your mouth"

to which Alex answered "a dick"

We all laughed.

"Wait what? Is that true?" I asked, I didn't know if she was joking or not.

"Hey only one question at a time" she smiled slyly.

It was Kate's turn. "Truth"

"You're no fun" Hinata insisted her to pick a dare

"No thanks"

Then Alex asked her "who do you think is the cutest or hottest person in this room?"

"That's easy, it's obviously me" She bragged

After she said that we burst out laughing

"Wow a bit full of yourself are we?"

"Hey! If no one compliments you then compliment yourself. A word of advice from Kate the wise."

We then rolled our eyes

A couple of truths and dares later, the bottle finally pointed at me. "Truth"

"That's fine because I wanted to ask you something, do you like someone?. I know it has only been a mon-"

"That is so bull!" Kate exclaimed interrupting Hinata, "I already had a crush on someone even though it was just the first week."

"I thought you said you don't find anyone cute or hot here" I asked

She laughed obnoxiously "who said anything about a crush at school? I was talking about an anime character"

"You're such a dork" I joked

"From what anime?" Alex asked

"From-...never mind it doesn't matter. The question is so basic, it's asked at every basic bitches truth or dare game ever. She sighed "I thought you were better than to ask this question Hinata." Kate was teasing her

"What!? I was just curious-" Hinata was once again interrupted by Kate.

"But seriously though who do you like?" She asked.

"Hmmm...no one" I answered

"Well that was anti climatic" Alex said


"Very" the two responded

The teacher entered the classroom on time. She was bringing test papers. We hurriedly went back to our seats and class began.


*dismissal time*

Coming out of the classroom, all of us looked dead. Nobody was talking to each other, we were all quiet. The tests were...arduous. Alex was wrong and I'm pretty sure I flunked them all.

Kate and I went to the cafeteria first while the others were still upstairs.

"Stress eating?"


"Here" I handed her the shirt she lent me

"Thanks, I thought you were never going to give it back"

"I just keep on forgetting."

"Just admit that you liked the t-shirt's print" she said before talking a bite of her second burger.

"Uh-huh sure, where are the others? I thought Yui was going to say something."

She shrugged

A few minutes of waiting and the others arrived. They sat down and said hey.

"So what do you want to tell us again?" Hinata asked

"Umm so...I love you guys so so so much" Yui said

"We know, but what do you really want to say or more like what's bothering you?"

"You see-"


We were all listening, and we could hear the loud crunch of whatever Kate was eating. We glared at her, she mouthed the word sorry.

"Anyways So here's the thing, I won't be able to fullfill my promise about spending our last year here together.

"W-what do you mean?" Hinata stuttered

"My family and I are moving"

We were in shock

"I'm moving by the end of next month to another school"

Alex yelled "Why?!"

"My mom got a new job"

Hinata asked "We can still see each other right?"

"Our house is very far from here"

"That's a no then?"

Yui nodded

"Come on, We'll still be friends even if I move away"

"But it wouldn't be the same,can't you find a dorm here?"

"you can't ask things like that from her Hinata" Kate scoffed

"this is-...whatever, I'm going home."

Hinata got her things and stood up.

Yui also stood up and called out to her "wait!"

Kate spoke "Yui don't, I'll talk to her later"

She gestured for her to sit down again


By the end of Yui's explanation Alex was on the verge of tears.

She sniffed "it stopped raining"

"we should probably go now Alex"

When they collected themselves they said goodbye to us and went home.

After they left I packed my things and went back to our classroom to get something.

Where is Kate?

When I came back I saw Hinata crying and Kate was trying to comfort her.

"Oh my god are you-" I was cut off because Kate mouthed "sshh"

She motioned her hand that meant that I should go ahead

I asked her "will you be ok?"

And she nodded

After I left the school it started raining again. I had an umbrella but it would still be hard for me if I walked all the way home.

"I'll take the shuttle then". I waited in the shed and I took my phone out and opened instagram. I saw my old friends, they look happy. A few minutes of waiting I saw and heard someone running towards here.

"Kate, what the hell!" I got closer to her with my umbrella

"How I love to be soaked in rain" she spoke

"Oh my god you'll get sick and W-where is Hinata?"

Kate grabbed a towel from her backpack and sat down on the bench in the shed "She left a while ago before it started raining"

"Why was she crying and why didn't you want me to help?"

She was catching her breath "just because!"

"Ok fine, jeez"

Then the shuttle finally arrived, we hopped in.

She started talking "I can't believe Yui is leaving next month"

"Yeah, even if I didn't spend four years with her I'm sure she's a really great person. "

"The best, actually" Kate sighed

"Anyways, you need to take a shower when you get home or else you will get sick"

She chuckled "I don't get sick, I'm a perfectly healthy person"

"We'll see"


The next day

School was suspended

Alex was probably jumping with joy



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