《A Curious Case of Mobs Extra》Chapter Thirteen
Cultivation in this world can be described as an art of assimilation of yourself with the universe. The art of familiarization on how to manipulate this world raw energy and made it your own. That is the most simplest explanation I can think of on how to describe what is the cultivation is. It differs with how cultivation was depicted in old earth's web novels and Chinese online novels. They mostly describe the cultivation as an act of defying heaven's heavenly laws. Why though, I never understood it completely.
Another aspects that quite far different from the adage of cultivation are, in this world, cultivation requires the cultivators to fight a lot and always in continuous conflict. Either among themselves or they took another approach, to find the fight with the natural world. To fight monsters or magical beast.
The second aspect that differs this world cultivations from their counterparts in the old earth Xianxia's novels is, this world cultivation doesn't have the true immortality. We only can achieve a really long life span. Even if only we cultivate to the peak of this world cultivation levels, death waits for them too. Teacher Shizuka told that information in class. When Teacher Shizuka asked why we chose to be a cultivator, someone said in class that his goals it to become a true immortal. Teacher Shizuka quickly shut down the notion of being a true immortal. She doesn't say why though, just true immortality can't be achieved with current knowledge of cultivation. She doesn't reject the possibility of thought. Maybe someone will find the solutions in the future, or can achieve true immortality in his or her cultivation in the future.
Mana Gathering stages or levels is the most basic thing a cultivator must achieve to start their journey into the cultivation world. Teacher Shizuka said the stages are the same everywhere. Either in the Sky Crow Sect or everywhere on this world, either cultivators or warriors, mana gathering is the first step into the world of wonders and magical.
The Sky Crow's mana gathering process is quite simple. I don't know about the other mana gathering methods but I do think that there are only some minute differences between each of the sect methods. Maybe in the technique on how they do after the gathering process is done.
The first thing is learning how to detect mana first. For potential cultivators, two things came naturally for them, first is detecting and using the mind power and the second thing is detecting mana in surroundings. For me at least, mana is always there. I always can feel the mana existence in my surroundings.
After detecting the mana, the next step is the envisioning process. According to Teacher Shizuka, her technique is imagining your inner selves as a large barren lands, a dried-up land without any life on it. When the first speck of mana gathered, it will become a tiny spring on your inner world, every cycle of mana gathering process done, a tiny spring came into your world.
The tiny spring becomes spring. Springs became brook, brooks became stream, streams became river and rivers flow together into sphere dam. Filling it with mana until the sphere became fulls and overflowing. When that happened, you successfully broke through into the second stage of mana gathering. Their other technique also involved during the gathering process, such as the mind technique that needs to be imposed into the world using a certain method but that is the gist of the first step in cultivation.
Even at the first stage of gathering. Conflicts and fights can't be avoided. Mana gathered in our body need to be spent. Teacher Shizuka ordered her two students to brought us into the low-level hunting ground and asked us to bring back some hunts. Hikiguya, two other existing members of the adventuring club and me took the flying carpet and went to one of the thousands of unhabitable islands to hunt for a magical beast.
The two other students are Yukino Frostborne and Yui Somerborne. Both of them is from a prominent natives clan that rises into a cultivating clan during the last century war. Both of them have the telltale sign of hereditary body modifications done by their ancestral cultivator's master. Yukino has a raven black hair with a tinge of purple at the end of her hairs, a very pale skins, and deep beautiful purple eyes. On the other hand, Yui has a reddish-brown hair color that looks so vibrant and fiery. Having healthy tanned skins and a gray eyes that can suck your soul if you look at it long enough. Both of them have elven ears.
When the three of them meet at the first time, something unexplainable happened. The atmospheres feel alive and vibrant. The temperature suddenly rises into a spring temperature even though right now, in the morning dawn, the temperature is quite cold. I don't know why that happened, but my theory is they probably know each other before, during their old life or something like that. So, today's meeting probably their first meeting in a long time and somehow the world just change to suit their needs. Main characters sure get it easy.
Cultivators need the conflict to fuel the mana and their cultivation. I still don't understand how it works, but it's probably similar to how RPG game characters collect experience point killing stuff to level up. The easiest conflict, non-complex and straight forward is hunting magical beast and monsters. Magical beast and monsters are two types of nature's answers to mana cultivators and warriors.
According to the book 'A guide for magical beast and monster on Marra', Magical beast are creatures that naturally capable to wield mana in similar manners cultivators do in some way or another. They can attack using elemental type attack or using mana manipulation to attack their prey or enemies. On the other hand, Monsters is a creature that only capable to wield mana in internal manners as warriors do. They used mana to strengthen their bodies resulting in bigger, stronger and heavier than most other animals.
Both of them graded using 'Monsters and Magical Beast Hunter Level System'. A grade starts at level zero indicating the monster's strength and power. A level zero is only capable to be a threat toward mortals and untrained human. Animals such as chicken fish which I butchered before, or my chicken which frolicking around their coop at my home can be categorized as level zero.
There is another more precise grading system used by the Hunter Association, usually only used by the Hunter community. It is called the 'Hunter Association creature threat rating'. They used the creature power to establish how much the threat the creature is. It goes similar to how the RPG stats system looks like. For example:
Horned Rabbit (magical beast variant)
Strength - 0.1
Agility - 0.3
Projector - 0.3
Shaker - 0
Master - 0
Stealth - 0.05
Fighter - 0
projector - meaning the creature capable of projecting some means of projectile attack by using mana or physical projectile.
Shaker - meaning the creature capable of changing their environment to attack or gain advantages.
Master - meaning the creature capable of using mind related ability. Maybe it can use mind control or mastering other creatures to do their bidding.
Fighter - Their fighting technique and fighting capabilities.
Usually, the threat rating only says what that monster has, they never listed the zero-rating. But for education purpose and to show the example of the precise rating system used by hunters, the book listed the zero too. There are many other rating terms used by hunters such as Transmuter, Area of Effect, summoner and many more.
Seeing the rating system, I'm quite impressed with it. Base on that information, hunters can fight the monsters and magical beast in quite levels playing field. For us, humans, knowledge is the most valuable weapon provided by the universe.
The level will start from zero and will go up into the infinity. Because this world is so huge and massive, hunter association decide to not limit the level grades and the threat rating so when a very dangerous magical beast or monsters found, it can be rate accurately. The highest rating known to humankind assign by hunter association is a Surtur Overlord, the emperor of fire giant clan. His threat level is classified but the warning in the book said, if you're not at the body transmutation stage, don't challenge him for a duel.
Even though the Hunter Association classification is quite technical, with their threat level, threat rating and classification for those creatures. People of this world just call all of those creatures as monsters for much easier communication.
Right now, we are heading toward a low-level monster-hunting ground. Mostly populated by horned rabbit, occasional sighting of goblins and several low-level monsters. Hikiguya and I were trying to complete the first training cycle using the mana gathering technique taught by Teacher Shizuka.
We were lead by the two other members. Both of them in the middle level of Mana Gathering Stages. Hunting horned rabbit is a usual practice for someone first hunt. They mostly passive unless provoking. Have a limited number of attacks and killing them as easy as hunting chicken fish. The reason they classified as level one is that they are magical beast capable of manipulating mana outside their body.
The trip took several minutes using a flying carpet drove by both Yukino and Yui. The island is only a vast plain from one end to another. The gently rolling hills can be seen decorating the plain, patches of trees can be seen sometimes covering a small area of the plain, a few brooks flowing toward a small lake in the middle of the island. On the other side of the small lake, a cabin with a small garden can be seen. Yukino and Yui steer the carpet toward the house and land just outside the house front yard. Both of them jump from the carpet and we follow suit.
"Good Morning senior Memphis," said Yukino while bowing to no one at the front yard of the cabin. "Our master order us to bring those two greenhorns into your hunting ground. We hope to get your blessing before proceeding."
"Go on, left the usual fee." ordered a gruff voice coming from inside the cabin.
All of our bows slightly toward the cabin then Yukino throws a black satchel toward the cabin porch into a basket located there. We then move away from the cabin silently. Both Yukino and Yui don't even make a sound and so does we.
After running around a kilometer away, Yui finally said something to break the silence.
"Here is far enough, I guess," She said breaking my concern about the silence action.
"Senior Memphis owns this whole island, we can go at other low-level hunting ground but this hunting ground is better. This island has a high chance of evolving a normal horned rabbits into a wind variant horned rabbits, it can be considered a delicacy to some. We can hunt here since Master Shizuka knows Senior Memphis personally." Yui added. "We forgot to say this before, but Senior Memphis kinda hate loud voice, so you're lucky to follow what we do. If not, you better do not think about what will happen to you."
"Yeah, sorry about that. Totally slipped my mind." Interject Yukino. Her face told something different though. I can see how she does not feel sorry at all. Just a little bit dejected of losing some entertainment. I can see Hikiguya sighing when he heard what Yukino said. Probably something she always does before transmigrated here on a frequent basis. "Enough chit chat, show me your mana," Yukino ordered both of us, mainly me. She seems to have a soft spot toward Hikiguya though. Lucky bastard!
The phrase of showing me your mana indicates that the other person wants you to show them your mana control. The answer to that question is quite simple, but to answers it, a lifetime will be use to perfect it. The first stage is to conjure the basic mana ball, nine of them at the same time and rotate them around each other imitating how the proton circling the nuclease. At my current stage, I only capable to conjure up two mana ball. Fairly average in performance by other standards. Let not to say about Hikiguya though, he effortlessly conjures up to five mana ball only after two week of studies.
"Passable," said Yukino toward my effort of showing them my mana. "Your target is to hunt down 20 horned rabbits each. you will be staying here until the task is completed. Yui and I will follow each of you at distance. Don't expect the help from us, Master Shizuka said to help you only if your life truly in dangered, so stay safe and happy hunting."
"Wait...does that means we can't leave this place until the hunt completed?" I asked the obvious. "How come I don't know about this before?"
"It was supposed to be a surprise test." Said Yui interjecting our banter. "Sorry Hikki, sorry Mobs."
"Ehh...I kinda expecting something like this to somewhat happen." I conceded the fact that this mandatory training trip will not be an easy one. Since I refuse Teacher Shizuka offered to personally teach me by joining her adventuring club. She agree to compensate me by giving her technique to me in written form with several conditions attached.
The first condition is, I will not spread or teach the technique to others unless with permission from her. The second condition is, to participate in the first cultivation cycle under her direct tutelage. Lastly, the third condition is to pay her the appropriate price for further mana gathering technique to develop by her (each of the gathering processes develops by Teacher Shizuka differ for each stage) if I am still interested in the techniques.
Accepting the fate we were currently in, nHikiguya and I went our separate ways. Yukino is the one shadowing my hunting. She doesn't say anything, so do I. I jog around for a while searching for the rabbits. Not long after, I found a pair of horned rabbits eating and frolicking happily. Just as I found the pair, I readied myself to attack the rabbits but I was stopped by Yukino.
"Wait, watch how I attack first," whispers Yukino. She then brings out her wand and conjures up four mana balls. She then launch the first two mana balls at the back of both rabbits' head. The mana ball explosions instantly stunned both of them. I can see that they still alive but both of them completely comatose. We exited our hiding and approach the rabbits. She change the mana ball into a crescent shape an aim it toward both of the rabbit's neck. Their heads separated from their body killing them instantly. She wave her wand one more time, and the rabbits' carcass floating upside down allowing the blood flow out from the body.
"That is the most perfect hunting method for horned rabbits," Yukino said with an indifferent voice about her hunting process. "They never understood what hit them. Quick and painless. You can't reach that level yet, even your current mana ball only capable to irritate them. Find a lone rabbits and just attack it until one of you is dead, I guess."
"Huh, all right." I shrugged about her indifference attitude. "anything else before I start doing this for real?"
"Here, this is an alarm if something unexpected happened. Used it like how you used a dimensional item. Only used it if you truly in dangered. Yui and I will capable of teleports toward your surrounding if you activated the recall function. Don't expect it to be instant though. Its gonna take several minutes for us to be there. So I made sure to stay survive before we arrive. Hikiguya will got one too, he will be our priority since he is the official Master Shizuka newest disciples. If something happened to both of you at the same time, expect for us to go to him first."
"Sure. I don't mind." I agreed with her reasoning about this whole training process. That rescue stone probably a flag for main character. Hikiguya probably will face a horde of goblins or something like that magnitude. Man, I pity him. He will survive it though. Even with some benefits for sure. I need to get ready to suffer a splash about what gonna happened to Hikiguya. It is not gonna be pretty. By my estimate, an event like this usually happened around a week, so I can hunt and practice for six-day. Wait, let's made it safe, this hunt will end around four and half days and the rest will be used for mana gathering and trying to unlock the orbs. Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Let's hunt during the day, gathering mana during the night to unlock the orb, and used another one and half-day gathering mana until the orb unlocks. Although, for now, let tried to hunt 20 rabbits as fast as I can.
I found a lone horned rabbit just a few minutes from our separations. Holding on the method used by Yukino, I keep myself hidden from the rabbit sense. I took out my wand and conjure the two mana ball with the incantation to make the mana ball more powerful. I need all the hell I can get fir my first ambush. The mana ball conjured in seconds and I decide to change the ball trajectory to confuse the rabbit sense. I move the ball as far as possible from my influence and release both of them toward the rabbits head.
It was a successful attack but a failed tactics. The mana balls exploded on the rabbit head and I can see it take some damages but the power is still not enough to stun it like what Yukino does. The rabbit also does not confuse by me attacking it from another side. When the mana ball exploded, the rabbit became aggressive and instantly face toward my direction without hesitation. Seem my stealth is not working, the rabbit just decides to ignore me even though it knows my position already.
The rabbit horn suddenly glows with distorted air ripples, a telltale sign of high concentration mana spell. Wait, that rabbits are charging its spell. I jump as fast as I can but it's quite a slow reaction on my side. The attack arrived when my feet just leaving the ground. My body face with my first magical attack shockwave. One thing I will remember from this encounter is, the shockwave is fucking hurt too. Damn Hollywood action movies that show heroes and heroine can survive easily even after facing the shockwave.
I can't quite remembers what happened after but I know that I start to spam mana balls after mana balls toward the rabbits as fast as I can. I only stop attacking to evade the spell and holding my body from the shockwaves of the spells. I evade the spell, holding myself up from the shockwaves and spam a lot of mana balls toward the rabbit. The cycle happened a few times until my mana run dried and the spell not coming again. I guess I finally won my first fight using magic. But the price is a damaged and hurting bodies, a destroyed ten square feet of land, and a bloodied carcass of the horned rabbit. Fuck, am I gonna need another approach. This method is suicidal and crazy. Damn it, it's fucking hurt and I need to find shelters to rest for the night. I wave my hand and collect the rabbit carcass, I'm not gonna leave my first hunt go to waste like that. I'm gonna eat that monster to complete my revenge. Serve it right for not dying and keep injuring me. Why the fuck did I agree to do this again?
Unknown to Mobs, up 50 feet on the sky. A floating carpet can be seen watching the gruesome fight down below. "Stupid! He should use a sword or dagger to compliment the attack. Don't rely completely on magic when your magic is that weak. Idiots" Muttered Yukino after watching that debacle.
AGE: 10
INHERITANCE: THE ORB OF WHEELS (74.9% until activation)
BODY 1.4 -> 2.3
MIND 1.5 -> 2.2
SOUL 1.5 -> 2.2
- This perk allows you to determine if the person has the Main Character Aura. Only Work within a 10-meter radius from the host.
- This perk also allows you to see his/her inheritances active/non-active that belong to the main characters.
- This perk allows you to determines who is who toward the MC. They were called side characters. There are many kinds of side characters. Side characters can be main characters. SC acts as a rival for the main characters. SC acts as an MC first love and many more.
Main characters are being found:-
Yukino Frostborne & Yui Somerborne: A main character from the Frost and Somer clan. A two of fifty most influential clan on Sky Crows Sect (Frost Clan No. 49, Somer Clan No. 50) Prominently arise during the century war, previously served an eccentric biomancer cultivators at three thousand years ago. That cultivator already left the continent of Marra into an unknown. Left most of his legacies and technique into both of the clan. Should both of the clan set aside their petty quarrel and squabbles, and combine their force into one clan, they are capable to contest the top forty position of the most prominent on Sky Crows Sect. With the arrival of Hikiguya, one of the clans decides to take Hikiguya from the equations when the foretold that he can somewhat combine the force of those two clans.
Inheritance of Yukino Frostborne:
The heart of frost and moon: The technique to master the ice and night elements. Change the practitioner's heart into a partial transmuted heart into the element of Ice and night.
The Locket of the night: Contain the partial knowledge of the eccentric biomencer regarding his life and experience.
Cauldron of Venom: a cauldron that capable to increase the success and potency of poison-related pills and potion.
The fan of Hagimoto: A fan capable to help the wielder to control the wind element up to a certain point.
Inheritance of Yui Somerborne:-
The Heart of summer and daylight: The technique to master the fire and daylight elements. Change the practitioner's heart into a partial transmuted heart into the element of fire and daylight.
The Locket of the daylight: Contain the partial knowledge of the eccentric biomencer regarding his life and experience.
Cauldron of Antidote: a cauldron that capable to increase the success and potency of antidote related pills and potion.
The Twenty Face Dice of curse: Capable to inflict a random curse onto your enemies. The severity depending on the sacrifice and your luck.
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