《Master of Cards. *Reborn*》Chapter 18 : To be the Avatar of Destruction.


Adepts ran to the apartment seeing Kael carrying the Priestess of Water's corpse. They readied their weapons rushing to him.

"I have no time to play with you." Their weapons shattered, their armor were crushing their wearers.

"Scarlet Vow, Black Symphony. Join with the others and bring Blake's mother to safety. Radiant Sonata won't do." Kael said as he passed her back to Black Symphony.

"Master, then what will you use?"

"The Cursed Ones." Kael said as the waepons appeared by his side the Nameless Katana, the Odachi, two shashkas, a longsword and a set of knives. Kael walked out with the weapons that followed him from behind. They were cursed weapons and the ones Kael would use when his wrath was at an all time high. They float all around him as Kael carried the body of the Priestess of Water in his hands. Kael stepped out of the inn, walking forward to the ocean.

"There is the culprit! Kill him!" The Adepts leaped to Kael,they struck him. The were very sure it would stop him. Yet it did not, their weapons broke. The cursed swords merely float behind Kael, not doing anything or even responding to the fact their master was attacked. They kept attacking, their weapons failed them. The Adepts with the rifles took aim, watching their guns fail them. Jamming with every shot. Kael continued walking to the water, where a large tide began to form over the distance creeping over the Oranto. It must be due to Iriskil and Raizel that were in a rage because of their contractor's death.

The tide was amassing to become a tsunami, Kael kept walking towards it as the people were running from it. The Adepts were drawing their weapons to the people.

"Stay and help us stop this! Use your magic!" Kael ignored them, he was going to deal with them later. The first thing that was on his agenda was to bring Ayane back to the water. Where she belonged. Just when the tsunami was going to reach Oranto, Kael let out a whisper.

"By the grace of flames. I extinguish you." A single line that turned the water into nothing but vapor. The tides became tsunamis, coming again and again.

"If this place were to be destroyed. It will be by my hands, not yours. Do I make myself clear!?" Kael's voice roared throughout the continent. That roar had brought everyone to their knees. Carrying the corpse of his wife who had been reborn into this young woman. This was the second time, yet the trauma. The guilt, the anger and sorrow were like a body of water that kept swirling in Kael's heart. His footsteps reached the pier, where he could see Iriskil the Hydra appear with its many heads, glaring at Kael. While Raizel the Beast of Purification had shown itself. Its shape was that of a griffin that commanded the waters and it glared at Kael. The two of them roared at Kael, who responded back with a roar.


The roar silenced the two beasts as they watched Kael lay the Priestess of Water down into the waters.

"From the oceans that gave birth to the powers that you have. To the rivers that quell the pangs of your heart. To the rain that dances to the tune of your fingertips and the lakes that have grown because of your actions. To the oceans will you return, to be taken by the ones that govern the waters and to bring you peace. So rest, dear heart. Dear ocean that calms even the darkest waves of mine. I pray and ask that your powers will never be used against your will. Ever again." Kael chanted as he took the Priestess's hands, placing it to her chest. Pushing the Priestess away by her feet where Raizel and Iriskil turned to her, rubbing their heads to her cheeks.

"Take care of her you two." The two beasts nodded to Raizel as they accompanied her body far into the distance. Turning his back on them, Kael readied the World Arcana.

"Trap my enemies in my domain.Never let them escape my wrath." The whole of Oranto was now blanketed in a barrier.

Drawing the long sword as the Adepts turned their attention to him. Two charging straight at him, Kael parried the first Adept. A kick to push the Adept back. It distracted the 2nd Adept as Kael pierced the blade through the second Adept's chest. Kael elbowed her back then grabbing the long sword by the blade and swinging it to decapitate her head. He moved to the street.

More of them came to strike him, Kael focused on taking them on. One went at Kael from the front, Kael pierced the blade to the neck. Ducking a thrusting attack from the front, grabbing the longsword by the blade. He swung the hilt that pierced to the neck of the Adept. Kael let go of the blade as he grabbed a machete from a dead Adept. Two were trying to strike him from behind. Kael dodged the first and stabbed him in the back. A twirl to dodge the second attacker, but grabbing the attacker's head then driving it to his longsword. Kicking the attacker's body where it was split in half.

Picking up his blade, Kael then used his left hand to wipe the blood off. Three of them imbued mana to their hands, unleashing elemental javelins to him. Kael grabbed another hostile Adept, and lifted them up. Using them as a shield.

"How cowardly!? You dare to use another one of our teammates as a shield!?" Kael threw the body aside then he reappeared by the Adept that said that. Skewering thw other two Adept magicians with the blade. Kael's eyes glared into this solo magician. Headbutting the magician, then placing his hands by the jaw of the Adept magician. Kael roared as he ripped the skull and spine off. The blood gushing out as Kael threw the remains aside. His roars were the stuff of nightmares, even the strongest Adepts were terrified.


"He's wide open! Shoot him now!" A storm of lead was shot right at Kael who merely stood still with no regard to it. The bullets were expected to hit their targets, yet they were still. Literally centimeters away from their target but were hovering before Kael. Kael clapped once, and the bullets turned back. Kael clapped twice and mists of red were sprayed all over the fortress walls.Kael pulled out the longsword and leapt downwards. Facing the other Adepts. They hesitated, hands were shaking.

"The Marchen Knights are here!" They were figures clad in red armor and blue cloaks.

"So you are the one that attacked us. We the Marchen Knights will face you!" 5 of them went to attack Kael. Kael ducked then he pierced his right hand into one of them. They all jumped to save their ally, seeing the hole in the armor of their comrade.

"This armor was made with Black Carlil Ore! How... How?" Kael did not answer the leader's questions.Kael then drew another blade. The Odachi, swinging the heavy blade down the Marchen Knights. The path of the entire street was damaged as a result. A big cloud of smoke appeared along the path, the Marchen Knights turned to see the entire street of people, the other Adept soldiers to be dead.

One of the Knights fell to their knees, muttering the word monster repeatedly over and over. Kael then pulled out a knife from one of the cursed weapons, placing it to her hand.

"You're a monster." Kael bowed to her as she slit her own throat. The other knights are down for the count that single swing was enough to weaken them. They all got back up.

"We're going to attack him together! Miles, Veronica! Stay out of it. Run! You need to warn the King about this threat! Protect the King!" The Marchen Knights were readying their magic as they formed gigantic spears made of the elements above the sky. Kael just looked at it, he nodded to it. Not going to make an attempt to run or to flee.

The blast struck down, causing even greater damage to the city. The members of the Marchen Knights still stood on their feet as they awaited for the dust to clear. Seeing Kael who was unharmed in the process. Kael put the odachi aside and took back the long sword. As two of the Marchen Knights went after him, Kael struck the first Knight by the neck, then he spun to decapitate it as he readied for a downward slash that stopped the Second Knight. A strike to the jaw which Kael then grabbed the Second Knight by the head and smashed them through his blade. Decapitating them.

Kael watched as two of their knights, the youngest.. Miles and Veronica draw their blades to strike Kael. Only to watch Kael punched them in the chests, which caused them to stop. Then Kael put them both down. Kael did not bother with the others, much to their surprise.

"Who are you!?" One of the knights shouted.

"I am the Avatar of Destruction." Kael said as he took his steps forward.

"Why!? Why are you not going to kill us?!"

"You misunderstand me. I am an Avatar of Destruction. Destruction does not mean physical destruction alone, it also means destruction of my foes will to fight. You are far too terrified to fight me, and even if you stood on your two feet. You will fall. I have no intentions of killing you lot. Because by the end of the day. The Donnis Royal Family will disappear and the country will have to decide what it wishes to do. Then when they die I will leave." Kael answered the leading Knight.

"Why? What did the King do to you?!"

"It is not about what he has done to me. It is the fact that he has used the Beast of Purification and the Hydra as a weapon against their wills. Along with forcing a Priestess of Water to a blood oath. Such a thing has its price and I am the price. That must be paid to the ones that has allowed it to happen. It is also why I shattered your barrier." Kael said as he swung the odachi to another street, destroying it completely.

"I just need to leave a path of my pressence. So it becomes a reminder to the many. There are many things that one can be accounted for. If what he had done was merely hurt something so simple. I would have wanted to reason with him. But if you start harming the creatures that are responsible for the many matters of the divine or demonic. Then we have a problem. For if they chose to serve him, then I cannot do anything but if the contract maker or pact maker has told me otherwise. Then I must act. Living Weapons, Weapon Spirits and many others. They understand why I do this. For a ruler's mistake, is not only to be reflected upon them but their country as well. I can safely say that the people of Oranto... Are drunk with their current situation. Sometimes... A good wake up call will help change things." Kael said as he snapped his fingers where strong gusts of winds ripped buildings off the ground. Throwing them around, yet miraculously in all of the chaos that has occurred. No one has died.

Kael then proceeded to continue on his path. To hunt down King Donnis and their family, to rid them of the earth.

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