《Master of Cards. *Reborn*》Chapter 12 : I told you so.
The alarms blared out, footsteps moving everywhere. Guns were being racked, vests being zipped up. They all were checking their radios.
"Attention to all members of Allensphere Defence, we've got a breach. Multiple guards have gone missing in the mines. Please confirm the situation. This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a.." They heard the announcement over the intercom turned quiet for a second.
"What.. What are you?! Stay back!" They heard gunfire. Then followed by a loud scream that lasted for an entire minute.
"Oh. So there's at least... A few thousand of you in this building? Now isn't that adorable. Like little lambs coming to the slaughter. Just remember, I have no intention of running away. I'm going to be butchering all of you. After all, what I've seen in this place. I should not make it quick."The voice spoke over the intercom.
"Load up anti-mage bulelts. This muust be a mage. He thinks he's powerful because he's cocky." A team leader said to his team as they stepped out of their armory. All geared up and taking into formation, they stepped out to the main hallway. Seeing the corpses of their follow soldiers to be in pieces, thrown around like they were just toys used by a naughty child.
"HQ... This is S-" The leader felt something touch his cheek. He touched it, seeing blood. Then turning behind to see the figure with the black ram skull staring at him. His entire team was gone, it was just him.
"Anti-mage bullets. Well that would work, but you see the problem is. I'm just too fast for you to track." The voice spoke as it kicked the team leader's leg, causing him to fall. The figure then placed his hands by the team leader's cheeks. The team leader was panicking his voice was being broadcasted to the other radio channels. The target before him had the radio clipped to the chest collar.
"Shh... Hush little baby don't you cry.." Kael sang a lullaby as he used his thumbs to gouge the eyes out of the team leader. The radio was filled with his screams. Kael then twisted the neck until the team leader's head was facing backwards while his body faced the front.
"Ah. I'm sure you've all heard my lullaby. I am coming my dear lambs. Just as you toyed with the people who were trapped in your mines. I will toy with yours. Anti-mage bullets. Can't say that they are useless... They do work but I'm afraid you have another problem. You may encounter environmental hazards that will leave you unable to operate well." Kael said as he went downstairs to the next floor. Drawing the Ten of Swords from his Tarot cards.
"Ten of Swords, be my wind blade." Kael crushed the card where a great wind caressed his body.
"Page of Cups, freeze the ground beneath my footsteps." Kael crushed as he looked at his footsteps, seeing the floor being encased in ice. Kael was ready he walked towards the door, opening it as the great wind rushed to the dozens of armed soldiers in front of him. The wind slashed through their necks, leaving their necks spewing blood all around while the others were trying to operate their weapons. Hearing a loud click, pulling the charging hammers. Taking out the magazine, trying to figure out why their rifles suddenly died. The ice beneath Kael's feet blanketed the entirety of their weapons turning them useless. One of them drew the pistol, where Kael took out another card. One Pentacles, holding it in reverse. Pointing it to the soldier that drew the pistol.
"Try it." The soldier pulled the trigger only to have his head blown off by his own pistol. Kael then walked straight through them. They surrendered raising their hands.
"Oh please. If you think that will bring sympathy to me. You are wrong. Far too wrong." Kael said as the ice crawled beneath their feet, piercing into their skin as they slowly became ice sculptures screaming loudly to their allies.The Tarot cards returned to Kael's hand, where the effects of their magic had ceased.
This time he held his deck of playing card, sifting through his cards to pick out.
"Jack of Hearts, burn my enemies away. Queen of Hearts, vaporize my enemies and King of Hearts, burn my enemies away in a black flame." Kael said watching the three cards burn themselves back to his fingers. Kael stepped through the tunnel, throwing the Jack of Hearts at the first group of soldier. Watching their bodies become victim of spontaneous combustion. The Jack of Hearts returned to Kael's deck in his left hand while the cards sorted themselves out carefully.
"There he is open fire!" They fired their bullets at Kael who held the Queen of Hearts in front of him. Crushing it which caused the soldiers that shot at him be turned into nothing. The Queen of Hearts card faded away with its use. Kael then had the King of Hearts ready. The next path opened where Kael had soldiers from all around him. Even the turrets were ready, yet Kael could taste that fear in the air. Oh that sweet, sweet fear. The anxiety that lurked in their hands, their tongues that had been swallowed up by the thoughts.
"Well, what are you waiting for? An invitation to shoot me?" Kael asked them as he held the King of Hearts. The card burned itself away as the black flame appeared by Kael's hand. The bright lights were absorbed away by the black flame in Kael's hand. The vision was blurred and then they heard screaming from the black flames itself. Kael stepped to the next room as the black flame did his bidding, taking the shape of a large skull head, it sucked the humans into it. Chewing them as it grilled them in his flames.
"I'm sure you hear the screams of your friends too. I don't know how many I've killed, but hey. I might as well keep going." Kael said as he stepped into the laboratory, seeing the scientists all cowering. Most of the weapons here have no special properties, in fact Kael found it funny that despite all of their technology, they did not find a single weapon here that was even considered to be a Weapon Spirit or a Living Weapon in the first place. Though he did hear something, Kael turned to a tomahawk that was floating in a tube.
"Your design... Definitely something that has quite an age." Kael said as he walked on over to the tube. Tapping it, the glass casing around it is solid.
"That glass casing is made of orichalcum! You can't break it." Kael looked at the woman that said it, he bowed to her.
"Observe." A single punch and the entire glass casing shattered. Kael grabbed the tomahawk. Oh this was definitely a Living Weapon, it had a feisty nature to it. Even holding it was like tugging with an animal of sorts. Then he noticed it, it was a large white wolf.
"AH, a great white wolf." To everyone else Kael was tugging the tomahawk alone, they could not see this weapon spirit.
"It's fine boy. Calm down. Mind if I borrow your strength for a bit? I need to deal with some problems." Kael said as the wolf released the grip over Kael's hand. The wolf howled, then climbing over Kael to lick his mask.
"Alright, thanks." Kael smiled beneath his mask, a tomahawk. This was a bit rare compared to the other weapons he has used previously. A tomahawk that had the same accessories such as the feathers and attachments by its original user.
"I'm sure it must feel bizarre. To be held in the hands of someone else. Someone who is not of your kin, but I can promise you. That whatever that threatens people. I'm not going to do nothing... I will tear them myself." Kael said as he watched swordsmen appear.
"Flaming Javelin!" They launched javelins of fire to Kael who took the hits head on, they watched as the flames gathered to his left hand.
"For a flaming javelin... That's a bit weak. Try this." Kael said, throwing it back at them. The javelin pierced one of them, then they watched as the flame javelin then exploded pulling all of them together. Leaving them nothing but skeletons. Kael then went ahead to find an empty open space. It was some sort of underground battle arena. Where he could see Chairman Cyan with her best soldiers. They were a mix of mages with swords and other weaponry. Though Kael's concern was seeing Black Symphony and Radiant Sonata in their weapon form being electrocuted.
"Stop there or you will die." Kael let out a sigh, hearing that one magician's words. Kael took out a Page of Pentacles from the Tarot deck.
"Ah. A magic spell with wires all around me. So you want to tear me open with it. How cute." Kael said as he flipped the card in reverse. The magician's body exploded before their very eyes.
Kael took off his mask then he looked at Chairman Cyan.
"I just came to collect those two." Kael said as he lit a cigarette.
"Collect them? Those swords are vital to this metropolis! I will control it!"
Kael looked at Black Symphony.
"Black Symphony. I allow you to take of the restraints that bind you, so come alive with me in this moment. Tear my mind asunder with your Hellion Harmony." Kael said where they watched the chains that bound Black Symphony be shattered to pieces, she appeared back at Kael's side.
"Thank you, master." Black Symphony said as she readied her blade.
"I'll go deal with your sister." Kael said as he walked to the direction of Chairman Cyan. Her best fighters stepped up to attack Kael, she had a smile on her face. Kael did not do anything this time, he just dodged their attacks. Her best fighters had their limbs flying into the air, Black Symphony was wearing full black armor with a mask that was the epitome of anger.
"Oh, that was a waste. Here I thought you were worth something... But perhaps you're nothing." Black Symphony said, where Chairman Cyan turned to run away. Each step she took, she was stopped by Black Symphony. Being pushed back to the center.
Kael used the tomahawk to break the chains that bind Radiant Sonata. Hearing her scream, to which she appeared as a woman in a tattered white dress. She fell on her knees, only to be caught by Kael. Her eyes, nose and mouth. She was bleeding red blood, then opening her eyes to look at Kael. Wrapping her arms on him, she was shaking.
"Sonata... I got you." She leaned onto his chest, bawling. Kael patted her back. Sonata's white hair had black stains to them. Her cheeks had cracks, she was breaking.
"I'm scared... Please.. Please don't put me back there." Kael felt his heart explode just by looking at her. This was the exact same way he found her the first time they met. She was crying.
"I'm damaged goods. I can't help you. I'm worthless. Please... Please don't leave me behind." The cracks in her voice, were nothing compared to the broken pieces of Kael's heart when he saw this. This was painful to see and because he knew who Sonata was and how she was.
"I won't. We'll take you home. Symphony!" Symphony then appeared by Kael's side.
"Take your sister, bring her out of here." Kael said, turning to Chairman Cyan.
"What about you?" Black Symphony saw the glare within Kael's eyes. Anger was far too tame of a word to describe it. Fury was merely a tenth of what it was. It was like the rage that Kael was far greater. Chairman Cyan started running, Kael put on his mask. He did not give chase, he teleported right before her. Kicking her left leg, breaking the shin.
"Stop! Stop! What is it that you want?! Money? Power?! Fame?! Women?" Kael did not stop as he healed her. Chairman Cyan was confused.
"Wha-" Kael struck her throat. Chairman Cyan fell to her knees, then he broke her knees too.
"See it would be too nice if I just killed you, Chairman Cyan. Radiant Sonata is a living weapon that is kind. I sealed her away because people abused her. The same kind of shit that you're doing. She's broken, and she is afraid. Do you know why her Elder Sister let me handle you?" Kael asked as he kicked the Chairman to the wall, breaking her ribs.
Kael then healed her again.
"I have anger issues. So right now, I'm going to keep breaking every bone in your body and let you suffer something far more permanent. Good luck... Try and survive." Kael said as his hands covered the Chairman's face, fear completely took her over. What was standing before her could not be human, there was no way this was human. This was something far worse. In his eyes, Chairman Cyan could see the destruction of worlds in the hands of this figure. It seems, she has struck a beast that is far worse than anything they ever have.
Meanwhile, in the Realm of the Gods.
Lucius was drinking his cup of coffee. Then he heard voices panicking, an angel and demon ran into his office. The stacks of paper Lucius had neatly put on the table had scattered. A great tornado passed through his office and everything was a mess except for Lucius's coffee.
"Supreme God! Something is going on! We might be facing an armageddon!" Lucius put on his reading galsses as the pair showed the document.
'Destruction Prediction meter : 99.99999999%'
"This is for which planet and dimension?" Lucius asked as he opened his cabinet behind him. The mug, coffee pot inside were not shaken by all the commotion. Lucius poured himself another cup, then took another sip.
"Oh that's a bit too cold." Lucius said as he tapped on a button by the handle to reheat the mug.
"Supreme God, can't you take it seriously?!" An angel shouted.
"This might spell the end for the planet!" A demon raised their voice.
"I asked which planet and dimension. Answer me that first." Lucius said, as he sipped the coffee.
"Earth. Dimension 01AE." Lucius nodded to them.
"There is no trouble. It's just someone has pissed my Avatar off." The angel and demon glanced at each other.
"Do you mean... The Lord of Ruin?" The demon asked as his eyes widened, gasping louder and louder.
"It's not Trumpeteer... Is it?" the angel's wings turned black and his face turned paler than white.
"Correction. He's not Tumpeteer. He's my Avatar. The Avatar of Destruction. For him to be that angry, oh I do hope that poor soul is prepared. Because it has been quite some time since I saw that reading." Lucius said as he sat back on his chair.
"So what shall we do?"
"Nothing. He's going to fix the problem on earth. Let him do it his way. Besides, it's not as if any of you can convince him to tone it down. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to send any of you on a suicide mission to convince him to 'take it easy.' Lucius gestured to them.
"I understand, Great one. We will inform the others to leave this planet's readings alone." the angel said.
"Wise decision." the angel and demon left, where Lucius let out a sigh. They shut the door, Lucius sipped on his coffee as he looked at the stacks of paperwork in front of him. Lucius put the mug and the coffee pot inside the cabinet, then picked up all of the scattered documents.
Hearing a couple knocks on the door.
"Come in." Lucius said where he looked at the number of Gods that were staring at him with concern. Showing the same document as the two stooges from earlier.
"Oh. That. It's fine. Just that someone pissed my Avatar off. It's not any of you so don't worry. No,he's not going to destroy the planet. He's just...Really...Really angry." Lucius informed them. Answering any potential questions before the Gods were able to inform him of their troubles but the relief of hearing that it was not any of them was good. Yet, it begs the question. Who was it that was able to piss off the Avatar of Destruction?
- In Serial12 Chapters
System Discovered!
Press Start, Book 1 of the System Discovered! series is now published on Amazon and is available to read for free to those with Kindle Unlimited. Due to the exclusivity clause, I was required to take down most of the chapters for book 1. The first few chapters are still available here and you can read book 1 in its entirety here. For those that have already read it you can jump to book two here. Dean Parker likes to play classic video games. When he found his old consol from when he was a kid he dusts it off and sets it up. He played his old games but he had finished them all long ago. So what does he do? He takes a trip to the local game shop to browse the used titles. Browsing the old cartridges he finds one that he never heard of. Dark Ages: The Death of Magic. When a store attendant tells him that game is rumored to never have been beaten he had to have it. Occupying all his free time he finally beats the unbeatable game. What happens next he never would have guessed. He is introduced to the system. Something that has always existed but not everyone knew about. Join Dean as he is introduced to the seedy underbelly of the world. One where the myths of magic from the past read like history. Joined by his childhood friend he must survive in a world of magic hidden from everyone. A world that has remained secret through the blood of those who have discovered it. And to top it all off, his childhood friend, his best friend, isn’t even human.
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Magic Continent Zero
Long ago the world was in peril with infighting and bickering. A great war broke out when the invading demon continent attacked the human continent. The demons are much stronger than the humans but the humans were able to hold off the demons with their ability to use magic. It all seemed lost until a great wizard rose up and helped lead the humans to victory. A talent like the world has never seen. His profound understandings of magic made him respected by all the nobles on the continent. After the war he turned down all positions and decided to only teach the students he wanted noble or not. These were the choosen 7 children and only them were given his direct knowledge on magic. However, 20 years ago a great tradgedy befell the human continent. No one knows the exact details but what was known is a great magical barrier went up over 1/3 of the entire human continent that has stood ever since. The teacher was betrayed by one of his students. Himself and the rest of his students scattered across the human continent and into obscurity. Our protagonist is of low birth and has no talent but longs to learn magic. Usually only the rich nobles can afford magic teachers and the books needed. Will he ever become the great wizard he wishes to be? ***** There are no release dates for this story but I tend to try to drop 3 chapters a week spaced 2-3 days apart from each other.
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Never Bring Sword Into a Gun Fight
For anyone that goes to heaven, they can always choose to go to a new world rather than spent their life leisurely in heaven. The new world is purposely designed by God for each individual to enjoy, but as a God, the means of 'enjoy' might be hard to grasp by a simple human.Dean Donovan is one of that individuals. With access to the gun store from God, he wonders a medieval world filled with magic and monster. He is supposed to enjoy his life retirement here, but can he even survive by bringing a modern arsenal to this world? Also published in Wattpad under username: @Power_drill
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Naruto was neglected and was bullied and abuse in "his" own village and "his" family neglected "him" for "his" two siblings menma and mina. What is going to happened go and read the story to find out.Will naruto find love?Will naruto friends find out 'his' sercet?Will naruto be strong?P.S This is my first story so please bear with me ( i dont own naruto charatcers so pleased don't sue me ok. Ok.)
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