《A Nekomancers delight》Chapter 6: Chicken Nuggies


Nyam and Grave were standing around the table. They were looking down at a dead chicken that was laying on the table. The chicken looked like it was alive just a few moments ago. It still had all of its feathers and there was still some fresh blood dripping from a bite wound on its neck.

Grave rubbed his forehead as he talked to Nyam, "So let me get this straight, you found this random dead chicken lying around somewhere. You saw that it's fresh so you brought it home and now demand I make chicken nuggets out of it."

"Yes.", Nyam nodded in confirmation.

"You know I can't cook, right?"

"Learn it."

"Why don't you learn it? It's your chicken."

"Exactly. I already brought the food, it would be unfair if I also have to prepare it nya."

"But I'm a skeleton. I don't even eat food."

"And still you always steal my snacks…", Nyam sighed, "But fine. I'll help you. Any normal person would gladly prepare food for their cat on their own. But since you are… you, I guess I need to help you out. You better be grateful."

Grave just looked at her.

"W-what?", Nyam asked.

"Ssssssssure dude. Wait, how do I make S sounds? Anyway, I don't think I'll get out of this, so we may as well start.", Grave replied.

"…wait, so how do we start?", Grave asked.

"You should probably get rid of the feathers first.", Nyam answered.

"Hmmm, yeah you are probably right. Wait, what do you mean you? I thought you wanted to help!"

"I will, but you should be able to pluck it on your own. I'm gonna go to the store, for now. We are out of fries and need stuff to prepare the chicken, nya.", Nyam said as she was walking out of the room.


"Buy some milk too!", Grave yelled after her.

"Yeah, yeah… I took your money btw.", Nyam mumbled before closing the door.

"What was that?", Grave tried to ask her but she already left. "Eh, whatever. Guess it's just you and me now, buddy."

Grave looked at the chicken. The chicken didn't look back, because it was dead.

He stared at it for a bit longer before reaching out with his hand. He grabbed one of the feathers and slowly pulled until it pooped out. He shifted it around in his hand until it lay flat on his palm.

"… this sucks.", he said to himself, or the chicken. I don't know.

"Well good thing I have the Chicken Plucker 10 000 to help me out in situations like this.", he said after pulling out a strange machine from his pocket. The machine looked like a miniature oven but in yellow and with stickers of chicks on it.

He opened the strange machine and threw the chicken inside. After a few seconds, it flew back out fully plugged, right into his waiting hands.

He held up the chicken into the air and shouted, "HAHAHA, SUCCESS! NO CHICKEN CAN HOPE TO DEFEAT THE MIGH- wait I'm not done yet."

He placed it on a plate and put the plate back on the table. He didn't really know how to proceed. But since he had to make chicken nuggets, he supposed cutting the whole chicken into tiny pieces was a good idea.

While humming a tune, he pulled a knife out of his ribcage somehow and tapped his chin with his free hand. Grave was wondering where he should cut first and concluded it didn't really matter.

He brought the knife down on the neck but it was stopped halfway through, by something inside of the chicken. Grave tilted his head in confusion.


"Hm? What could that be?", he wondered and looked closer to see what was inside of the meat. What he found was absolutely chilling.


Nyam sighed as she made her way back to their apartment, burdened by all the things she bought. Usually, she let Grave do the heavy lifting, but since he agreed to help her cook the chicken she kille- found she decided to be nice and take care of that.

Of course, that doesn't mean she bought all that much, only some spices and crust for the chicken nuggies, as well as some fries and sauce. She wasn't built for carrying heavy things after all.

But still, thinking about tonight's dinner made her mouth water. It would be great. She was in a good mood.

She opened the door to their apartment and was greeted with a sight she wished was replaced with the sight of chicken nuggets. There were pieces of chicken everywhere, even on the ground. Who she assumed to be the culprit was sitting in front of the table, feeding what looked like an undead skeleton chicken that was sitting on said table. And what's with that weird yellow machine in the corner?!?

They both turned to look at her as soon as she walked through the door. Grave stood up and said, "Oh Nyam. There you are! Look who I found! Isn't this guy just the cutest? But wait till you hear where I found it, it was inside the chicken you brought home. Isn't that crazy!? This poor thing must've been eaten by this evil chicken. Look at how scared he is!"

Indeed, the chicken did look like it was really scared.

"Actually, it wasn't scared until you came here. It also seems to be avoiding you, I wonder why…"

"T-that aside, what have you done to the chicken! You were supposed to prepare it, not throw it on the ground"

"Hm? Does it really matter? I was trying to rescue this poor skeleton, so it was an emergency. Also, you are a cat, you can eat the food off the ground."

"BAKAAAA!", Nyam screamed as she started throwing ingredients at the skeleton.

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