《A Nekomancers delight》Chapter 2: Writing is hard


Nyam awoke to the sound of her alarm. She groggily reached out her tender hand towards the phone on her nightstand. After a few tries, she managed to grab it and turn her alarm off. She sighed as she let her head, which was raised to look for her phone, fall back into the pillow. But after a moment she forced herself to sit back up because she knew, if she caved in now she’d be asleep again in no time.

Content with her victory she stretched and purred. She prepared to get out of bed and change out of her cat-themed pajamas. That is until she noticed the skeleton looking at her from across the room.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well? Do you have diarrhea? How are you feeling?”, came the greeting from her roommate Grave. As always, it was weird and silly, but she was used to it.

“Good morning, nya. I am still sleepy. Wish I could sleep for longer.”, she answered as she rubbed her eyes.

“But you always are sleepy no matter how long you sleep…”, came the reply but she just ignored it. Instead, she went to the curtains they together, yep together, decided to install, in the middle of their room, for a bit more privacy. She closed them and made one last check around her side of the room, which became a habit of hers once she learned that her beloved roommate could detach its skull and hide it among her belongings.

Satisfied that the bonking after that incident was enough of a deterrent for Grave to never try and spy on her changing again, she started undressing and put on her casual clothes.

After she was done, she opened the curtains again and looked at the skeleton sitting at the same place she had left it post curtain closing. With its head still attached, to her satisfaction.


“What are you doing?”, she asked, after seeing the bone man unusually focused on an empty Word document on its computer, and walked over to him.

“Keh. I’m trying to write chapter two of my new story but it’s as hard as ever… You know how they say that starting is the hard part but after that it gets easy? Well, they are fucking lying.”, grumbled the skeleton as it scratched its non-existed beard on its non-existent jaw on its existent skull.

“Hehehe, well good luck.”, she replied as she patted his hea- skull. She turned around and went back to do her own stuff. She didn’t want to disturb the silly skelly for much longer.

“Thanks, but I don’t think that’s gonna be enough… I’ve been sitting here for at least half an hour. Can’t you write chapter 2 for me, please?”, Grave said as he turned towards her.

“Nyo? Why would I do that? I’m not even a writer.”, she looked back at him while tilting her head in a confused manner.

“Well, it’s an erotic novel about the two of us. So it would make sense if you wrote hal-”, with practiced ease, Nyam grabbed the 2-year-old newspaper she kept for this very reason. She rolled it up and hit the perverted Grave on the skull before he could even finish his sentence.

“Baka Gravy.”

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