《Decapod》chapter 8


The spider crab woke up to the king fighting, it was some small fish and he dealt with them quickly. The spider crab was very afraid; if one day the king decided to kill him he wouldn't even be able to fight back. The only comforting factor was that this crab known as "Toby" seemed to like him, if fighting hours on end to save his life didn't prove that, then he didn't know what could. Toby had grown much larger over-night, mostly due to the monster he had killed in order to save him.

One would wonder how he had realized the name of the coconut crab, it was rather simple actually. He had simply begun to know it as so, he had just one day realized the name. He guessed that this was due to them being in the same feud.

The spider crab had seen these weird tablets that had shown up ever since he had been transferred out of the hatchery. They seemed to indicate something, but he just didn't know what. he decided it couldn't hurt to try and understand the symbols once more.

Japanese Spider crab lvl 5

hp: 50/50

Attributes: Locked passives: titles: Affinity xxx Calamity of Life The Omega xxx Status: being watched

Instinctually the crab understood that the symbols resembling "Omega" meant that he was the crab that was shunned by the leader. It was very hurtful for him, he had shown up hoping to survive and ended up hated. He really wished he could know why this was so, but he would most likely not find out any time soon.

The crab remembered how he had gotten to this point, being an incredibly tiny and weak crab in this wide, dangerous ocean. He had originally been careless, he was almost slain many times by the fish that roamed around the area. Originally he had a pack of spider crabs, he was only a follower but they did not mind. Spider crabs tended to stick together in order to frighten predators while they scavenge. One day though, they had all been killed, it did not take long for it to be accomplished either. A group of crustaceans with a king that was almost the same size as the spider crab king had gotten cocky, so he attacked in order to move the spider crabs into his group.


After only one hour the king and all of the others had been slain, they were naturally weak after all. he will never forget the look in that Dungeness crab's eyes when it had realized just how weak they were. But he was incredibly intelligent for his race and had noticed how impossible it was to win, therefore he hid. He did not understand how they had not found him, but they had left, and he was alone.

He began to scavenge by himself but was now so incredibly careful that his previous scavenger group would have thought he was an entirely different crab. He began to kill small clams and worms in order to eat, and it had been ten years of suffering before he finally reached the point he was currently at, and he was still the easiest pray one could find.

He wished he were strong, strong enough to survive by himself, but he knew he would most likely remain weak for the rest of his life, miracles were not common. He continued marching on, following the whims of the king on his fruitless ventures. Along the way, he killed the small clams that he could find and allowed the king to kill most predators. This was how most days seemed to go anyways, he then noticed a baby fish approaching him, he began to panic. He was not able to defeat it yet, he was simply not powerful, and then Toby grabbed and killed it in under four seconds. Crisis averted, he relaxed, in a way, Toby reminded him of a bodyguard, although he did not want to think that way about his savior.

Toby had just slain a fish that attempted to kill the spider crab. He was confused about why the crab would not defend itself, perhaps it's heightened intelligence caused it to overthink everything and caused it to end up in hysteria. It seemed to be a nice and confident crab until danger showed up, he really hoped that he would gain more confidence.


Toby was getting used to feeding his addiction to shiny things, he now had four coins on his back, granted he only had one gold coin and the rest were silver, but it was still something! He loved shiny stuff, craved it, the more he had the more he wanted. he grabbed a sliver coin he had just found on the floor and placed it on his back. He felt his mood become better with the 5th addition to his ever-growing decor.

Toby had always gotten a feeling that if he completed decorating his back with golden coins that he would get stronger, he did not know why though. it definitely was an excuse to continue his decoration though, he had a feeling that all the crabs in this feud could do something similar, although not the same, to increase their power. He had the feeling that the king was filled with Pride, it seemed to attribute everything to it's own success. He also had the feeling that the spider crab had an emotion he had not learned yet, it was hidden inside him waiting to be awoken for the first time. But this was all just how he felt, he had no way to prove anything. He saw a large group of coral in the distance, he recognized these plants, they were most likely going to attack them if they got closer. The king continued to approach fearlessly though, so he clacked his claws and readied himself. Other than shiny things, Toby also really liked to fight.

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