《Decapod》chapter 7


Reagan was wandering around trying to find something to fight. Every time he ran into something he killed it, but for some reason, he hadn't really struggled much ever since he fought the teenage barracuda. He knew things would not remain this way, so he continued to hunt. This would soon come to an end, however, because Reagan was about to run into possibly the greatest counter a crustacean could have.

The spider crab had never known what he had done wrong, one day while he had been wandering, alone and afraid, he had run into a large Crustacean, there was something off about it, he was not entirely sure what it was, but the creature scared him. He decided to designate it as his king quickly because he believed that if he didn't it would kill him. Ever since he had joined this feud he had been hated and ridiculed by the king, this particular spider crab was incredibly intelligent compared to others of his race, so he could sense the hatred the king had towards him. As a spider crab, he had lived an incredibly hard life, and being a scavenger with terrible combat efficiency did not help in the slightest. The only reason he had made it thus far was that he used his high intimidation factor to scare off even the tiniest of predators.

It was needless to say, spider crabs were the weakest of the crustaceans. All this spider crab wants to do is survive but it is difficult when it has to choose between ridicule or being hunted. obviously he needed to survive, but was a life of ridicule and hatred better than a life in fear? He did not know that answer, and he doubted he ever would, but all he knew was that at this moment, he might die.

The king had run into an electric eel, an eel with high proficiency thunder magic. In fact, it was so highly tuned with thunder magic that it was thunder. The spider crab got caught wondering how this electricity had not shocked the surrounding area and was zapped with the powerful magic. It was the most dangerous one in existence mostly due to the fact that almost nothing could defend against it. The few monsters who could were the top predators, nothing like this spider crab, which meant he was now only at 5 hp.


Reagan looked behind himself to see that the spider crab had been shocked by an eel that was only slightly smaller than himself. The crab collapsed, most likely either dead or barely alive. Reagan had run a situation like this through his head many times, and he still could not figure out how to defeat it. This eel had a large intimidation factor as well, Reagan could barely see because of the bright flashing lightning that the eel's body was created from, the body was not solid, it was constantly changing.

It quickly charged at him, Reagan attempted to punch the eel to counter this charge but was quickly met with -10 hp. He had no idea how he could win, the eel was faster as well, although not nearly as fast as that barracuda he had fought. It seemed that toby had been hurt by the blast too, which angered Reagan, but there was nothing he could do. Reagan had to think of a plan, but he had no ranged attacks to use. The eel was a complete and utter counter to crustaceans, the only reason he could defeat jellyfish was because jellyfish used stingers to inject a poison that shocks the nerves when touched, and his exoskeleton would protect him from that. But against a creature that had the power to pierce all defenses? how was he supposed to fight this thing!

The eel charged again at Reagan, he dodged the attack but still took damage because of the electricity. he was going to slowly get whittled down, and he did not want to lose this fight! Reagan had an idea, and he wasn't sure it would work, but there was a chance. When a Mantis shrimp punches it will create small vacuums in the water, and in low psi, the vacuum would superheat, causing the water to reach astounding temperatures. The highest it has ever been recorded was 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit, only 700 degrees away from the average surface temperature of the sun. He could not punch too late because the electricity would cause him to briefly lose control of his body, but if he punched too early the heat would dissipate as it lasts for a very short time, in the milliseconds even. He had to find a distance that he could bait the eel into eating super hot bubbles.


He had no idea if this would even hurt the eel, but he had to give it a try. The eel charged at him, and Reagan launched a punch at what he hoped was a perfect time, and then he lept to the side, although the leap was rather slow due to being underwater. the eel passed him and seemed to visibly crumble before quickly getting back up with a renewed vigor. Reagan had done 20 dmg using a heat bubble, this strategy entirely depended on a creature's intelligence though, so the rest of the fight would be determined by the eel's brainpower. But Reagan reasoned that this high electricity power came at a cost, after all, electricity directly affected the nerves, and he was mostly correct.

The eel charged again, this time Reagan used both fists to launch an attack, dealing around 40 damage. He could not allow the eel to get too close to him, if he did he would lose his senses and his health to the electricity being produced. this went on for about three hours, the eel's health was a ton larger then Reagan had expected, it was no doubt a good level. Reagan had finally killed the eel, it disappeared and he and his party immediately digested it. Reagan only went up one level, which was outrageous to him, how could he only gain one level from that fight!

He had no answer, but he was really tired, so he burrowed himself and fell asleep.

Toby was in awe over what had transpired, he did not know why he began to refer to himself as this, but he had received a weird blue panel that had told him that was who he was, so he believed it. At the moment he was attempting to save the spider crab's life, it was nearly dead and being attacked by all sorts of small critters. Toby, unlike his king, was not going to allow a fellow comrade to be defeated. It was hard work, but he was going to save this spider crab.

He was charged at by two baby barracudas, the type he had watched his king so easily defeat, because of this he knew that they had no defense or offense other than their teeth. he quickly grabbed them by their undersides and crushed them, killing them instantly. As a coconut crab, he had a huge grip strength, it was so large that he could crush the bones easily. he dropped the dead bodies and prepared himself to stop the new wave of attackers, this time it was a small squid. It was larger than him, but luckily the other monsters were too afraid to approach it, making this a one versus one battle for Toby to fight.

The squid attempted to grab him, but Toby quickly grabbed the squid's main body and snapped his claws closed, causing the squid to writhe in pain. It quickly retaliated by wrapping him in its tentacles and squeezing him. It hurt toby, and he knew his exoskeleton couldn't last forever, so he grabbed the bottom of the squid, particularly where the tentacles protruded, and he began to tear and squeeze, attempting to sever the appendages.this was unsuccessful, however, and only caused the squid to grow enraged. Toby then realized that the squid was snarling with it's mouth on it's underside, he could use that. He quickly grabbed both sides of the mouth and began to ferociously tear the squid apart, eventually landing him a victory.

With the squid having died, the other creatures resumed their assault, Toby quickly took some bites out of the squid to regenerate health, and resumed his bloody fight.

For some reason whenever the king killed something they did not have to eat it, it was quite strange, but he would not complain. He looked at the approaching hordes of monsters and braced himself for battle. It was either he saved his comrade, or he died, Toby was an incredibly loyal crab, and he would save his friend today, no matter what the cost.

After six hours of fighting, the hordes were finally slain, Toby had saved his friend and was now helping him eat food to recover. Toby didn't know why, but this spider crab seemed incredibly friendly after this, normally a crustacean wouldn't care, they did not have the brain capacity. Either way, it didn't matter Toby burrowed him and the spider crab underground, and he slept like a rock.

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