《Decapod》Information and Brilliant Strategy


Reagan didn't really know what to do given his situation, he was a colorful shrimp in the ocean, what was there to do to pass the time? He decided to begin inspecting the details of his species, but he didn't really know-how. Right then he received a notification.

{ Peacock Mantis shrimp: A colorful crustacean armed with springloaded claws that can be launched at speeds close to that of a .22 caliber rifle. It attacks so quickly that it will create vacuums of pressure after attacking, causing the area around the impact to raise in temperature, the temperatures of this vacuum will be higher the deeper into the ocean the Mantis shrimp is.}

Well, that was handy, Reagan could just think about what he wanted to know and it would be told to him. But Reagan still couldn't understand why crustaceans were considered weak, he decided to find out.

{ Crustaceans: Underwater creatures who make use of an endoskeleton for protection, often having claws and specialized eyes that can move independently from each other. They have some of the lowest intelligence and stats out of every creature in the ocean due to their inability to evolve at certain levels or make use of ability points, the only redeeming factor being that they grow bigger for each skill point they would have received from leveling up causing their strength to rise and their endoskeleton to get stronger. Crustaceans in this world travel in packs known as "feuds" with the largest one in the group being designated as "The King" giving them enhanced intelligence per crustacean in their feud and two crustaceans ( mainly the second and third largest) will be designated as "squires" giving them enhanced endurance per crustacean in the King's feud.}

It all made sense now, if Reagan were guessing correctly then usually monsters would gain skill points every time they leveled up. and to level up, if he was remembering classic RPGs well enough, he would have to kill other creatures. But in spite of all this, he still couldn't freak out or get angry at Poseidon, whatever he had done to his soul caused Reagan to have no qualms with this absolutely insane situation. Either way, he actually was glad he had his soul tampered with, if he had come here without having been stabilized he might've gone insane, so in a way, he was glad about what Poseidon had done.


The only thing that would make Reagan actually happy was having been taken here as something bigger because currently, he was the size of an adult's index finger. Which if he remembered correctly, also had some of the lowest base stats out of every creature. There was no doubt his relatively high intelligence was due to having been a human, but other then that, there was not much Reagan could look to the bright side for. He had such a bright color scheme that it would be practically impossible to hide or ambush prey. Not to mention that he could not grab his prey either given his scythe-like hands.

All he could do was just punch things, granted his punched could smash most shells with ease even at this size but then he would still barely be able to fight anything unless it were around his size or he got the drop on it. All of his fights would have to be quick assassinations otherwise he would lose drawn-out battles because of other creature's mobility. With this Reagan decided to finally get a move on, he knew he would need food soon and he had to find something he could actually fight.

After marching forward for about 30 minutes Reagan had a close call with a small fish, in human eyes, it would be about the size of a teenagers forearm, but to Reagan, it was about 6 times his size with very sharp teeth that could probably end his life in a couple of hits. But Reagan knew he couldn't hide, and therefore decided to fight it before it could react to him. He ran as fast as he could over to the side of the fish, the fish having low reaction speed could not react fast enough to Reagan's attack.


You have attacked an enemy, dealt 10 physical damage + 5 burn damage +10 surprise bonus damage

The pain quickly roused the fish from its shock and it immediately went to swallow Reagan. in which it succeeded, although the fish didn't realize what Reagan was attempting to do. In an actual fight, Reagan would never be able to defeat the fish's razor-sharp teeth. In a quick act of wit Reagan allowed himself to be swallowed, after all, how could the fish attack him if he was inside him! an absolutely genius and stunning move by Reagan! well... at least that's what he thought. Reagan had forgotten about stomach acid.

You are suffering damage, taken 5 burn damage

Reagan began punching in a frenzy, he would not allow himself to be killed here by his own stupidity.

You have attacked an enemy, dealt 10 physical damage You have attacked an enemy, dealt 10 physical damage You are suffering damage, taken 5 burn damage You have attacked an enemy, dealt 10 physical damage You have attacked an enemy, dealt 10 physical damage You are suffering damage, taken 5 burn damage You have attacked an enemy, dealt 10 physical damage You have attacked an enemy, dealt 10 physical damage You have slain Baby barracuda (lvl 4) and gained 2 levels

Luckily for Reagan, the fish only had 85 maximum hp and that last punch killed it. Reagan had severely under-estimated a peacock mantis shrimp's springloaded punches, he had only taken 15 damage, granted that was still a big chunk of his health. Immediately the fish disappeared and Reagan no longer felt hungry, meaning that he never would actually have to eat the creatures he defeated as they would automatically fill his satiety. He decided to inspect the baby barracuda.

{ Baby barracuda: The first form of the common monster known as the adult barracuda, equipped with razor-sharp teeth and incredible swimming speed they are quite dangerous. But baby barracudas have neither the swimming speed, health, or intelligence to hold a candle to the adult barracuda, making it one of the weakest monsters on the food chain.}

A victory was still a victory, and currently, Reagan found himself growing larger. He felt growing pains over his entire body, not enough to make one scream, but enough to ruin their day. With this Reagan burrowed into the sand to try and hide his endoskeleton and quickly fell asleep.

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