《Automata Annex》Geography - Map Fangwell Forest Valley


The Fangwell Forest is denoted in green, between the Thundermond Mountains and the Northridge Mountains. The forest is located within the Fangwell Empire.

I made this map using https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ I highly recommend it for generating random maps. There are a TON of different options available and you can edit whatever the generator generates. Creating this map helped me to think about "what else is a part of this world I'm crafting" and the addition of other places helped to widen my scope.

The full resolution map can be downloaded from here:

Full sized map image

The Fangwell Empire covers a large portion of the continent, its northern half dominated by the Fangwell Forest. The Thundermond and Northridge mountain ranges provide a natural barrier for the empire from neighboring countries to the north, east, and west. Despite occupying vast swaths of land, the country is sparsely populated as compared to its neighbors. Most of the country remains untamed wilderness, dotted with remote villages, cities, and towns.

Fangwell boasts the most diverse population in terms of various species cohabitating and working together. Humans are by far the minority. This diversity and general lack of humans has earned the unjust ire of their western neighbors, the Jamnasian Theocracy; a human-centric country that preaches contempt for non-human species. The two nations growl and bark, but are sepparated by the Kingdom of Kauiapia.

The southern half of the empire is covered in taiga forests, wetlands, and swamps. The area is largely inhospitable to civilized life, though there are a number of indigenous tribes living in more primitive or rustic conditions. Occasionally, there will be tribal disputes or clan wars when territories overlap too much, though the area is mostly left alone by the empire.

Adventurers are often sent into the southern reaches of the country on quests to find exotic materials. Only the brave, the high ranked, or the foolhardy venture into these areas due to the high risk of danger. The success rate of an expedition drops dramatically the deeper you travel, with the chances of even returning alive being as low as 30% in some areas. Still, expeditions are regularly sent out in order to get rare items and materials that are used in the manufacture of high end magic tools.


Thanks to the abundance of megafauna posing high grade magic crystals throughout the empire's regions, the empire has vast resources available for magic tool creation. Magic tools, are the chief export of the empire, ranging from everyday lifestyle items to Automata for construction and warfare. While the empire can not claim the highest magical proficiencies on the world's stage, it does have the world's greatest artificers and magical engineers. Students from all over the world travel to the city of Makal to attend the Pukokania Academy of Magical Sciences for their courses in engineering and design.

Makal is located deep inland, to the west of the capital, surrounded by grasslands and not much else. Due to the large number of eccentric professors and students testing the boundaries of magical knowledge and practical application of arcane forces, the academy has been geographically isolated so as to limit the fallout from an unforeseen cataclysmic event.

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