《Gaia Campaigner》Chapter-2-Misstep of sword and The carpentry


May you find while reading a lot of references not only to LMS but also to others fanfiction. This is my tribute to my predecessors that inspire me to write more.

If as an author, you see a reference and you do not like, send me a private message with the reference to modify or delete.

words relating to kendo, and maybe you know but for those curious.



I usually write in third person. But for the battles I will begin to write in first person. For some reason the battles are easier to write for me that way

*This are thoughts*

~Sound effects~

$ Battles $


Chapter-2-misstep of sword and the carpentry

Timber walking the streets on his way to the barracks of the guards, he realized because the city was called Woodfort, all the houses walls, signs, even the streets are paved with wood chips, the only places without wood were the main square, the church, next to city Hall, which form a half-circle in the middle of the city.

When approaching the south wall Timber could see that the barracks are embedded in the outer wall that seemed made of logs about 25 feet high, and 2 in circumference. At reach the door of the barracks, a single guard stops Timber and asked.

“What brings you here?”

“I want to train in the art of combat”

“This is not a nursery for children”

“But I have a letter” Timber said, holding the letter to the guard

At see the seal of the letter, the expression on the face of the guard change almost like denying fear.

“Follow me; sure you come searching for the Battalion Chief Ivar”

The guard led Timber to an office where a man with heavy armor and golden hair, his face had a Nordic constitution and a thick beard. The guard delivered the letter to the man, Timber assumed must be Ivar.

Ivar read the letter and asked

“sword, spear, shield or ax, if you want to learn to use magic or other weapon, it is impossible because they are the only ones I know and I am the only teacher in the city at the moment”

“Any is fine; I have no preference for any. But I must be able to defend myself to get out of town”

“Ok, take the wood weapons of that closet to your right and go to training camp, we are short of staff, I find you when I fill this paperwork.” Ivar said, taking a sheet from a small pile of papers on his desk.

in the training ground, Timber try to learn sword skills but after a couple of hours hitting the straw dummy with the wooden sword nothing happened, After approximately 4 more hours and some corrections on Timber footwork thanks to Ivar, a message showed up

Misstep of Sword (Passive)(Beginner lvl 1: 0%)You have the ability to use the sword but the hesitation in your heart, and your stubbornness to use the sword carried a fake sword technique.

You cannot learn any skills with swords, and the effects of other skills regarding swords will be denied.

Decline Attack Power with a sword (-100% ATK)

Decline Attack Speed with a sword (-50% ATK SPD)

Increases Attack Power without sword (+5% ATK)

Increases Attack Speed without sword (+1% ATK SPD)

Skill Proficiency increases normally without using a sword

Skill Proficiency increases three times when using a sword

* What?*

* What?*

* What?*

* Why?*

*hesitation in your heart*

At this point Riu think that perhaps the events that led to his flat nose were still in his sub conscious after all it took years to realize why he could not pass his degrees from average.


He was in a hotel after one of his escapes from home. had stolen some money from his parents, and found a Bible in his room and he could not get out during the day without being seen he sat down reading and strangely, his photographic memory worked well, he started to remember the last time he read a Bible and he could anticipate the words before reading, that was the first time which happened, the second was reading a magazine after moving to tokyo. Then he discovered that when he was feeling confidence in himself, his memory worked perfectly. And he truly felt very insecure with sword in hand because of that incident.

That incident where he had a Shinai in one hand and two types of blood on his Bogu, The blood from his nose and the blood of his older brother, all because the stupid wishes of his father.

……………………Three years before……………………

Riu 15 years of age his father took him and his eldest brother with 21 years, to a training center for Kendo, it was strange they usually train at home, at reach its destination an empty training room my father said.

“Riu, Rui now show me his ability with the Shinai”

My brother took a Shinai and positioned in the attack position.

“And your Bogu” Riu said, changing into his Bogu.

“Do not need it in my way” Rui said, watching his father.

As if reading his mind his father says.

“All prepare for battle in different ways”

$ And so against my brother with my heavy Bogu he started the battle, at first I just defended me but my confidence went up and when my brother attempted exploit its longer reach, I took a step further with such fast blow I did not see the hit, the jaw of my brother was dislocated and lost many teeth, the Shinai got into his mouth and hit his trachea, so strong that began to spit blood. And I just got a flat nose by the back of the grip of the hand of my brother. $


Timber discovered himself on the floor; sweating and breathing bad, his memories detonated a panic attack, and then lost consciousness due to a blow to his head. When he woke up Ivar was at his side apologizing for the blow to the head then Ivar said in a worried voice

“Sorry I have seen those symptoms before in soldiers that using a sword revived bad memories and entered that strange trance before death. my teacher recommended me to leave anyone with these symptoms unconscious, and apparently it worked.”

Note: NPC not know the psychology, or from mental Injuries.

“Thanks Ivar. The truth before falling, I got this strange ability Show Skill Misstep of Sword to Ivar”

Ivar began to read the window that appeared out of nowhere as if it were as common as reading a book at the end said.

“A misstep, I've heard of Secret Steps, unseen steps, but never a misstep. That you see is because I barely get to master sword, ax and hammer, as I'm only Grandmaster in shield. A Grandmaster in sword perhaps can explain this skill”

“For now I have to concentrate on axes, since I have not the necessary strength for a skill with hammers” Timber said.

“Good by the way, I also train you into the shield skill”

After a sleepless weekend hitting the straw dummy and eating the bland military rations, it was time for Riu to face college.

On college Riu was usually ignored but today was different, today everyone looked the fool who fell asleep in anatomy class. The class teacher, one of the few with a doctorate, was upset and took a chalk drawing on the blackboard an exact plane of the human body such as those typically seen into textbooks. Then with a chalk hits Riu waking him up, and says with a sinister look.


“Mr. Kitsutsuki, would have the goodness to point in that drawing all visible parts with their name in Latin”. Pointing to the blackboard

While everyone was laughing, waiting for Riu reply.

Riu took a piece of chalk and almost instantly he began to write, in 45 minutes the drawing on the blackboard had all parts properly identified and in Latin. Everyone in silence saw like Riu, sat down and went back to sleep. And the teacher with wide eyes retakes his class as if nothing happened. From then on Riu was known as the sleeping genius

Due his college classes Timber end his training in 7 weeks within the game. Timber shouted with happiness at the end.

“Show status window”.

Status WindowCharacter NameTimberAlignmentNeutralLevel1ClassNoneTitleUnexpected GardenerFame20Health500Mana220Strength50Agility68Vitality50Stamina50Intellect22Wisdom34Endurance14Ambient Affinity52Luck0Leadership0Attack16Defense0Magic ResistanceNone

Timber with its first night in the game, planting and reviving dead flowers had earned 12 points in intelligence, 24 in wisdom, 18 in agility, and to his surprise 38 in Ambient Affinity. And after training with Ivar who specializes in a balance between agility and stamina, had earned 40 points in all vitality, stamina, agility and strength. Timber also gained the stat endurance and earned 14 points in it. and unexpectedly he received another 14 points in Ambient Affinity. After earning the first point in Ambient Affinity during his training Timber read again the description of the stat.

Ambient AffinityOnly after reaching 50 points in it, you can begin to unravel its secrets

You are prohibited from distributing stat bonus points to this stat, and it rises spontaneously, depending on the avatar’s action, especially if your actions help plants, animals, and other species in contact with the environment. You can lose points if your actions are not balanced with the environment.

And when he managed to reach 50 points in Ambient Affinity another window showed up.

Ambient AffinitySecrets 1/5

Secret 1: Rises when your actions match your Ambient and its respective purpose also you will gain one unique skills according to your earlier actions into new environments without class restrictions.

Every 50 point in it a secret will be revealed until reaching 250 points where the last secret should be disclosed by the carrier.

You are prohibited from distributing stat bonus points to this stat, and it rises spontaneously, depending on the avatar’s action, especially if your actions help plants, animals, and other species in contact with the environment. You can lose points if your actions are not balanced with the environment.

*So that's why I keep earning strange abilities like Green Hands and Misstep of Sword *

Ivar at the end of his training told him

“I feel I cannot give you the reward of your training without blacksmiths, I have not enough weapons for the army and I am sorry I cannot offer you the knight class. Since you do not own abilities with the sword and all the knights must have the ability regardless of whether they are good or not in it”

“But neither will let you go with nothing. I think I figured out one of the secrets of that stat so unique. But actually I think it is very obvious”

“Do not leave me waiting what is?” Timber said impatiently

“Remember that during the first week of training did you manage to get to level 5 in ax skill and shield skill”

“If but this is normal the first few levels always go fast the same happened with my other skills”

“Is not normal, no foreigners can learn so fast and less a normal person, after all you were only 4 days that week, the rest of the time you were, wherever foreigners go when they disappear. But you quickly learn just happened that week, the first week.”

“I get it” When the idea formed in Timber mind a window appeared.

Ambient Affinity updated, new secret learnedBy learning a secret without the requirements

Ambient Affinity rises by 50 point.

Wisdom rises by 20 point.

Intellect rises by 10 point.

All the others stats rises by 2 point.Ambient AffinitySecrets 2/5

Secret 1: Rises when your actions match your Ambient and its respective purpose also you will gain one unique skill according to your earlier actions into new environments without class restrictions.

Secret 2: you will earn 40% more proficiency in all skills related to your new Ambient for a week. Only when enter into new environments.

Every 50 point in it a secret will be revealed until reaching 250 points where the last secret should be disclosed by the carrier.

You are prohibited from distributing stat bonus points to this stat, and it rises spontaneously, depending on the avatar’s action, especially if your actions help plants, animals, and other species in contact with the environment. You can lose points if your actions are not balanced with the environment.

* I cannot imagine how much proficiency I could have gained if I had known this before * Timber thought

“Also I know a way to get a legendary one-handed ax. And also you already know the person who can give the necessary quest is she who sent you to me.” Ivar said the last part in a whisper.

Another window shown Timber was surprised to see that it is a new skill and not a quest.

Gossips in the Wind (Active)(Beginner lvl 1: 0%)Your ability to gather information on the streets allows you to hear secrets and rumors as carried by the wind

Possibility of receiving quests from NPC 50% more

You can hear everything in a radius of 100 meters from your position.

Duration: 20 minutes.

Cost: 200 MP

Charging time 3 hours

*the only thing I've done in the streets is asking for information so it's no surprise that now that I was on the street in front of the training center my new skill seems destined to collect information but what about these strange names.* Timber thought

After saying goodbye to Ivar, Timber proved his new ability, on their way to Madame Clotild house, so Timber now know why no one answered his questions earlier. The people of the village is furious with foreigners no by the war which is apparently is a battle for a stronghold that prevents the passage from the east to west, the people are furious that some foreigners, a dancer and a bard, seduced all craftsmen convincing them to go to help in the war for free, Leaving the city of craftsmen without a way to make money.

As he approached his destination, he could see a large building that seemed made at joining four two-storey houses together, the building was run down with broken tiles, cracked walls, and a giant door with small holes with rust. At knock on the door the voice of Madame Clotild said.

“You you can pass Young”

A little surprised Timber entered, the hall was huge with two desks and two signs each, saying Guild of Carpenters to the right, Guild information to the left. On the desktop of the left was Madame Clotild.

“From your face I can say that Ivar dropped the tongue and told you about the ax. Later I'll have to teach him not to spread information about the former leader of the Guild of information.” Madame Clotild Said.

“Former leader of the Guild of information?”

“Yes, that's another story that would not leave my mouth without some gold coins, but since you know about the ax I'll tell how to get it, you just have to have carpentry mastery skill at intermediate level.” Madame Clotild said with a smile showing her missing teeth.

* may not be as easy is a legendary weapon after all * Timber thought

“Where is the trap?” Timber said in disbelief

“A young man with brain, the truth is that if there's a catch, carpentry mastery skill is for the carpenter class. And as you can see there are no carpenters, the last was my beloved husband who died a year ago”

“But I believed that all crafts can be learned with hard work without interfering with your class.”

“Yes, but the only way to get carpentry mastery without the class, is to have the skills Handicraft, Sculpture, Painting, Repair, Felling, Shipbuilding, Architect, Siege weapons crafting, Range weapons crafting and Wood specialist, and all in intermediate or higher level.”

“But I never heard of Siege weapons crafting, Range weapons crafting or Wood specialist Skills”

“Clearly you have not heard of them, these are hidden skills that can only be learned by combining several crafts. Now you understand that it is impossible to get the ax”

* But I have the Ambient Affinity stat* Timber thought

“Give me a chance. Lend me her husband's workshop, if I managed to get the ability in a week I get the ax.”

“Agree but if you fail, I'll have you thrown out of the village”

Legendary one-handed axYou must learn carpentry skills in less than a week and take it to intermediate level

Quest requirements:

Make an impossible bet with Madame Clotild

Know about the Legendary one-handed ax

Difficulty: A


Legendary one-handed ax

Familiarity with Madame Clotild to the maximum


In case of failure:

You will thrown out of the village

Familiarity with Woodfort citizens to the minimum

Will be a bounty on your head

Quest limit:

7 days time limit

All skills learned for this quest will be deleted upon failure.

You are not allowed to take this Quest again in case of either failure or denial to accept it.

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