《Slime of Gluttony》-Chapter 7- Don't Face your Problems, Run from them


Okay! I'm back from where I came from! You know, that whole circular room? Well, it actually took a while, and I met with a couple of monsters along the way, but we're fine! We're good, I'm okay. It's not like they would have attacked me either way!

You know, I'm just glad I managed to find my way back here. If I got lost in those endless halls of this maze, who knows what would have happened! I would forever lose control over my body and actions, that's what! Which, as we should all know, is bad, really bad. So, let's all thank my great sense of direction! Thank you, my amazing sense of direction!

[You have zero sense of direction. The only reason you got here is because I guided you.]

... I think you're wrong, I got here all on my own, okay?

[You didn't.]

Shut it! I don't want to hear your rotten lies!

Ahem, now with that over with, let's move on.

So, we're in that whole circle place as I said. There are actually a few places to go from here, but I have a certain idea of where to start.

Last time, I stuck to the left, and because I'm an idiot, I didn't think about how that strategy is used to complete a maze, not get out of one. So, I made it to the second floor instead of the exit.

This is exactly where my new idea comes from! What's the opposite of left? Right! So, clearly, I should follow the hall with torches, but go right instead! I know, I know, I'm a genius. You don't have to tell me what I'm already very aware of!

[Didn't you just say you were an idiot literally seconds ago?]

Haha! Shut up.


I don't have anything to actually do in this terrible place, so let's start trying to get out of here.

Here we go! Walking, once again. My most favourite time of the day! Not really, I'm so sick of this. God, I'm tired. I'm not even sure how much time I've been in this place! Whew, that's a slightly terrifying thought. I have no idea how much time I've been dead and gone from Earth... well, I kinda do since there's a time limit for me staying here unless I want to lose all ownership of my body or whatever.

Would you like to know your current remaining time until brainwashing has fully affected you? Yes No

Uh, no, I don't actually want to know how much time I have. That'd just stress me out more! You're as convenient as ever, though. I don't like how it was put through... fully affect me? Does that mean I'm already slightly being controlled?

... uh, that's usually where I'd get 'That was terribly obvious' or some sort of remark about my intelligence. What's with the silence?

Okay, I really don't like that... um... Oh! We're there! Actually, we're at where the path first diverges. Luckily for me, there are so more torches this way... which must mean people are supposed to go through it? Let's just pray and hope that I'm right.

Looks like just a straight line... weird, isn't it? Hm...

Let's just go.


THERE'S A DOOR! A door! And I know it isn't like that one that leads to the second floor! How do I know? Well, I don't. But it has to be an exit! It has to be!

So... the only thing to do now is to get it open.

Actually... the door slowly opened.

Wait, why's that happening? Huh? Please?


... a snout slowly made its way through the door, followed by the rest of the body of a certain canine creature. Like a wolf sorta.

I say sorta because... something is wrong. The fur on this wolf looks to be falling off, its skin is rotting, part of its skeleton is showing, and its eyes look totally dead. Not a thought behind that face.

Uh... is that a zombie? We're changing genres too quickly here, can I get a moment?

Oh, it's looking at me. Wait, it won't attack me! I almost forgot! Phew, I was sorta scared there for a moment.

Hey, why does the thing look like it's about to rip me apart? We're buddies, aren't we?

... AAAH!

It went to bite my neck! Straight for the kill! I quickly got out of the way, right before it would have ended me, or, kill this form. I've always had a decent reaction time... well, except for when it comes to cars.

Okay, calm down, why is it attacking me? What did I do, huh?

[It's not a Dungeon Monster, fool.]

Oh, hey, there you are. I was just about to say that, too! So, don't think you're all that special!

Wait, where exactly were you?

[You told me to shut up. I did.]

Oh yeah, I did say that! So that actually worked? Huh... pretty out of character for you.

For a moment, I almost forgot I was being attacked. But I was reminded by the zombie wolf thing once again rushing at me. Okay, look! I'm not the fighting type! Can't we just take a moment to talk about it?

It's chasing after me while I'm just running as fast as I can... I'll take that as a no.

Geez, this is literally bullying at this point! I know I've said it before, but can't I get a break? Nope, I can't! Because god and whatever other omnipotent beings of hate and making my life and my life specifically hell hates me!

God, even looking at the thing is hard! I'm not one for gore, and that thing is definitely leaning hard on the messed up side of things. What, you expect me to fight it? No! I'm like level one in this world! Or, I think level two at this point... still! I'm weak! Also, if movies have taught me right, you can only kill a zombie by destroying its head! So, I'm not sure if I can just bite it a couple times and wait for it to bleed out!

Yeah, Gluttony would probably work, but there's some risks to that! What if the thing resists it? Also, I just really don't want to eat that thing, or really even have it near me!

So, I'm running.

I'm not a coward, okay? I'm just not an idiot!

Maybe it'll stop following me eventually? I'm getting kind of tired... wait, lizards aren't like humans. While fit humans can regain stamina while on the run due to very nice evolutionary traits, we're pretty much unique in that! I'm going to run out of stamina eventually!

Well, I probably would if I was still human too. I mean, I'm not the fittest person...

Agh! I'm getting distracted!

... Wait.

It stopped following me.

Woohoo! It stopped chasing after me! I'm in the clear!

It looks like it doesn't want to come any farther into the dungeon. Now I can get that, this place is basically hell! I don't know how a place could get worse than this!

Damn it... what do I do now?

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